"Can you speak human words?"

Li Hao's face was so blue that he wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight with the shameless dead bird Qianye for 300 rounds!


What did it say?!

What do you mean you're half a kilo of scrap iron? It's eight Liang gold?

I'm kidding. I'm a real person now, okay?!

Do you still have that kind of food?

"I'm a poisonous bird. Of course I speak bird language. Why do I speak human words?"

Qianye didn't admit defeat at all. She tilted her head and asked.

Li Hao took a deep breath, grabbed the melon seeds in front of Qianye, and threw himself on a pile of them. Looking at Qianye, he said, "when killing gluttonous snakes, you should also have seen the strength of human beings in the cave realm. I can see through your attack and make defense and counterattack in advance. Why do you say you are better than me?"

At this moment, there was no anger, no dissatisfaction or anger in his tone.

The heart of a saint is not ashamed to ask questions.

He is now a real person, and he is also a real person practicing martial arts. He is not a real person like the sage of poetry, painting, calligraphy and chess in ancient times. He should be a real person with strong fighting power like Li Jiaqi. He is not stronger than Qianye, but he should not be weak. Why does Qianye solemnly say that he is inferior to it?

"First of all, it's about moves. Your martial arts moves are really chicken ribs. It's tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon."

Qianye saw Li Hao asking for advice with an open mind. He also patiently explained to him and said: "Your basic martial arts can only deal with ordinary martial arts, but in your cave state, even if you don't know any martial arts, those ordinary martial arts won't be your opponent. Once you fight the strong at the same level, the other party will have exquisite combat skills, but you only have a few ordinary skills. Why can you beat others?"

"This is reasonable."

Li Hao nodded. His five Qi Tianxin formula has now achieved little success, but he has a real yuan internal breathing, and there is no way to display the corresponding Taoism.

"What else do you compare with me? I'm a poisonous bird. You're human. Compare your combat effectiveness and destructiveness with me. Don't you ask for trouble?"

Qianye finished eating melon seeds on his side, opened his mouth and sucked more than half of those on Li Hao's side. He said leisurely: "even if you learn powerful war skills and Taoism, I won't be your opponent when you fight alone, but when it comes to killing, I can use poison to turn this city into a dead city in one day, can you?"

After listening to Qianye's words, Li Hao couldn't help shivering.

With poison, poisonous birds are highly poisonous spirits. This is its biggest killing move and the most difficult to prevent. If you compare with it in terms of large-scale lethality, you really can't catch up with it.

"Qianye, promise me to use less of your own toxicity in the future."

After touching Qianye's small head, Li Hao pushed all the melon seeds left in front of him in a serious tone: "I vaguely think that the reason why you poison birds are so rare that you are the only one left is that you used to use poison without scruples. It hurts Tianhe and will be contaminated with great cause and effect."

Feeling the concern in Li Hao's tone, Qianye's eyes showed a touch of emotion, but it soon covered up the past by itself.

Gao Leng shook his head and said, "look at my mood. Later, go out and buy me five bags of melon seeds with milk flavor. I can consider listening to you."

"Eat goods..."

Li Hao gave it a bad look, and then ignored it. Li Hao carefully wrapped the soil in his hand, then called the yellow dog and asked him to drive to the school to pick him up to the company.

Xi soil is a treasure that cannot be integrated into itself. The barefoot immortal proposed to Li Hao the idea of integrating Xi soil into the earth, and then planting fairy trees and TIANYAO trees there. This idea made Li Hao feel very moved.

Even if you get the seeds, you will certainly not be acclimatized to the nutrients of the human soil. There is no way to plant them successfully.

As the saying goes, oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and oranges born in Huaibei are oranges. If the problem of water and soil is not solved, it is impossible for people to plant living immortal trees.

But with the soil, there is a possibility!

Just think, if Li Hao can have an orchard full of fairy fruits, what is the benefit value?!

I'm afraid the products will be sold out as soon as they are pushed out!!

At that time, it will definitely be a cash cow not weaker than condensate dew and condensate!!

Through wechat in the three realms as a purchasing agent, take things from the underworld to the fairyland to exchange treasures, and then exchange treasures from the fairyland to the mortal for sale. After making money, buy some novel and interesting things from the mortal and sell them back to the fairyland and the underworld.

In this way, a circular benign purchasing industry chain has been formed, from which each party can make profits and enjoy it.

Of course, Li Hao, the central point of the purchasing chain, is the most profitable one!

The yellow dog was very efficient and soon drove to the gate of Huaxia Medical College.

Li Hao got on the bus with Xi soil and went straight to Haotian industry.

Before deciding which piece of land to integrate Xi soil into, Li Hao decided to save Xi soil in the underground secret base of Haotian industry.

There are the twelve immortals in Liuding and Liujia, who are guarded by puppets. There is no need to worry about security at all.

The car soon drove into Haotian industry. Li Hao thought a little, because he integrated the reason of the great bursts of Liuhe lock spirit. Within the scope of the large array, he can use the Reiki to make a blink. In addition, he recently entered the cave micro state, and his control of Reiki is more accurate. He doesn't have to spend time meditating and preparing, so he directly appeared in front of them in Liuding and Liujia.

"Master! Master!"

I haven't seen them for some days. The Liuding and Liujia people have grown taller. When they just recognized Li Hao as the main body, they were just young children. That's because they were taken out by the queen mother to trade with Li Hao before they were mature.

When Li Hao asked them to guard Ning Zhenlu, they themselves practiced in the Six Harmonies lock spirit array. As their accomplishments gradually become stronger, their appearance will gradually grow and mature until they become majestic adult immortal generals.

"Keep this for me."

Li Hao took out Xi soil and gave it to Jiazi.

"Don't worry, master!"

Jiazi's eyes lit up and said, "this baby is also of great benefit to our cultivation. We will take good care of it for our master!"

Li Hao nodded, then took out his mobile phone, opened Sanjie wechat and opened the dialog box of Yixian bianque.

This time, thanks to the treatment of the barefoot immortal, he earned another 3000 points of incense and willing strength, which is enough to continue to exchange for the five element divine needle, the wooden needle method!!

#####Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I'd like to ask you for a leave because of the exam. Let's make up for it after the exam. It's cold and the coders are frozen. Please give me some support, brothers!!

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