"Xianjun already knows what I ask?"

Seeing situ Xianjun's reply, Li Hao was pleasantly surprised.

"Well, the barefoot fairy told me before you came to me."

Situ Xianjun smiled and said, "you saved my old friend who has been friends for hundreds of years. If I don't help you with such a small favor, I won't be a man."

"What did Xianjun say..."

Li Hao said modestly, "I'm really grateful that Xianjun can help me."

"Hehe, we are all friends, so there is no need to say whether we are grateful or not."

Situ Xianjun was very cheerful and said, "the three kinds of fairy fruits just mentioned are not very rare. In this way, 3000 incense will be more powerful. I'll give you 100 seeds for each kind. If you can't take them back and plant them, you can also ask me to cancel the transaction."

"Thank you, Xianjun."

Li Hao thanked situ Xianjun, and then said in some embarrassment, "but Xianjun, I only have 1000 incense on hand. Do you think I can barter the rest with other things?"


Situ Xianjun was slightly stunned and said in a deep voice: "It's not impossible, but I've heard of some magic weapons you traded with them in the fairy world. I don't need them very much, whether it's Chanel, Polaroid or double bicycle. If you can't take out something that makes me excited, you'll have to wait until you save enough incense willing points."

"I still have one thing in my hand. I'm sure Xianjun will be interested."

Li Hao smiled, looked at the two TIANYAO tree seeds next to Xi soil and said to situ Xianjun: "to tell you the truth, I still have a TIANYAO tree seed in my hand. The TIANYAO tree has been extinct in the fairy world. If Xianjun takes back this seed and cultivates it carefully, this extinct plant can reappear in the fairy world!"

"Do you still have TIANYAO tree seeds?!"

Situ Xianjun was obviously very surprised and said in surprise: "although TIANYAO tree seed is not very precious for TIANYAO family, TIANYAO family is famous for its temperament. It's not easy to get a TIANYAO tree seed from them. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyou still has one!"

Li Hao was proud and joked. What if the demons were stingy again? Where was there room for bargaining in front of Tu Feng, the powerful and domineering king of the underworld?

To put it bluntly, big fists are the last word!

Don't mention ordinary TIANYAO tree seeds, even the seeds of the totem tree of TIANYAO family, doesn't he also have one?

"If you are willing to exchange that TIANYAO tree seed, I am very happy!"

Situ Xianjun said, "well, a thousand incense wish points, plus a seed of TIANYAO tree, I'll give you 100 seeds of Golden Millet, purple jade fire jujube and flat peach!"


Situ Xianjun is a cool person, and Li Hao naturally won't wriggle. With a big wave, they applied for a transaction through three wechat.

"Situ Xianjun asked for a transaction. Are you sure?"

In front of the dialog box, Li Hao pressed the confirm button.


The golden light flashed, the TIANYAO tree seed Li Hao put in front of the mobile phone screen disappeared, and the 1000 incense wish points in his three wechat wallet were removed, replaced by the three small bags in front of him.

"How fragrant!"

Li Hao opened one of the bags and a smell of fragrance immediately came to his face, making Li Hao feel refreshed.

The seeds of this fairyland fruit tree are indeed extraordinary. As soon as Qianye saw these generations of seeds, his small eyes immediately emitted light, fluttered and flew over with wings, and shouted excitedly: "melon seeds, my melon seeds!"

"Fuck you, this is not Qiaqia fragrant melon seeds!"

Li Hao was so frightened that he quickly tied the mouth of the bag, so that the cargo bird wouldn't eat the fairy tree seeds he finally changed as melon seeds.


Qianye looked at Li Hao angrily, still staring at the small bag in his arms. Ao Jiao said, "ah, no, I can't control myself. I really want to go out to poison!"

"Don't, don't, don't make trouble, little ancestor, will you?"

Li Hao quickly comforted the little guy and said, "will you go out and buy you three bags of Qiaqia fragrant melon seeds later? And it's your favorite milk flavor!"

"Three bags?"

Hearing Li Hao's words, Qianye's small eyes turned. After thinking for a moment, he bargained: "three bags are not enough, five bags!"


In fact, with Li Hao's current financial resources, it is not a problem to buy Qiaoxiang melon seeds by ton. However, in order not to let Qianye advance an inch, he still made a very embarrassed look, as if he had made a great determination. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said, "as long as you are obedient, five bags will be five bags!"

"You have to add a bottle of snow beer!"

Qianye added proudly with his small head.

Li Hao was almost killed by this little guy. NIMA! Look at this rhythm, it is not only a food, but also an alcoholic!

"OK! No more!"

"That's about it first."


After leaving the company, Li Haoshun went to Ruyi building, because he promised to have dinner with Liu Yuying and ling'er in the evening.

Ling'er followed them to the Pearl and settled in Ruyi building for the time being. Now she spends most of her day in cross legged meditation to digest the magnificent knowledge passed on to her by the sage ancestor Shennong emperor.

Perhaps because of the holy way induction, Li Hao and ling'er always have a sense of empathy. Sometimes they can understand each other's meaning without words and a look.

Shennong tripod is also well integrated with ling'er, but ling'er has no way to use it now. After all, this tripod was once a sage magic instrument that blessed the world. Although the blood purity of Shennong emperor in ling'er is very high, it still takes a lot of time to really master this tripod.

Li Hao is going to arrange a position for ling'er in Haotian industry so that she can explain to her family what she does in Mingzhu. Otherwise, her daughter suddenly runs to Mingzhu for no reason and settles down. Ling'er's parents will be confused.

Like Li Hao's idea, ling'er doesn't want to tell her parents about Xianming and sages. It's a great impact on ordinary people. She just hopes they can live a stable and peaceful life.

After leaving the Ruyi building, Li Hao asked the yellow dog to send him back to Huaxia Medical College again.

Soon the brothers will go their separate ways and go to practice. Li Hao wants to cherish every minute and second he can stay with them.

As soon as he opened the bedroom door, Li Hao was stunned by the scene in front of him.

There was a big handful of bright red roses in the spacious bedroom, and Lin Wei, who had never been slovenly, asked Zhang Kun and Huang Ning to help him figure out what clothes to wear in front of the mirror.

"What is this?"

Although he had guessed, Li Hao asked.

"Haozi, you're back just in time!"

Huang Ning spread his hand and said, "fat man is crazy. He really wants to confess to Dong Xiaowan!!" ####### finally got home. It will be updated and normal tomorrow. Sorry, everyone

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