
Li Hao was a little confused.

When Lin Wei was at the barbecue stand that night, he really shouted to find Dong Xiaowan to confess, but Li Hao thought it was just the drunken talk of Lin Wei. In his heart, Dong Xiaowan had always been a goddess who could be seen from a distance but not molested. They didn't think this guy would have the courage to confess to her.

But unexpectedly, this guy really made up his mind to confess to Dong Xiaowan!

"Haozi, what do you think of me?"

When Lin Wei saw Li Hao coming back, it was like seeing the Savior. He set aside Huang Ning and Zhang Kun, ran to him and said, "can you help me with my reference?"

"To tell you the truth, it's so mean."

Li Hao touched his chin and said, "why don't you do this? If you want to really make a big change, I'll take you to find Hua Fei yesterday. He has a special designer. Let him help you tailor it."


Lin Wei's eyes lit up in an instant. Last night, Hua Feifei walked into the police station to help them out. He still remembers his elegant appearance. If his designer could help him design, wouldn't he be so handsome?

"It's not a big deal."

Li Hao smiled and then said, "don't take measures tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to find Hua Fei yesterday."


Lin Wei jumped up excitedly, took off his clothes quickly, and then folded them carefully.

Early the next morning, Huang Ning's uncle sent someone to pick him up from the school with a car. His internship in the hospital has been arranged. He will soon move to the staff dormitory of the hospital. Otherwise, it is too far and inconvenient to go to the hospital from the school dormitory.

"Brothers, my number doesn't change. Call me more!"

Huang Ning took the box, turned around and looked at Li Hao who came out to give him a forced smile, then focused on blinking at Lin Wei and said, "fat man, come on, I wish you can hold the beauty back!!"

"Hey, weasel, when you go to a new place, remember to change your mouth to avoid losses."

Lin Wei also smiled and patted him on the shoulder. His eyes were slightly red.

"Let's go. Go there when you're free. Call me and cover food and accommodation!"

Huang Ning waved, then patted his ass, turned on the van and drove away from the school without looking back.

"Haozi, please take the fat man to do modeling. I'm going to take Molly to eat with Irene today. I've been to Mingzhu University for three years, but I haven't eaten an authentic and good western food. I'm going to take an examination of civil servants in my hometown. I have to make up for her."

Zhang Kun smiled. He and Molly are ready to go home these two days.


Li Hao took out a card from his pocket, stuffed it into Zhang Kun's hand and said, "I haven't had any chance to thank the sheriff for his care in recent years. You and Molly should be invited by me. You're welcome. If you push away, you won't take me as a brother."


Zhang Kun took the card handed over by Li Hao, hesitated for a moment, figured it out, smiled and said, "yes! I'll have the cheek to take it down. Anyway, my brother is mixed well, and I'm not embarrassed to touch some light."

"Well, fat man, let's go."

Seeing that Zhang Kun took the card, Li Hao smiled and took Lin Wei towards the school gate.

He has received a call. Hua Fei brought someone to pick them up yesterday.

"Brother Hao'er, get in the car."

The window rolled down, revealing Hua Fei's beautiful and handsome face yesterday.

"You have become a little boss now. It's almost the same if you don't talk about managing everything every day. Do you still go there in person?"

Li Hao opened the door and said to Hua Fei yesterday.

"Brother Hao'er, it's mean of me to say so."

Hua Fei shook his head with a smile yesterday and said, "besides, the main project of our Huarong group is the condensate and condensate in cooperation with Haotian industry. What if I don't serve you well?"

Lin Wei seemed a little stiff in the car. His home came from a small village on the border between Yunnan and Myanmar. He was the one who stood out in their village and got the mountain. However, when facing the big and small family like Hua Fei yesterday, he still didn't even dare to breathe.

It's not that he counsels, but that this aura really has no way to ignore. The gap between the superior and the inferior is invisible, but it really exists.

When the car started, Li Hao smiled and talked with Hua Fei yesterday. After talking about Zuo Feifei's return to Yanjing, Hua Fei lamented that Yanjing is at the foot of the emperor. Moreover, with China's increasing international status in the world, Yanjing's development is changing with each passing day. Zuo Feifei is a rich family there. If Zuo Feifei can be reused by the family, Future achievements will be unlimited.

Li Hao suddenly felt that he should call Peng ting and ask her when she would return home. He was really black in his eyes for Yanjing, but if he asked Peng Ting, he would have a lot of harvest. After all, the biological parents who took her back from the orphanage were also big people from Yanjing.

All the way, in the state of Li Haodong's Micro realm, even if you don't have to stretch your head out of the window to see, you can feel that around the car Huafei sat yesterday, four cars always guard their cars in the middle. Even in Mingzhu, where the traffic situation is so complex, they can always maintain an orderly formation, which is very professional.

Obviously, this is the treatment only after Hua Fei became the orthodox successor of Hua yesterday. For professional bodyguards of this level, I'm afraid each commission can be spent by ordinary people for many years.

The car stopped in the old house where Hua Fei lived yesterday. A man dressed with artistic atmosphere was already waiting in the living room.

"Alan, it's this friend. Help me design a charming shape for him!"

After entering the house, Hua Fei gently pushed Lin Wei, who was still looking at the furnishings of Hua's old house in amazement, and said faintly.

"No problem, Mr. Hua."

Alan bowed politely, then stretched out his hand to Lin Wei and said, "this way, sir."

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Allen who came to measure his waist with a tape measure, Lin Wei stepped back and asked.

"Measure your figure, sir."

Alan explained with a smile.

"No, No."

Lin Wei waved his hand again and again and said, "I don't make clothes. Just help me design a shape and choose from my clothes."

With that, Lin Wei opened the bag he carried with him, smiled shyly and said, "the clothes you made for me don't have a brand, or these Adidas and Nike look more dignified."

Alan looked at the clothes in Lin Wei's bag in surprise. He froze and couldn't speak for a moment.

Li Hao and Hua Fei looked at each other yesterday and said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Allen, just listen to him. Please help him design a suitable hairstyle and clothes, even if it's OK."


Alan looked at Lin Wei in some embarrassment. After a long time, he barely swallowed his saliva and said, "OK."

Looking at Lin Wei, who was taken to the back by Allen to get his hair style, Hua Fei said to Li Hao with a headache yesterday: "brother Hao, do you think your brother can still be saved?"

"Not now."

Li Hao pursed his mouth, his deep eyes seemed to see through the future, and said faintly: "but maybe after he confessed, it will be different."

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