"Haozi, you..."

Lin Wei's face was pale. In fact, he was not stupid. How could he not see what Dong Xiaowan meant?

However, when the feeling is deep, people can't help but deceive themselves and become blind and deaf. What they see and hear is modified according to their subconscious expectations. Even being hurt and used will be happily regarded as the performance of care and the test of love.

Lin Wei is like this now.

"Xiao Wan, she's just... Just more cautious."

Lin Wei swallowed his saliva and said pale.

"Well, you watch a play with me."

However, Li Hao, who was determined to wake up this guy, ignored his explanation and said, "right now, just after you sent Dong Xiaowan flowers, I'll let Hua Fei go to ask her again yesterday, and you'll see the results by yourself!"

With that, no matter what Lin Wei's reaction was, he grabbed Lin Wei and took him to a car at Hua's house at the school gate.

Li Hao is now in the realm of human beings. The five Qi Tianxin formula has also cultivated the realm of three Qi. Although Lin Wei is very strong, he can't resist in his hand. He struggled to be dragged into the car by Li Hao.

Hua Fei took care of his long shirt yesterday, touched a mirror, looked at his beautiful and handsome face, and sighed: "for brother Hao'er, you can only sacrifice your hue. I hope Xiaoxue won't know, otherwise you will be angry when you go back."

After all this, he walked towards Dong Xiaowan's dormitory building, handed an invitation to the hostel aunt, and politely said, "aunt, can you do me a favor and give this invitation to the girl who just went downstairs to collect flowers?"

In the afternoon, Li Hao made a backup plan with him. If Dong Xiaowan didn't accept Lin Wei but continued to hang him, they would use this plan to let Hua Fei play a play yesterday to help Lin Wei wake up completely.

"Young man, the school has regulations. We can't help you chase girls!"

Even at the age of the hostess, she was stunned when she saw Hua Fei yesterday. Then the aunt shook her hand in principle and refused.

"Auntie, is this the scar you accidentally left when you were young?"

Hua Fei chuckled yesterday, but didn't give up. Instead, she turned her eyes to aunt's hand and gave a little meal. Then she took out a small jade bottle from her pocket and said, "aunt, this is a hot condensate on the market recently. It only takes a few drops to make the scar on your hand disappear. Have you heard of it?"

After listening to Hua Fei's words yesterday, aunt's eyes lit up again, stared at the little jade bottle in his hand without blinking, nodded with excitement and said, "what I've heard, what I've heard!"

However, with her meager salary, it is not easy to support her family. She can't even afford ordinary cosmetics, let alone condensate and condensate.

"Now it's yours."

Hua Fei smiled yesterday and stuffed the little jade bottle into her aunt's hand. She smiled and said, "I'm really in a hurry. Can you ask my aunt to help me?"


Holding Ning Zhenlu tightly in her hand, the hostess bit her teeth, stamped her feet and nodded: "yes! Aunt is also young. What she appreciates most is a good boy like you. They all say that I'd rather tear down ten temples than destroy a marriage. If I don't fulfill you, am I still human?"

With that, she carefully put Ning Zhenlu into her pocket, then got up, opened the door and trotted into Dong Xiaowan's dormitory.

Li Hao pulled Lin Wei to watch. Soon, Dong Xiaowan appeared downstairs again. When she saw that the flower in a long shirt was not yesterday, she was obviously stunned.

Hua Fei came forward at the right time yesterday and said a few words to Dong Xiaowan. Even if she was far away, she could see Dong Xiaowan's shy expression. Then Hua Fei leaned over yesterday and gracefully made an "please" gesture. Dong Xiaowan smiled and took Hua Fei's arm and walked out with him.


Li Hao looked at Lin Wei, who was stiff beside him, and asked coldly.

"Maybe she just made friends with him?"

Lin Wei clenched his fist and was still stiff in his mouth.

"Then keep watching."

With that, after Hua Fei got on the car with Dong Xiaowan yesterday, Li Hao patted the dead shoulder and motioned him to turn on the car audio-visual system.

The picture flickered, and soon Dong Xiaowan and Hua Fei appeared in the car behind.

On the monitor, Dong Xiaowan has skillfully leaned on Hua feiyesterday's shoulder, and the corners of her eyes are charming. Hua feiyesterday is whispering something in her ear. From time to time, she sends out a shy smile on her face, looking very happy.

Hua Fei kept smiling yesterday and glanced at the camera from time to time. Dong Xiaowan didn't know, but he naturally knew all this.

The car soon stopped at the door of a bar on this bar street in 1998. Hua Fei walked in with Dong Xiaowan's hand yesterday and sang and danced. Hua Fei was worthy of being the golden finger of a nightclub in the high-end cocktail party of the Pearl for many years. Even if she was wearing a simple long shirt, she was not inferior at all. She danced and rubbed with Dong Xiaowan, Like a couple in love.

Li Hao and Lin Wei are sitting in a corner card seat. From this angle, we can clearly see Hua Fei yesterday and Dong Xiaowan. We can see their blood spurting dance with the rhythm. We can see that Dong Xiaowan has almost hung on Hua Fei yesterday, and even intentionally or unintentionally stirred his waist and hips to rub the sensitive parts of Hua Fei yesterday's lower body.

Li Hao ordered a glass of wine and drank it himself. Lin Wei just stared at Dong Xiaowan and Hua Fei on the dance floor. His eyes were red, he tightly closed his lips, and even bit out blood.

He only sent her flowers tonight, but she was so close to him under the charm of flowers. If Lin Wei had a little weight in her heart, it wouldn't be like this.

Hua Fei sat next to Dong Xiaowan after a hot dance yesterday and had some wine. A few hours later, they went out of the bar and returned to the car again.

Li Hao dragged the walking dead Lin Wei back to their car and looked at Hua Fei yesterday and Dong Xiaowan on the car display.


Hua Fei asked softly yesterday.

"Tired, but happy."

I don't know whether it's the reason for hot dancing or drinking wine. Dong Xiaowan's pretty face is bright red and her eyebrows are affectionate. She leaned against the flower and said not yesterday.

"Then don't go back tonight. I know there is a five-star hotel nearby. Let's have a good rest nearby."

Hua Fei, an experienced lover of yesterday's love scene, wanted to tease Dong Xiaowan. Naturally, it was easy to catch, and soon entered the theme.


Five star hotel, Dong Xiaowan doesn't understand these five words?

But after a coquettish hum, she didn't refuse.

The car stopped in front of Meihua hotel. Hua Fei got out of the car and walked in with Dong Xiaowan with a shy and excited face yesterday.

"See here, what will happen later, needless to say?"

Li Hao didn't get out of the car, but looked at Lin Wei who was silent beside him and said.

Lonely men and women, go to the hotel to open a room in the middle of the night, whether it is a five-star luxury hotel or a small hotel at the back door of the school, there will be no difference in what they do.


Lin Wei roared, suddenly opened the door and rushed out.

"Follow him far away and don't let anything happen to him."

Li Hao told the driver that he didn't go after Lin Wei. He knew that at this time, he needed to be quiet and digest the contrast of waking up from his deceptive dreams.

After getting out of the car, he turned and walked towards the Meihua Hotel

#####The second watch, and the third watch tonight! Do what you say!!

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