"Ding Dong!"

The door of the elevator opened slowly. Li Hao stepped out, took out a room card from his pocket, brushed open the door of the president's suite and went in.

In the luxurious and spacious suite living room, Hua Fei was sitting on a chair opening red wine yesterday, while Dong Xiaowan was standing beside with a puzzled face. When she saw Li Hao coming in, she screamed in surprise.

When she first saw Huafei yesterday, Dong Xiaowan was only attracted by his elegant temperament. In addition, Huafei yesterday was very polite and gave her a good impression, so she agreed to go out with him without much hesitation.

When she got on the car of Huafei yesterday, she was even more pleased. The latest sedan of Mercedes Benz S series, and the interior is still top-level configuration. It is absolutely appropriate for a rich second generation to be able to afford this luxury car!

Under the double impact of Hua Fei's charm and her strong family background and financial resources, she basically followed him without any resistance and agreed to spend the night outside after dancing.

She doesn't expect Cinderella to become a princess overnight, but it's easy to sleep with such a handsome man and fall in love. Apart from others, it's still easy to earn a few luxury bags, clothes and cosmetics?

And now in this society, women are not sure to be men's prey. Occasionally, there are women whose roles are transformed into hunters who can spend Spring nights with handsome men at this level. Dong Xiaowan feels that she has made a lot of money, not to mention the material rewards she can get in the future.

Just thinking about this, she felt as if her legs were wet.

But to Dong Xiaowan's surprise, Hua Fei, who still had a hot relationship with her all the way to the door of the hotel, suddenly became cold after she got out of the elevator and entered the presidential suite. She let go of her hand and didn't talk to herself. Even she leaned over to take off his long shirt, which was pushed away by Hua Fei yesterday.

Dong Xiaowan was confused. Looking at Hua Fei pouring wine yesterday, he thought he wanted to have more foreplay, but he didn't expect Li Hao to push the door and come in at this time.

It was like an affair was suddenly broken by someone. Dong Xiaowan involuntarily screamed.

Naturally, she knows Li Hao. In other words, in today's Huaxia Medical College, no one knows Li Hao from the teacher and principal to the newly enrolled freshmen.

Honorary president of Huaxia Medical College and master Chen Yu of traditional Chinese medicine!

At the Chinese and Western medicine exchange conference, the Chinese medicine team fighting on behalf of the mainland saved face and defeated the western medicine team from Edinburgh medical college in the UK!

At the gate of the Pearl Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, I fought with Wang ningwei, a small needle. As a result, one needle woke up international friends and defeated Wang chuanren, an orthodox traditional Chinese medicine!

There are even rumors secretly that the princelings, the leaders of Huaxia Medical College, disappeared and were all sent abroad because they provoked this guy!

These deeds, taken out alone, are enough to impress people. When all these things are related to one person, there is no doubt that this is a legend!

Dong Xiaowan is also a student of Huaxia Medical College. How could she not know Li Hao?

But immediately she had some doubts. Although Li Hao had unlimited scenery in the school, she was just a student in her impression. According to her surrounding friends, Li Hao had always earned his living expenses by being a wechat merchant in his circle of friends and purchasing some unreliable things on behalf of others before the rise of the comet.

Even if Li Hao now has such a good master as Chen Yu, he has risen, but Dong Xiaowan doesn't think he will have any money.

Just a beautiful student. What money can I have? How can you enter such an upscale hotel at will?

This is what Dong Xiaowan thinks now.

This is also normal, who contacts what kind of circle.

As Dong Xiaowan, how can you know the earth shaking events made by Li Hao in the top business circle of the Pearl?

"Brother Hao'er, if you come in without knocking, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if I were going to do something inappropriate for children?"

Hua Fei sipped the red wine in the glass yesterday and said with a smile.

"If so, I'll go out."

Li Hao didn't smile. He shrugged lightly, and then his eyes moved to Dong Xiaowan next to him.

Hua Fei also knew yesterday that Li Hao was not in the mood to joke. He was witty and shut up. He drank red wine and stopped talking.

"You can stay in this presidential suite for one night. You can have whatever you want to drink and eat."

Li Hao looked at Dong Xiaowan, coldly took out another card from his pocket and threw it in front of Dong Xiaowan. He said faintly, "there are still 100000 Chinese dollars in it, which should be your appearance fee tonight. Also, don't contact Lin Wei in the future. Do you hear me?"

"Lin Wei?"

Dong Xiaowan looked at the bank card in front of her and blinked her big eyes. It was not until Li Hao mentioned the word Lin Wei that she thought of the infatuated fat man who had just sent herself a big bunch of roses a few hours ago.

"He and I are just friends, why not..."

Dong Xiaowan was still ready to argue, but she was just halfway there. Seeing Li Hao's cold eyes, she suddenly felt that her whole body was like falling into an ice hole. In the late summer, she even felt a sharp cold!

"You know what? Just because you are still friends with him, you can still talk to me and take the money I gave you."

Li Hao looked at Dong Xiaowan coldly and said gritting his teeth.

Lin Wei was his brother who slept together every day and drank and bragged together. He saw his brother hurt like this by a woman. Even if Li Hao directed the injury to wake him up, it did not affect his disgust for Dong Xiaowan.

Dong Xiaowan didn't promise to be Lin Wei's girlfriend today, so she dated and opened a house with Hua Fei yesterday. This is her own freedom. She just trampled on Lin Wei's kindness to her, so Li Hao didn't punish her, and not only didn't punish her, but also gave her money in order to make her stop teasing Lin Wei in the future.

But if Dong Xiaowan accepted Lin Wei's confession today, but still couldn't resist the temptation and came out with Hua Fei yesterday, it would be betrayal!

At that time, don't mention getting the money given to her by Li Hao. Li Hao will certainly deal with her without hesitation!

Li Hao is such a person. Sometimes his means are flexible, like there is no bottom line, but sometimes he is a person with clear boundaries. He goes online on the outline and will not be tolerated as soon as he crosses the thunder pool!

This is the human heart. It is unpredictable. Different situations will have different changes. There is only a big direction, but there is no specific track.

Even the true heart of a saint is the same!

"It's his business that he likes you. It's your freedom that you don't like him, but you shouldn't hang on to him all the time. You don't want to be close, but you always give him hope."

Li Hao stared at Dong Xiaowan coldly and said in a cold voice, "now delete all his contact information in front of me. Don't tease him again. Don't be lucky to think I won't know. You can try, but believe me, you can't afford the consequences."

With that, Li Hao walked out of the presidential suite without hesitation.

"Well, for the sake of dancing with me just now, as a gentleman, let me give you another piece of advice."

Put down the wine glass in his hand. Hua Fei looked at Dong Xiaowan who was stunned next to him yesterday, patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't fight against him. Let me tell you, all the people who fight with him are either ill in the hospital, locked up in prison, or... Dead!"

With that, he quickly followed Li Hao out, leaving only Dong Xiaowan, who was still in a daze, trembling against the wall... ##### the third watch!! I've been writing nonstop since this morning. Now, except for eating and drinking water, I don't even go to the toilet. Finally, I updated the third watch early! The old waist is already sore, and his fingers are too cold to feel. Spit blood for a wave of subscription and reward! The baby is going to have a good rest

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