"Thanks for today's business."

Out of the hotel, Li Hao said to Hua Fei yesterday.

It's actually for Lin Wei that he made such a big fuss today. This fat man is Li Hao's own brother. He should take it for granted. But Hua Fei was not his family yesterday. He helped Lin Wei so much. It's purely for Li Hao's face. Li Hao can't help but accept this feeling.

"Why are you so polite? Aren't we brothers?"

Hua Fei smiled carelessly yesterday, and then said, "in fact, those things that are busy with entertainment and business all day are also very boring. If you get involved in this kind of thing, you will find it very interesting."

He stretched his waist, showed a melancholy smile on his face that seemed to have never had any trouble, sighed and said, "I really envy Lin Wei's fat man. You are a good brother who doesn't have blood relatives but cares about him so much."

Li Hao was silent. He knew that although it was his long cherished wish to bring down Hua Lingtong and support him to the top, in fact, when this wish finally came true, apart from the hometown owner Hua Jiansheng, the worst thing in his heart was that Hua Fei was not yesterday.

Brothers kill each other and fratricide each other. After all, it is a helpless but heartbreaking thing.

In fact, in his heart, he is also eager to get along well with his own brother

It's a pity that many things in the world often don't follow people's heart completely.

"Love has come to an end,

Hate and give up promises,

Fate thinks it's funny. I have too many ideas. I can't help it.

How sad is it to be ambitious?

How many people can you stay with a close friend?

Looking back,

But the smell and smile spread in a drunken dream... "

Alone, Hua Fei sang a song in his mouth yesterday. Li Hao listened to it really. This song is called "carefree sigh".

Carefree sigh, sigh carefree, the ancient madness and the present madness finally become empty. There are a few people who seem free and easy in the world who don't hide painful stories in their hearts.

But Li Hao also knows that this sad flower will only drink alone unless it was yesterday. Some people understand that he is pleased that no one understands, and he will not complain. If he gets it, he is doomed to lose others. Giving up and getting is the way of heaven.

Inexplicably, Li Hao couldn't help thinking of his brother, Li Jiaqi.

That day, Liu Yuying was so painfully and coldly rejected, and then left alone.

Presumably, his heart should also be very bitter

"Daomen? If I have a chance, I'll go back and have a look."

Li Hao took a deep breath. Although he didn't have any clue to contact the people in that circle, he had a feeling that their brothers would meet again in the future!

Back in the dormitory, Lin Wei didn't come back, but the people of the flower family followed and took care of him. Li Hao wasn't worried about what would happen to him. In the final analysis, he had to get out of the shadow by himself. Li Hao could only help wake him up, and the rest had to rely on himself.

After chatting with Zhang Kun, listening to him praising the professionalism and style of the western restaurant, Li Hao was warm in his heart and was willing to do as little as he could for his good brothers.

Lin Wei didn't return all night. It was not reported by the driver of last night's family. Last night, he walked alone in the street for a long time, and then went to the bar and got drunk. Moreover, he didn't bring any money. Fortunately, the driver followed to help wipe his ass, otherwise I'm afraid something would really happen.

Now drunk, he has been sent to the hotel to rest. It's no big deal.

Li Hao was completely relieved.

After hanging up the driver of Huajia, Li Hao's mobile phone soon vibrated again.

Li Hao saw that it was Zhuo Yanyu.


Smiling, Li Hao connected the phone. He remembered that he hadn't seen the swallow for a long time. He smiled and said, "how's the swallow recently?"

"Do you know who I am?"

At the other end of the phone came the angry voice of the little swallow, who complained: "I thought president Li was so busy every day and had forgotten me!"

"No, how dare you?"

Li Hao smiled. He also knew that Zhuo Yanyu was joking with him, and he was busy snubbing Zhuo Yanyu recently. His heart was also a little guilty.

Although it was Li Hao who planned and planned the layout of Hua Lingtong, the main attacker was Zhuo Yanyu.

At the beginning of the price war, it was her who called the people of the Quality Supervision Bureau to check Huarong group. After Hua Lingtong was admitted to the hospital, it was her who sent plainclothes police to closely monitor everything around the hospital. In the end, she was responsible for a series of operations, from arresting Hua Lingtong to sentencing.

It can be said that without her, please move your father Zhuo Yishan to come forward. With the identity of the first heir of the flower family at that time, you can imagine the great resistance in Mingzhu to catch him!

This is not only because Zhuo Yishan is the first leader of the Pearl City Bureau, but also because the Zhuo family is a veteran of the southern military region. He is the kind of founding fathers who have to tremble when they hide from the military region!

If not for this background, with Li Hao's inside information, it is impossible to move hualingtong.

At this level, it is often more than just financial resources and mind. Taking advantage of the situation, the strength of power is the key to the final decision!

"Tell me how to compensate me."

Zhuo Yanyu also "poop" smiled and deliberately angrily opened his mouth.

"Isn't it all right to listen to the queen?"

Li Hao smiled. He thought for a moment that he had nothing to do recently. It was time to make up for Zhuo Yanyu.

Although Zhuo Yanyu helped him because he liked him and did everything willingly, it would be too cold for him if he accepted without paying.

It's hard to accept beauty's kindness

"The weather is fine today. I want to go boating on Chongming lake. Please accompany me."

Zhuo Yanyu opened his mouth without thinking. It seems that he had thought about it long before he called.


Li Hao nodded and agreed.

Lake and mountain scenery, Chongming lake is also a very famous scenic spot, and Li Hao has never been there. Since Zhuo Yanyu wants to go, it is natural to accompany her.

After leaving the school, Li Hao didn't call the yellow dog again. He came to see him off from Haotian industry. He stopped a taxi and rushed to Chongming lake.

"Target out, alone."

In a small alley not far from the back door of Huaxia Medical College, a man holding a walkie talkie said coldly, "I'll follow the inquiry, and the wolves are waiting for the opportunity!"

When he started the car, the man licked his lips and said in a cold voice, "kill, eat meat!!" ##### first

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