The scenery of the lake and the mountain is suitable, and the surface of the pond is not polished.

Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu are sitting in a small boat like a dragon boat. Li Hao paddles gently. Zhuo Yanyu sits opposite him with his gills. His waterfall like long hair pours down from one side of his shoulder and shines with a misty luster in the sun. A fragrance unique to girls sneaks with the wind and enters Li Hao's breath quietly, refreshing.

"It's beautiful."

After a long time, Zhuo Yanyu murmured, took back his eyes from the lakes and mountains on both sides, looked at Li Hao with burning eyes, and said softly, "are you tired?"

"Not tired."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head.

"In fact, you don't have to row all the time. Sometimes, going with the tide may not be another freedom."

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Li Hao's hands gently swinging the oar and said if there was a point.

"I still like things under my control."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head. He didn't stop. Then he looked pitiful and sighed: "in fact, I'm a very timid person. It's too insecure to drift with the tide."


Zhuo Yanyu was amused by Li Hao's fake poor cute appearance and said with a smile: "Pearl's most successful young entrepreneur said he was timid and said he lacked a sense of security. If this word spread, I'm afraid many people will laugh off their big teeth?"

"Shh, then you must keep it a secret for me."

Li Hao nodded seriously and said, "those guys care about their image. If they laugh off their teeth, they will hate me."

"Are there few people who hate you?"

Zhuo Yanyu whitened Li Hao's eyes and said, "let alone those opponents who were pulled down by you. It's you, Ning Zhenlu, who developed like a rocket. How many peers have been blocked from making money? I guess, many people curse you for dying young before going to bed every day!"


Li Hao was speechless by Zhuo Yanyu's fierce plagiarism. The worst thing is that he thought carefully. What Zhuo Yanyu said seems to be really reasonable.

"It's really hurtful of you to say that. I always thought I was actually very popular!"

Li Hao took back one hand and covered his forehead with an expression of "I'm very tired".

"But there are also many people who love you!"

Zhuo Yanyu pulled his finger and said, "look, your little junior sister named Chenxi, and me, well, and sister Feifei, look..."

Looking at the "serious" look of her wrench finger, Li Hao was so frightened that he quickly smiled and turned off the topic. This goblin girl was afraid that she would not be her opponent in her life.

"Li Hao, Doctor Li Hao!!"

The boat was rippling in the center of the lake. Suddenly, a cry with a bad foreign accent came from the side.


Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu were slightly stunned at the same time. They turned their heads and looked at the sound. They saw two young foreign girls sitting in a small boat on the lake not far from them, waving their hands at him excitedly!

"Emma Alice?"

There are not many foreigners who have met Li Hao. Apart from those guys from the medical school of Edinburgh University, there are only Alice and her friend Emma who were saved by him the day he was with Dr. Ning Weidou. Therefore, Li Hao was very impressed by them and recognized them at a glance.

"Two friends who met once."

Li Hao explained to Zhuo Yanyu with a smile.

"Cut, one-sided friends are so excited to see you?"

Zhuo Yanyu snorted angrily and said, "look, I said there are many people who love you. Don't there be two I don't know? It's just strange that women love you."


Li Hao was choked by Zhuo Yanyu and couldn't speak, but it doesn't seem unreasonable for her to say so.

Well, it seems that you are naturally charming!

Emma and Alice were so excited that they leaned the boat they shared towards Li Hao, but when Li Hao was also smiling and ready to say hello to them, his face suddenly changed, then suddenly swung up the oar in his hand, his eyes were as bright as electricity, and fiercely threw the solid wood oar between them!!

Although the solid wood oar was short and small, it was not light in weight. Especially when Li Hao threw it so hard, it suddenly turned into a light yellow lightning, which immediately crossed in front of Emma and Alice and hit the lake behind their boat!


The oar hit the water, but it didn't make the sound of the real object entering the water, but a real dull sound!

The bright red blood immediately floated on the clear water. To the surprise of Emma, Alice and Zhuo Yanyu, a figure in blue clothes floated to the water!!

There is an ambush in the lake!!

"Someone stabbed me!"

Seeing the assassin knocked unconscious by Li Hao's oar, Emma's expression changed and quickly screamed.

As soon as she shouted, the people on several ships next to her stood up and looked around seriously. At the same time, the dark muzzle of the gun appeared in her cuffs.

Senior bodyguard!

There were more than a dozen senior bodyguards with guns accompanying them for protection. Li Hao's face also showed a trace of surprise. When he thought of the first treatment of Alice, Emma was not surprised when she was poisoned. Li Hao was also interested in their identity.

These two enthusiastic international friends must have different identities.


Just when everyone's attention was attracted by what happened on Emma's side, behind Li Hao and them, a small boat slipped out of the shade of the island, quietly rowed open the water and came towards Li Hao.

At first the scene was so chaotic that all the nearby tourists hurried to row in the distance for fear that the fire at the city gate would affect the fish in the pond, but the ship did the opposite, and even took the initiative to quietly greet Li Hao and them!

"The fire wolf is ready. This chaos is a god given opportunity. You must kill the target with one shot!!"

The man standing on the boat calmly took out a pocket pistol from his pocket, listened to the instructions in the headset, calmly raised his hand and aimed at Li Hao's back.


He put his finger on the trigger, the gun made a light sound, and the bullet quietly shot out of the barrel under the action of the muffler and shot at the key point of Li Hao's back heart!


The fire wolf was surprised that Li Hao had eyes behind him. At the moment he pulled the trigger, he suddenly turned around, lifted another oar from the lake, set off a large cluster of transparent and crystal spray, and threw it at the fire wolf!

"MAHLE Gobi!"

Li Hao's heart is also very depressed.

"Where is one wave of killers? Obviously two waves!!" ####### second, the female ticket got sick in the evening and sent her to the hospital. The update was late. Good night, everyone. It's cold. Keep warm. Don't catch a cold and typhoid.

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