How fast is the bullet?

People who haven't felt it can't imagine.

People who are too timid will think too much of the power of the gun, while people who watch too many novels and movies will shake their bodies and treat bullets as drizzle.

Both of these ideas are actually too extreme.

China is also a place with extremely strict jurisdiction over guns, so most ordinary people don't know how powerful guns are.

As long as the people who made the above two mistakes often died at the muzzle of the fire wolf, without exception.

Since he officially completed the trial mission, from a wolf cub to a qualified member of the wolf pack, his success rate of the mission has always been 100%!

The pistol named tusk in my hand has no head that can't explode!

If it had been before, even when Li Hao was still half a step to a real person, even if the fire wolf's sneak attack didn't kill Li Hao, he could have been seriously injured!

But now, unlike in the past, Li Hao has really been stable in the realm of human beings. Dong Wei is always there. In his induction, as long as he wants to know, any wind and grass around him can't hide from him, let alone someone is going to shoot and kill him!

At the moment when the fire wolf pulled the trigger, Li Hao felt. Even if the fangs in the fire wolf's hand had been equipped with a muffler, the sound of the bullet from the barrel still couldn't escape Li Hao's judgment.

In a short moment, even if Li Hao has learned the truth of nature from human beings, Li Hao completely followed the flow of water in Chongming lake when he fluctuated the water flow, and he also used Zhenyuan internal breathing to bless.

The force of the natural flow of the lake water, coupled with Li Hao's indoctrination of the power of Zhenyuan's internal breathing, does not boast that the strength of this layer of water curtain is the full strength of more than ten or twenty adult men.

Although the thick water curtain is not enough to stop the bullet, it can also greatly slow down the power and speed of the bullet and win more reaction time for Li Hao.


After lifting the water curtain, the wood pulp in Li Hao's hand seemed to have eyes, which accurately blocked the trajectory of the bullet.

His wrist shook slightly, and a force came. Then Li Hao saw a small warhead embedded in his solid wood oar.

At the same time, the fire wolf was splashed with a head and face by the water curtain raised by Li Hao, so that he couldn't follow the second shot after the first shot missed.

Shooting under the interference of water is not difficult for a shooting killer like the fire wolf. Otherwise, if it rains, he won't kill?

Li Hao didn't care until the water curtain fell on his face, but when he was stunned by the spray falling from the sky, he was stupid.

What the hell?

So painful?!

Didn't he just lift a wave of water with his oar?

How did the fire wolf feel like he was hit in the face by a big stone?!

Water can't catch his eyes and shoot, but if he is hit in the face by water as heavy as a stone... There must be no way for anyone to shoot again!

Danger, exposed!!

Killer is a shadow like existence, either kill with one shot, or escape without killing. There is no third way!

Although they can't open their eyes, they don't have to look at the fire wolf to know that they must have missed the shot. Moreover, in this scene, ordinary tourists have already fled. The bodyguards of the two foreign women are the largest number around, and it seems that they have a good relationship with Li Hao.

After thinking about it for 0.01 seconds, the fire wolf's body instinctively fell to the side, fell into Chongming lake and made the most correct choice.

For today's sake, only with the help of this vast lake can we have the opportunity to escape from life.


When the fire wolf's body had not completely dived into the lake, a sharp pain came from his back. Vaguely, he saw a wooden stick wipe his back heavily and shoot into the water, drawing a long air flow in the lake. Look at the strength, although it didn't hit his back directly, it must have wiped a layer of skin off him!

However, regardless of the pain on his body, the fire wolf immediately swayed down and quickly fled to the distance.

Although the fire wolf's name is fire, his water nature is quite good. He held his breath and swam a long distance in just more than ten seconds.

This is also a compulsory course for all killers in their wolves.

At any time, survival comes first. If you want to kill, you must first learn how not to be killed.

After swimming out of the furthest escape distance with one breath, the fire wolf carefully stopped, put his nose out of the water, took a breath, and then quickly dived into the lake again.

"It's all right..."

In such a short second, he found that no one was chasing him. It seems that those bodyguards dare not act rashly in this open area. After all, the first duty of these bodyguards is not to chase the murderer, but to protect the life safety of their employers.

At the thought of this, the fire wolf finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly used his hands and feet, and grabbed his kung fu to dive towards an insignificant shore nearby.

He knows very well that people who can hire so many bodyguards must have a great background and involve firearms, so the police will soon round up and control here. If he doesn't hurry to leave, he won't be able to leave at that time.

Struggling with the sharp pain of being scratched on his back by the oar thrown by Li Hao, the fire wolf carefully determined that there was no one around to track him secretly again, and then sensitively disappeared in the nearby street.

"Brother Hao'er, are you okay?"

Zhuo Yanyu rushed to Li Hao immediately after hearing the gunshot. Although so many things had just happened, in fact, from the fire wolf shooting, to Li Hao setting off a splash counterattack, to the fire wolf jumping into the lake to escape, and Li Hao throwing oars to pursue, this series of things only happened in less than a minute!

This scene, even fast, is likely to make many people think that all this happened at the same time.

"I'm fine."

Li Hao shook his head. He blocked the bullet with wood pulp and couldn't hurt him at all.

"Mr. Li Hao, thank you. You saved us again!"

Alice and their boat had come by. The blonde sexy creature excitedly grabbed Li Hao's arm and said excitedly, "how can you see through so many people who haven't found the killer? Is this the legendary magical Chinese Kung Fu?"

Li Hao looked at the excited Alice and nodded with a kind smile.

"Mr. Li, you are my life-saving benefactor and saved my best friend twice. Please forgive my previous caution and distrust."

Emma looked at Li Hao deeply, suddenly put her left hand on her chest, bowed slightly towards Li Hao politely and said, "please accept the most sincere friendship of our Edward family!"

"Edward family?!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Yanyu suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Emma incredulously and said, "the noblest nobleman of English descent, the Edward family?!"

Listening to the little swallow's English, Emma smiled and nodded.

"What's the matter?"

Although it has long been speculated that the two women have extraordinary backgrounds, Li Hao still wondered at the reaction of the little swallow.

"Brother Hao."

Zhuo Yanyu took a deep breath, looked at Li Hao and said word by word, "you may have saved a princess this time!" ###### nvpiao suddenly had suppurative tonsillitis, which was very serious and had a high fever. She stayed with her in the hospital all day today and was busy until the explosion. She hurried home to write this chapter update at more than 10 o'clock. It was very late. Sorry to inform you otherwise, At 9 o'clock tomorrow evening, I will meet and chat with you live at the book flag. Friends with Android clients can come and hold a show. I'll wait for you at 9 o'clock tomorrow evening! And mysterious female guests~~

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