
The door of an old warehouse opened slowly. This is a small toy factory around the Pearl. The warehouse is used to store goods such as dolls. The fire wolf appeared here, walking lightly, like a ghost shadow, sneaking into the warehouse from the shadow.

After entering the dark warehouse, the fire wolf was relieved. He quickly ran to the electric box, opened the electric box, pressed a button on the seemingly ordinary electric box, and soon a bright shell appeared on the electric box. The fire wolf opened the small box and pressed his thumbprint.

"Fire wolf, you failed."

A thin black shadow suddenly appeared behind the fire wolf and said faintly.

"My Lord."

The fire wolf's body suddenly stiffened, then turned around and looked respectfully at the man standing in the shadow, bent down and said in a respectful voice: "the idea is very strong. If I'm alone, I'm afraid it's impossible to capture or assassinate alive. Moreover, there are many British bodyguards around today, which is really not suitable for fighting."

"Well, I know everything."

The man, who was called embarrassed adult by the fire wolf, nodded, and didn't seem to blame the fire wolf.

As the saying goes, collusion is actually a kind of wolf. It's just that it's inconvenient to move and you need to put your body on the wolf to walk. However, collusion has a high position in the group of wolves, because they are military masters in the group of wolves. Their wisdom is far more than that of ordinary wolves, and even smarter and cunning than foxes.

In the wolves, whether hunting, encirclement or escape in distress, this plan is generally formulated by the panic, and then the wolf king coordinates the wolves to implement it uniformly.

This man is called "embarrassed adult" by the fire wolf. It can be seen that this man is the military division in their killer team. Now the wolf king Hua Lingtong is gone. He is the leader of the wolves.

"Sir, have you been nearby since you found the news?"

The fire wolf was slightly surprised and said in a hurry, "how can this be? If this action fails, what can we do if something happens to the embarrassed adult?"

"It doesn't matter. Although I'm no better at killing than you, when it comes to protecting my life, I naturally have my own skills."

He waved his hand, looked at the fire and said, "Li Hao's force value seems to have exceeded our estimate. At that time, the four wolf cubs failed completely, and even a little target data was not transmitted back. This is also the main reason for your failure this time."

The fire wolf nodded, and his heart was very depressed.

Since he became a member of the wolf pack after completing the trial from the wolf cub, he has a very high success rate of going out to perform tasks because he is proficient in gun attack and killing. Up to now, he has not lost his hand, which has always been a very proud point in his heart.

But unexpectedly, in Chongming Lake today, his carefully designed assassination plan failed when another wave of killers caused a storm and attracted Li Hao's attention.

This is not only a big failure in his killer career, but also the biggest stain in his life!

But he can't think of it so far. Even if Li Hao's reaction is so abnormal, but he raised his hand so easily. How can it hurt so much when he hit his face?

The face of the fire wolf is still green and purple. The nosebleed in his nose also stopped. He was hit on his face by the water poured out by Li Hao. At that moment, he felt that he was likely to have a slight concussion!

Play the water spray into the effect of stone and brick. Is this special or human?!

"The injury on your face and the scratch on your back are not very heavy, but they are not light. You should deal with them in time."

The embarrassed adult turned and said faintly.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect me to blow Li Hao's head next time!!"

As soon as he mentioned his injury, the fire wolf gnashed his teeth and said in a cruel voice: "next time, next time I will never miss again!"

Perhaps it was because the cruel words spoke too hard and affected the swollen injury on his face. The fire wolf showed his teeth in pain for a while and said, "my Lord, why don't we go back to the base and say what we're doing here?"

"We're not going in."

The embarrassed adult shook his head and said, "I've called others out. This place can't stay."

As a military division of the mess, Mr. Jiao always acts with both ruthlessness and prudence. Once he finds a chance, he will send someone to attack without hesitation. But if the action fails, he will definitely change a place with one shot.

"My Lord, I've been paying attention all the way and haven't been tracked."

Because of the pain, the fire wolf sucked a cool airway in his mouth: "why don't you let me go to the base to simply deal with the wound on my body, and then it's not too late for us to withdraw?"

"Are you seriously injured, or have all our ethnic groups lost their lives?"

The voice of the embarrassed adult suddenly became cold, and there was a little dark meaning in his tone.

"I know I'm wrong."

The fire wolf quickly lowered his head and gritted his teeth to resist the pain.

Their killers were trained by Hua Lingtong to follow the hierarchy of wolves. In a group of wolves, there is a unique and strict hierarchy. The status of embarrassed adult is very high, and the fire wolf dare not violate his meaning.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord, all the ethnic groups have assembled now."

"My Lord, please give instructions."

Soon, the light on the substation box changed from red to green, the floor of the warehouse trembled slightly, the floor slowly lifted up, and people came out of it.

It turns out that this warehouse is just a disguise on the surface, and the dens of wolves are deep underground!

"Well, three wolves, one team, go to base 3 respectively."

The embarrassed adult stood with his hands down, calmly looked at the dozen people in front of him, and calmly gave orders.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

But suddenly, when the wolves were ready to act separately, a burst of clear applause suddenly sounded from outside the warehouse.

"Good strict rules. It's really an impressive killer organization."

Li Hao's voice sounded. At the same time, several powerful searchlights suddenly lit up outside the dark warehouse, shining brightly inside the warehouse without any light!!

"Woo woo!"

The harsh alarm also sounded suddenly at this moment. At the same time, outside, several laser light points aimed by sniper guns were projected on the wolves of killers, such as flaming wolves and embarrassed adults at the same time!

"Damn it!!"

Their faces turned pale in an instant.

They are wolves and killers raised by Hua Lingtong. They can see the light. Now once they are exposed to the bright light, it means there is no way to live.

"Let's catch it!"

Outside the warehouse, the police shouted with their horns.

"If you fight tenaciously, then we will have to shoot you!"

"Rush, hold on to the Bureau, it's also dead!"

Looking at this situation, even the embarrassed adult, who has always been famous for his calmness, is crazy at the moment. He took out a pistol from his waist and roared.



The fire wolves were also completely inspired by their ferocity and went crazy in the desperate situation.

"Bang bang!"

But the reality is not a movie or novel, and they are not the protagonists in the legend. Everything will not change because of their madness.

Sniper shots went off one after another. A few minutes later, none of the killers in the warehouse could stand any longer. They all fell into a pool of blood like grass cut off by the waist... ##### first, I don't know how it felt to chat with everyone last night. I still want to thank all the book friends who came to support me and give me gifts again! Many people say I'm funny. It feels like I'm performing stand up crosstalk. Cough, I'm also a serious person. Are you really good at flirting with me like this?

Unfortunately, the live broadcast was interrupted last night because of technical problems. Therefore, it should be broadcast again next week. However, the specific time is still to be determined. Are you looking forward to it?

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