"Report to team Lin, a total of 11 people, 10 killed and one seriously injured. The report is over!"

After several police officers entered the field to inquire about the news, a fully armed armed police trotted back to the outside of the warehouse and straightened their waist.

"Very good."

This time, Lin Xiao, the captain of the municipal armed police action team sent by Zhuo Yishan to lead the team to follow Li Hao, nodded and said, "deal with the body, send it to the hospital alive and try to keep it alive. These outlaws must be carrying a lot of blood debts. If they can be saved, go back and try whether the old cases of our pearl have something to do with them."

"Team Lin, I'm a traditional Chinese medicine. It's better to let me stabilize the injury first. In this way, the probability of successful treatment after being sent to the hospital is higher, isn't it?"

Li Hao opened his mouth at the right time and volunteered.

"Hehe, since brother Li Hao is willing to help, it's naturally the best."

Lin Xiao smiled. He didn't know how Li Hao's medical skills were, but he knew that the young man was highly favored by the big leaders of the Municipal Bureau. He was promoted by Zhuo Yishan and was an iron core of Zhuo. Today, their great success also came from Li Hao's intelligence. In any case, he would not refuse Li Hao's small request for help.

"Be safe."

Lin Xiao patted Li Hao on the shoulder and asked a nearby armed police officer and soldier who was similar to Li Hao to take off his bulletproof equipment and put it on Li Hao. If he hurt Li Hao, he couldn't explain when he went back.

"Thank you, team Lin."

Li Hao smiled, took the bulletproof vest and put it on his body, and then followed the armed police officers and soldiers to go inside.

In such a large warehouse, the pungent smell of blood makes people sick, but these armed police officers and soldiers obviously don't experience such a scene for the first time, so they are very calm one by one, but Li Hao, a young boy, also showed very calm at such a bloody death scene, which makes these armed police officers and soldiers next to him very impressed.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Approaching the wounded who was still alive, Li Hao heard an extremely depressed cough.

The embarrassed adult who used to be the top and give orders among the killers is now falling to the ground and covering his stomach. He has been shot several times in his abdomen. Even if he tightly covers his stomach with his hand, the blood still gurgles out of the wound. If this goes on, he will certainly not be able to get to the hospital.

"Give me a shot."

The embarrassed adult reluctantly raised his head and looked at Li Hao. He grinned and said, "give me a happy one."

"Just today, you sent someone to kill me. We are enemies. What qualifications do you have to beg me?"

Li Hao did not move. He squatted down and turned his hand. He had touched a silver needle from his waist and pierced it into several large holes in his chest and waist. The effect of a few needles was immediate. The bleeding rate in his abdominal wound soon had to be significantly reduced.

"You want to save me?"

Embarrassed adult's eyes blinked, and the wound was gradually stopped bleeding, which also made him recover some spirit.

Seeing that Li Hao seems to have something to say to him, the armed police soldiers next to him are only armed and alert next to him. They are not in a hurry to catch the embarrassed adult.

"Yes, I'm a doctor. It's my bounden duty to save the dead and heal the wounded."

Li Hao smiled, the corners of his mouth rose, smiled innocently, and looked harmless to humans and animals.

Hearing this, the embarrassed adult was almost angry and cried. I really wish I could jump up immediately and have a good look at whether Li Hao's face can be bulletproof.

How thick is it to say such a thing?

heal the wounded and rescue the dying?

Isn't it because the boy brought the police to him that he killed these killers and seriously injured himself?

He even said to himself that he was a doctor with the appearance of an angel in white.

Is there any justice?!

"You let me live so that I can bite Hua Lingtong to death, right?"

After taking several deep breaths, the embarrassed adult calmed down his excited heart, saved enough strength, raised his head, looked at Li Hao with burning eyes and asked.

"It's so smart. It's worthy of being the military division of this killer organization!"

Li Hao did not shy away from the armed police officers and soldiers next to him, so he nodded and admitted.

He determined that these killers must have several blood cases on their backs, and most of these cases must have something to do with Hua Lingtong. If you can survive and identify Hua Lingtong, Hua Lingtong, who was originally a felony, may have to stay in prison all his life.

And it's not a shady thing. Li Hao planted one and didn't frame the other. Hua Lingtong really ordered them to eradicate their dissidents secretly. He just wanted to dig out these crimes.

This is a naked conspiracy. There is no need to hide it. Even if it is so aboveboard and known by everyone, it is not afraid that it will not work.

If the conspiracy is a dark pit, only secretly planning can pit people, then this conspiracy is an earthquake subsidence, which is placed in front of you, but you still can't escape. You know it's a pit, but you have to jump. There's no way not to jump!

"Why should I help you bite him out?"

Lord Jiao also knew that Li Haogen was not afraid to be known by others. After hesitating for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and whispered, "you know, Hua Lingtong has saved my life."

"Bite him out. As a stain witness, you can reduce the punishment yourself, and maybe someone will think you are cute and make your prison life more comfortable."

Li Hao is very clear in his heart that the question raised by the embarrassed adult actually proves that he has become loose. Otherwise, he just needs to bite to death and refuse. There is no need to do this at all.

So he made a promise of interest. If a bloody and debt ridden killer like Mr. Jiao didn't act as a stain witness, it would definitely be the immediate execution of the death penalty. But if he could point out the mastermind behind the scenes, it might be reduced to life imprisonment. Moreover, Li Hao promised that his life in prison could be more comfortable and hinted that he would say hello and take care of him.

Li Hao believes that Mr. Jiao knows very well that with these two points alone, he has no reason to refuse himself.

"I also want to know where I lost."

Mr. Jiao raised his head, his eyes showed a little more fine light again, looked at Li Hao and said, "not only did the fire wolf confirm that he was not followed, but I also wanted to sweep away his tail in the dark. I may have a general ability to kill, but I have absolute confidence in my ability to give advice and investigate and counter investigate. How did you hide from me and trace him here?"

Embarrassed adults bite their teeth and are obviously unconvinced that they will fail in their professional fields.

"Because I didn't send anyone with you, but used it."

Li Hao smiled and gave the answer. It was the Purple Jade Bird lying on his shoulder - poisoned bird for thousands of nights!

"At the beginning, I knew that the fire wolf wanted to escape, so I deliberately let him go. Even in order not to let him doubt that I deliberately let him go, I threw out the oar, but I didn't hurt him seriously, but scraped his back."

Li Hao said, "then I let Qianye fly to closely monitor the movements of the burning wolf from the air. Yes, maybe you are very cautious, but you can't detect and avoid the tracking from thousands of meters high."


The embarrassed adult stared at the thousand nights on Li Hao's shoulder. After a few minutes, he closed his eyes decadent, as if he had been emptied of all his strength.

"I'll help you bite out the flowers."

The embarrassed adult closed his eyes and murmured, "he saved my life. I've worked for him for so long. I'll give it back to him this time. I don't owe him."

"Take it."

Li Hao smiled and nodded to the armed police officers and soldiers nearby.

He doesn't care how the embarrassed adult persuades himself in his heart, as long as the final thing develops in the direction he wants.

After tonight, all hidden dangers left by Hua Lingtong outside have been completely eliminated, and he will no longer secretly threaten Li Hao and the people around him.

#####The second is to ask for subscription and reward, Moda!

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