Back in the dormitory, Li Hao received a text message from Hua Fei's driver yesterday, saying that Lin Wei bought a train ticket back to his hometown today and has left the Pearl to go back to his hometown on the Yunnan Myanmar border.

With the influence of Huajia in the Pearl, it is not difficult to check a person's travel records through the Railway Bureau, but it is enough to show Huafei's attention to Li Hao yesterday for the sake of Lin Wei, an irrelevant little man. Even Li Hao's friends let him pay special attention.

"Have you returned to the Yunnan Myanmar border?"

Li Hao sighed in his heart.

He knew that Dong Xiaowan's incident was still a great blow to Lin Wei. The Pearl had become a sad place for him, which made him instinctively want to escape, and he felt that he left with shame, otherwise he wouldn't leave without even knowing that his good friends in the bedroom would leave so quietly.

"He needs some time."

Li Hao silently wished his brother good luck in his heart. Then he found that his mobile phone shook slightly and received a message in the wechat of the three circles.

Li Hao opened it and saw that it was the news from Tu Feng, the great God of the Pluto level.


Tu Feng always looks so cool.

"Brother, have you been busy recently? What's the matter?"

Li Hao dared not neglect the great God and replied immediately.

"Settled some old enemies."

Tu Feng replied to the news, then hesitated and said, "brother, do you have a new portrait of flowers?"

Hearing Tu Feng's words, Li Hao didn't get used to it for a while.

It's amazing that such a decisive iron blood God should have such shy tenderness.

Li Hao really felt that if he went to ask Baihua fairy for photos again, he would reveal his secret. However, he suddenly remembered that Baihua fairy had just changed the avatar of Sanjie wechat recently. He thought that Tu Feng, the ghost God, had not seen it. It was just right to save it and send it to him.

"It seems that in the future, I will give Baihua a selfie artifact so that she can take more selfies and send them to her circle of friends. I can steal the picture to relieve brother Tu Feng's lovesickness."

Li Hao kept the new head of the flower fairy and thought of it in his heart.

"Thank you."

After Tu Feng received the photo sent by Li Hao, he returned two words after a long time.

"You're welcome, brother."

Li Hao sighed and comforted: "sincerely, gold and stone are open. Brother, I believe you are more affectionate than Jin Jian. One day in the future, you will be able to cross the seal between the three worlds and meet the fairy again."

"Is the seal set by Hongjun Daozu so easy to crack?"

Compared with the hope in people's hearts, Tu Feng, as a ghost God, was obviously less optimistic. He sighed and murmured: "And even if we can meet again, it may not be a good thing. I can break through the seal between the three worlds. Then the Emperor Ming and the Immortal Emperor can certainly break the seal. At that time, the disputes between the two worlds will erupt again. How can Baihua and I be alone in the face of the general trend of confrontation between the immortal and the immortal?"

Li Hao was silent.

Tu Feng's worry is not unreasonable. Hearing this remark, Li Hao is also tight in his heart.

The reason why he is able to wander between the immortal and the dark god is that the three realms are isolated from each other by the seal of Hongjun Daozu, while the three realms wechat in his hand is a treasure that can break through the seal and connect the three realms. If the seal of Hongjun Daozu is gone and the three realms are no longer isolated one day, what will the pattern of the three realms become?

At that time, if there are no saints these days, how can the human world with the weakest strength deal with itself?

At the thought of this, Li Hao also had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

The human world is still too weak, and he himself is also too weak. He must become stronger as soon as possible!

How can we quickly improve the overall strength and physical quality of mortals in the human world?

Li Hao thought in his heart. A moment later, he contacted the immortal seed he had exchanged with situ Xianjun recently, and his mind flashed!

It is urgent to plant these immortal fruits with extraordinary quality, which can improve people's physique and prolong life!

But if you want to do this, he has immortal seeds. He even has the seeds of the heavenly demon tree, the totem divine tree, and Xi earth. It's just how to use these things to play their role. And even if you can plant immortal fruits, where should you plant them?

These problems also confused Li Hao.

This feeling made Li Hao feel uncomfortable. It was like there was a treasure mountain in front of him, but he couldn't go in and get the treasure.

"Ask elder brother if there is any way."

Li Hao took a deep breath. Since situ Xianjun of the fairy world can only tell him that Xi soil can cultivate immortal seeds under specific circumstances, he will consult the God of the underworld to see if he can find a safe solution by integrating the knowledge and food of the underworld.

"Brother Tu Feng, I found the fairy fruit seeds in the fairy world and want to plant and promote them in the human world. Do you have any way to make these fairy seeds grow in the human world?"

Li Hao asked.

"Let immortal seed grow and bear fruit in the human world?"

Tu Feng's voice raised a ripple and said, "theoretically, this is basically impossible, unless you can have the land that is originally the essence of the human world, it is a little possible."

"Little brother, it was by chance that he got Xi soil, so he dared to have this idea."

Li Hao didn't hide from Tu Feng, so he spoke directly.

"How dare you get the land?!"

Tu Feng was surprised when it was Tu Feng's turn. After Xi earth was taken to make up for the leak of Tianchi Lake, the rest was extremely rare. He really didn't expect Li Hao to have it in his hand.

"If so, I vaguely remember that there is a way to reverse the totem tree of the TIANYAO family, which can increase the soil, improve the soil and water, and let the immortal species or the dark grass in the underworld grow and survive."

The dark god Tu Feng said, "but this method was done by your human medicine Saint Shennong emperor using Shennong Ding in ancient times. I'm afraid there's no other way."

"Totem divine seed? Shennong tripod?!"

After listening to Tu Feng's words, Li Hao couldn't help laughing in surprise.

Totem God seed, Shennong tripod, it's just sleepy. Someone sent pillows!

Doesn't he already have both?

"It seems that we need to find ling'er to see if she can find a way to reverse the totem God species from the memory inheritance of the ancestor Shennong emperor."

Li Hao has a decision in mind. He will rest tonight and go to Ruyi building early tomorrow morning##### Today's first change

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