Early the next morning, Li Hao took Qianye to Ruyi building.

On the way, Li Hao couldn't beat the food for a thousand nights. Li Hao went to the canteen at the back door of the school and bought several bags of Qia fragrant melon seeds to satisfy his greed on the way.

Ling'er is now in the Ruyi building, staying closed all day, concentrating on absorbing the knowledge and memory taught to her by the ancestor Shennong emperor in her mind. Once ling'er can fully absorb and integrate these experiences and knowledge, although she can no longer become the second medicine Saint Shennong emperor, she is also likely to reach the realm of human beings.

After all, among the countless blood Hou Yi of Shennong emperor, linger, a descendant of ancestral blood, can only appear for thousands of years. This probability itself is extremely small. Once the memory of the ancestors is integrated, it is not uncommon to achieve human beings.

At Ruyi building, Li Hao went in directly. Although Ruyi building has strict security, Li Hao's identity has long been an acquaintance. Naturally, no one will stop him without eyes.

On the fifth floor, Li Hao opened the door and saw Liu Yuying looking at her face in front of the mirror. At first, when she heard the movement of the door, she stood up in a moment of panic. When she saw that it was Li Hao, she said angrily: "boy, why don't you know to knock before entering my sister's room?"


Li Hao was slightly stunned. He never knocked at the door when he went to this room, because this is not Liu Yuying's master bedroom, and he won't see anything unsuitable for children, so he has never had any scruples.

But I didn't expect that something seemed to break today, which would provoke such a big reaction from Liu Yuying.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Li Hao looked at Liu Yuying with some doubts. Since he came back from Shennongjia, he was busy with the business war with Hua Lingtong, the cooperation with Hua Fei yesterday and the reunion with his brothers in the university dormitory. He really didn't come to Ruyi building. When he came here today, he felt that Liu Yuying seemed a little strange.

"It's all right. What can I do?"

Liu Yuying waved her hand, turned around and said, "I'm making up. Why do you remember to come here today?"

"I'll come to see my sister and find ling'er by the way to see how she is."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and explained.

"Oh, I'll ask the cook to prepare more dishes at noon. We haven't had a good meal together for a long time."

Liu Yuying sat back in her chair, took a deep breath and said.

"Oh, OK."

Li Hao nodded. Although he felt something was wrong, he thought carefully. It seemed that there was nothing wrong. He also felt that he might be suspicious. Maybe he didn't come one day. This time, he suddenly came and scared Liu Yuying.

"Then I'll find ling'er first."

Without doubt, Li Hao turned out of Liu Yuying's room and walked towards ling'er's room.

Turning around, Qianye, who had been concentrating on eating melon seeds on Li Hao's shoulder, seemed to feel something. He looked up at Liu Yuying sitting in front of the dressing table, and a trace of doubt flashed in his small eyes like purple jade.

"This meeting, how can there be a faint smell of danger on this woman?"

Qianye blinked his small eyes, but Li Hao soon walked out of Liu Yuying's room. The feeling that made him uncomfortable disappeared. He didn't think any more. He lowered his head and continued to eat melon seeds.

After watching Li Hao leave the room, Liu Yuying breathed a sigh of relief. She put her pretty face close to the mirror in front of her. A touch of strong black flashed through her white eyes. It was much deeper than when she first appeared in Shennongjia at that time, and she made more and more hair.

"You were hurt by Jia Qi once. Now I'm the real Ruyi landlord. Do you still want to make a comeback on me?!"

Liu Yuying folded the eyebrow pencil in her hand into two sections with a loud "pa!" and the willow eyebrows stood upright with a faint evil spirit.


After leaving Liu Yuying's room, Li Haoxing rushed to ling'er's door, but before he reached out and knocked on the door, ling'er's voice came from inside.

"Brother Hao'er, the door is unlocked. Come in directly."

Li Hao was slightly surprised. He opened the door and looked at Ling Er sitting cross legged on the bed. He smiled and said, "it's wonderful. You haven't stepped into the realm of human beings. I have practiced the five Qi heaven heart formula, and the sound of walking footsteps is also slightly inaudible. How do you know I've come?"


Ling'er stretched out his hand and patted on his crisp chest, showing a pure smile on his pretty face, and said: "with my deeper and deeper understanding of the memory of Shennong emperor's ancestors, my feeling with brother Hao'er, a natural saint, is becoming more and more wonderful, and brother Hao'er, who is already in a hole, should feel more obvious?"


Li Hao nodded. Although he had dinner with Liu Yuying and ling'er before, he had never been to ling'er's room. For the first time, he found the door himself. Originally, he didn't care. After ling'er's reminder, they did have a unique feeling in the bottom of their hearts.

Saints are arbitrary forever. The so-called Saint does not see Saint. It is impossible for two saints to stand side by side in the same era. People who have a relationship with such existence will have some unspeakable mysterious existence with each other.

"Ling'er, I have something to ask you."

Li Hao didn't beat around the bush with ling'er, and said to the mountain directly: "when you were integrating the memory of your ancestors, did you find a way to use Shennong Ding to refine the divine tree of the totem of the TIANYAO family, and turn the demon family law of the TIANYAO family's naked robbery and plunder into a way to protect the sacred heart of humanity?"

"Refining the totem God seed of the sky demon tree?"

After hearing Li Hao's words, ling'er thought for a moment. After a moment, he solemnly opened his eyes and nodded his head: "however, this involves a more complex use method of Shennong Ding. My skill is still very shallow. If I don't support me in a place with sufficient aura, I can't support it."

"If you have enough aura, are you sure of success?"

Li Hao touched his chin and asked.


Ling'er nodded and said, "I know the key to this refining method is to use the soul fire of shennongding to kill the demon nature in the sky demon tree species and instill the sacred heart of dedication and protection. The key is a process that needs to be continued, so it needs a place with plenty of spirit as the inside information."


Speaking of this, ling'er sighed and said, "but now in the human world, I'm afraid it's hard to find any blessed place with abundant vitality."

"OK, then I'll take you to a place full of energy!"

Li Hao waved his hand, but a charming self-confidence appeared on his face!

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