"Forgive my clumsy eyes, I really can't see which God you are!"

Zhang Yi stared at Li Hao and asked word by word.

How come he is also the chief of surgery of the pearl public security general hospital, second only to the head of the expert group, vice president Wu Yuquan. He has been ridiculed and humiliated by Li Hao three times five times. He can't bear it!

"The famous doctor's weekly in your hand has a report that I fought with Wang ningwei, the little needle, and then won the successor of the needle king in acupuncture?"

Li Hao nuzui the medical magazine in Zhang Yi's hand, then shook his head and said, "you're too careless in reading."


Zhang Yi was choked by Li Hao again and couldn't speak. Then he turned to the title page. Sure enough, Li Hao's photo was printed on the front page, which had already told him the story of fighting medicine with Wang ningwei, the successor of needle king.

Because in order to build momentum for traditional Chinese medicine and help cooperate with the publicity of Ning Zhenlu and Ning Zhenye, the deeds of fighting doctors were well publicized in a specific circle under the joint operation of master Ning Yitian and Zuo Yuling.

None of the prestigious medical journals, forums and websites have fallen behind, so Li Hao clearly remembers that the issue read by Zhang Yi in this magazine called famous medical weekly focused on their deeds of fighting doctors.

Li Hao and Zhang Yi's words attracted many people around to stretch their heads and look at the magazine in Zhang Yi's hand, hoping to have a look at what Li Hao has been reported in the famous medical weekly which is also very influential in the industry.

After watching it for a long time, the curiosity and surprise on their faces gradually turned into strangeness and ridicule.

"Traditional Chinese medicine?"

Zhang Yi looked at Li Hao strangely and asked with a sneer, "do you think you are very powerful?"

"Well, of course I'm good."

Li Hao nodded with a natural expression.

"Ha ha ha..."

Seeing his appearance, the members of the surrounding expert group couldn't help laughing, as if they had heard something very funny.

"Boy, do you think it's still in ancient times? Traditional Chinese medicine? Acupuncture? You're complacent with this?"

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks covered his stomach and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you're still living in a dream?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine now exists in name only. Look at a city as big as the Pearl. How many large-scale traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are there? How many people go there to see a doctor?"

Another woman also sniffed: "today's traditional Chinese medicine, I'm afraid, under the guise of acupuncture and massage, has opened several small clinics to eat. However, cupping is really a simple and practical means, but now it is almost to be included in the scope of Western medicine. After all, any Western Medicine hospital can pull cupping, and many foreigners are also using it."

"As doctors, you study western medicine. I study traditional Chinese medicine. Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages, it's good to be able to treat patients and save people. I know you are western medicine from beginning to end, but I never said that western medicine is not good at all."

Li Hao raised his head, looked at the experts who were almost a round older than him, and said coldly: "but as soon as you know that I am a traditional Chinese medicine, you make a lot of ridicule, stand high and make sarcastic remarks. At least in terms of medical ethics, I think I am better than you!"


After listening to Li Hao's words, the experts who just attacked Li Hao and traditional Chinese medicine with verbal sarcasm changed their faces and stared at Li Hao angrily. If there was a disagreement, they had to work together to exclude his meaning.

"Don't stare at me. You didn't pack the plane. I won't go down if you stare at me."

Li Hao glanced at them with disdain and said, "if you want to do it, do it, but don't blame me for not reminding you. Even if you serve the dishes together, you're not my opponent."

"Deceive people too much, deceive people too much!!"

Zhang Yi waved his magazine angrily and shouted to vent his anger.

"Little brother Li Hao, when you go to yundian this time, will you just accompany Miss Zhuo as a friend or treat Zhuo Ju as a doctor?"

Wu Yuquan opened his mouth at the right time, stopped the people who were about to make a scene on the plane, and asked Li Hao.

His sentence is the key point of asking the question.

If Li Hao only accompanies the swallow to see his father as a friend, they can only have a verbal water battle if they want to exclude Li Hao.

But if he went as a doctor, there would be too many ways for him to unite with these experts to rectify Li Hao!

For example, when diagnosing and discussing the disease, they excluded Li Hao for different reasons based on the principles of Chinese and Western medicine. Everyone picked up firewood and the flame was high. They didn't believe that the pathology figured out by Li Hao alone would be more careful and detailed than that discussed by a group of experts like them.

If Zhuo Yishan is finally rescued, they can also say that Li Hao is not a member of the expert group and did nothing in the treatment process. If he is not rescued, it can also be said that Li Hao's traditional Chinese medicine treatment delayed the best rescue time.

As long as they speak with one voice, no matter what they say, will the Zhuo family not believe it?

Even if the Zhuo family doesn't blame Li Hao in the end, they will inevitably have a pimple in Li Hao's heart. In this way, won't they achieve their goal of rectifying Li Hao?

"I passed as a doctor and a friend."

Li Hao glanced at Wu Yuquan and thought that this guy could be the dean. His mind was really better than the people below. However, in front of himself, his careful thinking was completely useless and was seen through at a glance.

"Hehe, although traditional Chinese medicine has its own truth, it is indeed a big weakness in surgery. The most serious fatal injury of Zhuo Ju this time is the rupture wound in the heart. I'm afraid it can't be solved by a few soup drugs and a few silver needles?"

Although Wu Yuquan did not directly belittle traditional Chinese medicine, his words also expressed his distrust of Li Hao.

"Is president Wu sure he can cure Zhuo Ju's injury?"

Li Hao asked with a smile.

"Any treatment is risky, especially surgery. Where can I be sure?"

Wu Yuquan naturally wouldn't be full of words. He asked, "are you so sure, little brother?"

With that, he looked at Li Hao quietly.

As long as Li Hao dares to nod, he will immediately say, well, then please ask the little brother to show us his wonderful medical skills. I'll just watch and learn.

"I don't have it now either."

Li Hao also shook his head.

The plane fell slowly at Chuncheng airport, but when they were ready to get off the plane, Li Hao said another word, which almost knocked the experts who were preparing to get off the plane to the ground!

"But I thought you experts would be better than me, and now it seems so..." ####### second, good night

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