Chuncheng, the capital of Yunnan Province.

On the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, there is plenty of sunshine and ultraviolet rays all year round. The sky is clear and crisp, the clouds are light and the wind is light, the strange peaks and rocks are stacked, and the mild climate of spring all year round gives people a sense of comfort.

But where there is light, there must be shadow. In this beautiful city, the dark corners are filled with all kinds of dirty transactions such as smuggling, drugs and sex.

Because Yunnan Yunnan is the border between Yunnan and Myanmar, the gate to southwest China and close to the world-famous golden triangle, the vast majority of drugs flowing into China every year enter the country through channels here.

Drugs are hallucinogenic addictive drugs that can lead to chronic death. They mainly act on nerves. Taking drugs all year round will slowly erode people's immune system, bone marrow and blood, and make people thin into skin and bones.

The anti drug operation is a shadow war that has been waging incessantly in peacetime. It is also the worst force that all countries in the world are fighting together.

However, with the rapid development of science and technology, more and more developed technologies have brought great trouble to the anti drug action, such as the toxicity of drugs, the strong dependence of drug addiction and the concealment of drug possession.

What's more terrible is that because of the huge profits of drugs, drug lords and drug traffickers have strong funds to buy weapons from small countries with lax gun jurisdiction abroad, such as Myanmar and Vietnam. Even some black hearted arms dealers in the United States have secretly reached dirty deals with drug lords, making the armed forces of these criminals more and more powerful Advanced.

It is precisely because of this that these evil forces are becoming more and more rampant.

This time, under a drug trading line of the Pearl, the police gradually found the trace of a huge drug trafficking gang, so there was this Yunnan anti drug battle.

Because this line was dug up in the Pearl at the beginning, in order to integrate all favorable clues, the organization will send Zhuo Yishan, the person in charge of the Pearl, on a business trip. With the transfer of the front, he parachuted from the Pearl to yundian to participate in the commander-in-chief.

In fact, this is also the result of the operation of the Zhuo family. If the results of this large-scale anti drug operation are brilliant, Zhuo Yishan, who has been closely following the case from the Pearl to yundian, will definitely take the credit.

In peacetime, it's especially rare to make war achievements. With such a layer of foreshadowing, it's very possible for Zhuo Yishan to continue to climb up and even compete for the top position in the Ministry of public security in the future.

But no one expected that the drug traffickers would be so fierce this time. Zhuo Yishan did achieve some results when they first came and destroyed two drug trafficking and manufacturing dens. However, when the anti drug action was further carried out, the drug traffickers launched a brutal counterattack!

They even sent a helicopter directly. While being shot down, they threw high explosives into the battle headquarters in Chuncheng, directly blowing up the office building. Hundreds of public officials died among them. The Deputy commander-in-chief was directly blown to pieces. Although the commander-in-chief Zhuo Yishan was rescued, he was also in danger, It's possible to die at any time.

Sitting in the car sent by Chuncheng police to pick up the plane at the airport, listening to the description of the explosive attack by the police in charge of receiving them, everyone on the car was silent. Zhuo Yanyu's slender hand held Li Hao and clenched her lips. However, after hearing that her father was bombed like that, tears burst out of her face again.

The atmosphere in the car was a little frozen. In front of this major right and wrong, no matter how arrogant and arrogant the members of the expert group were, they all looked sad.

In an explosion, hundreds of public officials were torn to pieces by the power of gunpowder!

In peacetime, especially in China, where arms control is extremely strict, there has never been such a tragic man-made disaster except natural disasters!

And directly remove the headquarters, which is not only a blood case, but also a naked provocation to the public security department and the government!

"It's so fucking annoying. Can't you bring these sons of bitches to justice?"

With an angry pat on the thigh, Zhang Yi gasped and roared.

Doctors' parents' hearts, and we are all Chinese compatriots. When they were in the Pearl, they may not have any feelings, but after stepping on the land of yundian, this feeling suddenly became stronger, especially looking at the gauze still wrapped on the faces of the police officers who received them, a sense of self reproach involuntarily rose in the hearts of the doctors of the expert group.

"We will never let these drug lords mess around. Now we have caught clues and new combat deployment has been launched. These animals will definitely pay for their blood!!"

A trace of hatred flashed in the eyes of the police officer who received him, biting his teeth.

"You do the revenge and give us the salvation."

Li Hao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Everyone's eyes focused on the young man. Surprisingly, this time, the members of the expert group didn't speak out to refute Li Hao.

They didn't stop. After receiving Li Hao and them from the airport, the car ran directly to the first Chuncheng hospital where Zhuo Yishan is now.

Now time is very precious to Zhuo Yishan. Although the microwave pulse technology is advanced, it is not a long-term way. He can only maintain the activity of the patient's heart in a short time. If he drags on for a long time, he still has no vitality.

"I'm looking forward to you at last!!"

When they arrived at the first hospital, the president of the first hospital had already brought their hospital cadres here to meet them. Obviously, they had already received the notice of Wu Yuquan's coming.

No matter what the personality and quality of Mingzhu experts are, their surgical skills are still very recognized in the industry.

"Take us directly to Zhuo Bureau."

After shaking hands with Zhang Mingyu, President of Chuncheng first hospital, Wu Yuquan glanced at Zhuo Yanyu next to him. It was clear that Miss Zhuo was concerned about her father. She wisely asked to go to the intensive care unit to have a look at Zhuo Yishan.


Zhang Mingyu nodded and took the people upstairs. Li Hao followed them. They all changed into ultraviolet sterilized clothes and walked into the intensive care unit.

The intensive care unit was not big. After a dozen people rushed in, it became more crowded.


Looking at Zhuo Yishan wearing an oxygen mask on the hospital bed, with all kinds of pipes inserted on his body, all wrapped in gauze, and his exposed face was burned to a bad shape, Zhuo Yanyu immediately cried out and wanted to rush to the bedside, but he was tightly held by Li Hao.

"You know the general situation."

Wearing a mask, Zhang Mingyu, President of the first hospital, said in a deep voice: "Wu hospital, next, would you like to go out with me and have a look at the latest physical skill report of Zhuo bureau?"


Looking at the ferocious look on Zhuo Yishan who was unconscious, Wu Yuquan and they were all a little shocked.

In fact, it's just a matter of looking at the pathological report or not. Even if Hua Tuo is alive and Bian que comes down to earth, I'm afraid it's difficult to save such an injury.

"You must not understand the pathology report, so don't follow."

When going out, Zhang Yi looked at Li Hao coldly and said.

"If you invite me, I won't go either."

Li Hao glanced at him faintly and didn't bother to talk nonsense with the fat man. Then he looked at Zhang Mingyu, the president of the first hospital and said, "I want to feel uncle Zhuo's pulse!" ##### first, I will meet you live at the book flag at four o'clock this afternoon! Uh huh, the last time the Internet exploded, I didn't talk well. Today I compensated everyone. By the way, I also prepared vouchers for everyone. They will be issued at that time. If you want to read the book flag on time, ha!

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