"His injury is obvious. Do you still need to feel his pulse?"

Wu Yuquan looked at Li Hao and said coldly, "of course, if you have to insist and miss Zhuo agrees, it's inconvenient for me to intervene, but I advise you not to touch these needles and tubes on Zhuo Bureau, otherwise, his life may die immediately!"

Li Hao nodded and didn't say much. Although Wu Yuquan's words didn't sound good, they were also considering for the patients. Every doctor didn't want his patients to have problems because of the interference of others.

"Xiao Zhao, you stay with me. Let's discuss it."

Zhang Mingyu, President of Chuncheng first hospital, took a deep look at Li Hao and ordered them to stay with a doctor who participated in the treatment of Zhuo Yishan in the whole process, in case of any emergency, someone can deal with it in an emergency.

These famous Western doctors are still full of distrust of traditional Chinese medicine. In their subconscious mind, traditional Chinese medicine is a bunch of earth steamed stuffed buns pulling grass in the field and decocting medicine. They know nothing about this advanced medical equipment.

This is not an example of two people, but in the hearts of most people studying western medicine, this concept is deeply rooted.

Li Hao also knows that no matter how he competes with them in terms of words, he can't reverse this idea in their hearts, so he won't say more. For such arrogant famous doctors, you can only convince them from professional medical skills!

The expert group led by Wu Yuquan went out with the experts of Chuncheng first hospital, leaving only Li Hao, Xiao Yanzi and doctor Zhao, a surgeon of the first hospital, in the intensive care unit.

Li Hao walked leisurely to Zhuo Yishan's hospital bed, gently opened the cup, gently held up his hand full of needles and rubber tubes with his left hand, and then gently put his right hand on his pulse.

Qianye was not on his shoulder. First of all, places like the intensive care unit would not allow Li Hao to bring a bird in. Second, Li Hao had other tasks to do.

Zhuo Yishan's pulse is very weak, but also very, very chaotic, completely different from the peace of ordinary people.

Because Li Hao has now completely stepped into the realm of human beings. The realm of cave and micro is often there. Internal vision is now familiar to him.

Just as his finger caught Zhuo Yishan's pulse, Li Hao closed his eyes slightly, and felt a sudden change in his eyes, which was to clearly see the meridians in Zhuo Yishan.

In such a serious injury, Zhuo Yishan's Qi and blood flow is extremely weak. Because the heart, as the center of Qi and blood operation, is damaged and only relies on micro pulse to help pacing, Zhuo Yishan's Qi and blood operation has even begun to appear intermittent.

If the Qi and blood are not smooth, then the essence will be difficult to survive. That is to say, if we can not solve the problem of Zhuo Yishan's weak blood and intermittent, then it is no use giving him medicine or giving him nourishment.

Because the Qi and blood are too weak, he can't absorb it. The nutrition of food and the efficacy of medicine are all wasted. That is, there has always been a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that deficiency is not supplemented. If a person is weak to the extreme, it's useless for you to give him more supplements. Because the Qi and blood are not smooth, he can't absorb it at all!

In addition, because he was shocked and burned by the explosion shock wave and flame, Li Hao also found a very hot and restless fire poison in Zhuo Yishan's body. The fire poison also burned his internal organs, muscles and bones all the time, like a bone attached body, swallowing his vitality.

With a sigh, Li Hao opened his eyes, put down Zhuo Yishan's hand and looked at the tubes inserted in his chest. Even if he didn't touch them with his hands, he could sense that a faint pulse current was dredged from them to Zhuo Yishan's heart and maintained his heart beating.

After the diagnosis of Dong Wei's internal vision, Li Hao had only one feeling about Zhuo Yishan's injury - heavy! Unprecedented weight!

A person with such an injury should have been a dead man for a long time. He can still live with one breath. In addition to Zhuo Yishan's good physical quality because he came from the army and military family, western medicine does have something to take from him.

Li Hao adheres to the path of traditional Chinese medicine, but similarly, he does not exclude western medicine, learn from each other and tolerate the world. This is the mind of a saint.

Li Hao immediately benefited from the sophisticated technology of micro pulse current. He thought that as long as he went back to explore, he could also use silver needle to achieve such an effect through this microwave tremor method. This acupuncture method is unprecedented. If the test was successful, it would be Li Hao's first original medical skill!

Although it is difficult to control the silver needle by hand to achieve the effect of microwave tremor, if the doctor practices internal Qigong and can resist the needle with Qi, it is not impossible to achieve it after hard practice!

For Li Hao now, he has a more powerful internal breathing Zhenyuan in his cultivation. He himself is the most real person in the realm of cave and micro. His control over Qi, his body and silver needle has reached a peak. As long as he thinks about it, it is actually easy to do so.

"Brother Hao'er, how, how?"

Zhuo Yanyu carefully looked at Li Hao who was silent. In fact, she had higher trust in Li Hao than those so-called experts and scholars.

Miracles always seem to happen to this man.

Before he was born, who could believe that there would be such a magical thing as condensing Zhenlu in the world?

Before Hua Lingtong went to jail, who would believe that the arrogant successor of the flower family, the flower madman, would be defeated by a self-made boy?

Even if all the doctors and experts told her that her father was hopeless, Zhuo Yanyu would not despair as long as Li Hao had not given up!

"Uncle Zhuo's injury is very serious, very serious."

Li Hao looked at the swallow and said in a deep voice, "I can't deal with such an injury now. I don't want to lie to you."

After listening to him, Dr. Zhao remained silent, but he thought so long ago.

He participated in the whole process of treatment. In his opinion, Zhuo Yishan can be said to be a quasi dead man now, but how long can he survive? They have no way to solve such advanced surgical methods and technical concepts as western medicine. How can Li Hao, a small traditional Chinese medicine, be sure?

"Let's see if Western medicine experts have any good methods."

Li Hao looked at the little swallow and looked like she had lost her soul. He took her shoulder in pain and said, "give me a day, give me another day, believe me, after a day, even if the western medicine experts have no way, I can definitely save uncle Zhuo!!"

His words made Zhuo Yanyu, who was already gray, shine a dazzling light again in his eyes!

#####First, the plot of yundian is very important, and there will be a climax after returning to the Pearl. Well, give a preview and look forward to it

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