"What international joke are you kidding?"

Looking at Li Hao and listening to his wild words, doctor Zhao on one side really couldn't listen. He couldn't help interrupting: "one day? One day? Will you become an immortal one day later and can bring people back to life?"

Li Hao took the swallow's hand and didn't argue with Dr. Zhao. He turned out of the intensive care unit and said to the swallow: "I need a room only for me, and I don't want anyone to disturb me this day, and I don't need to send me food, otherwise it will affect me to save uncle Zhuo. I don't exaggerate or joke, do you understand?"


Looking at Li Hao, Zhuo Yanyu nodded seriously and replied, "I'll be at the door of your room. No one is allowed to disturb you. If anyone wants to go in and disturb you, unless he steps over me!"

Li Hao nodded and took the swallow outside the hospital.

Now time is tight and the task is heavy.

Through the diagnosis just now, Li Hao has made it clear that Zhuo Yishan is now the most seriously injured in his heart. Because his heart is not solid, his Qi and blood are blocked all over his body. If this situation wants to be improved, he must first deal with the injury in his heart.

The heart is an extremely important organ in the human body. It is also very fragile. If you are careless, it will be destroyed.

This is why so many famous doctors in western medicine surgery dare not operate on Zhuo Yishan, take out the small section of steel bar inserted into his heart for him, and can only barely maintain it through micro pulse technology from the outside.

Because of a bad, a slight carelessness in the process of taking the reinforcement is likely to lead to Zhuo Yishan's direct death and can't get off the operating table at all.

Li Hao also doesn't have a good way to solve or avoid this problem, but he knows that as long as he can master the wooden needle technique, the problem will be solved easily.

That's why he said that if he was given another day, it would be more difficult to understand each needle of the five element divine needle. Li Hao learned the first type of water acupuncture in an instant, and the second type of fire acupuncture took Li Hao nearly a week to master it.

Li Hao has been studying and understanding the third type of wooden needling since he exchanged it with the medical immortal Bian que. However, he still hasn't fully understood it until now, so he needs to shut up again and immerse himself in the wooden needling for one day without being disturbed!

After the second fire acupuncture, each version of the five element acupuncture has an ultimate magic skill. Before, Li Hao used fire acupuncture to save the Phoenix Nirvana. Hua Jiansheng, who was beaten into a vegetable by Hua Lingtong, woke up and saved the situation.

The ultimate meaning of wood acupuncture is called withered wood and spring. It can catalyze the vitality of a person's body function to the greatest extent, and make the wound recover and heal. It is called life and death and flesh and bones in the old saying. In the modern medical interpretation, it can promote the rapid division and differentiation of cells, greatly shorten the cycle of cell metabolism and formation, and even promote the differentiation with the best omnipotence Stem cells grow a heart, a liver and other organs again!

It's just that these are linked to the consumed wood attribute internal breathing. With Li Hao's current cultivation, it's not difficult to stop bleeding and make the wound heal rapidly. However, if you want to give birth to another heart, it's not enough to exhaust his wood attribute Zhenyuan internal breathing to support him to achieve this miracle!

So in the final analysis, no matter how magical the acupuncture method in the five element divine needle is, it still needs the strong cultivation of the needle applicator in the end.

However, if Li Hao can fully understand the wooden needle technique, he will be very confident just to take the steel bar from Zhuo Yishan's heart and protect his heart with his current cultivation.

No one knows how long Zhuo Yishan can last under the maintenance of micro pulse, so it's urgent for Li Hao to understand the wooden needling method as soon as possible, and it can't be delayed for a moment!


On the other hand, in the expert meeting room of Chuncheng first hospital, Zhang Mingyu, President of the first hospital, and Wu Yuquan, vice president of Mingzhu public security general hospital, sat in the chief, looking seriously at the silent experts on both sides.

"Don't keep your head down and don't talk. You've just seen the injury of Zhuo Bureau. If you have any opinions, let's talk about your own views."

As the local host, Zhang Mingyu took a sip from the tea cup in front of him and said faintly.

There was silence in the conference room, but no one was willing to speak.

The doctors of Chuncheng first hospital participated in the previous treatment. No one knows how bad Zhuo Yishan is now.

The experts dispatched by the pearl public security general hospital and various branches also had a number about Zhuo Yishan's situation on the way here. Now after seeing the recent body data report, Zhuo Yishan's situation can be said to be deteriorating every day, every minute and every second.

No matter how advanced the micro pulse technology is, it is only a temporary cure rather than a permanent cure.

But who dares to do this operation?

Who is sure to do it?

Zhuo Yishan's body is getting weaker and weaker now. Once he is pushed into the operating room, it can be said that 70% or 80% may close his eyes forever and never get off the operating table again!

Not to mention how bad the death of the director of a municipality directly under the central government will have an impact on his future and how big a stain will be left on his career as a famous doctor, just think about the anger of the Zhuo family, which is enough to scare off those surgical experts.

In fact, after discussion, the experts of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital decided to adopt the conservative treatment method of micro pulse, which could make Zhuo Yishan live longer for a while. There was no way to sustain it, so they had the least responsibility.

But how great is the influence of the Zhuo family?

Experts from the Pearl side were soon sent over, and miss Zhuo Yanyu, Zhuo Yishan's daughter, came with the team in person. With her staring, how can experts have the courage to treat passively?

If the little swallow goes back and says in front of master Zhuo that Zhuo Yishan died because of their doctors' slow work, do they still have a life?

"The situation of Zhuo bureau is too serious. This kind of operation is very risky. Considering the patient's current physical condition, doing the operation is actually killing people."

Zhang Yi's fat face was also full of helplessness. He spread his hands and said, "judging from my experience in cardiac surgery for so many years, I don't approve of surgery. What we should do is to let the hero live more time, let him suffer less pain and walk calmly."

"I think so, too."

"Yes, we are doctors, but we are not immortals. If we can save, we will save, but if we can't save, we will forcibly save. Isn't this tantamount to killing?"

"I agree."

"I think so, too."


As soon as Zhang Yi's words were uttered, there was an attached harmony.

"Then who can persuade Miss Zhuo?"

Wu Yuquan glanced at the experts who were talking. In a word, it was like pouring a basin of cold water from head to toe, making them quiet in an instant.

Yes, how to persuade Zhuo Yanyu?

Who will persuade?

Who can persuade?

Who dares to persuade?


When everyone was sad again, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open from the outside. Dr. Zhao, who looked unhappy, came in and angrily said, "the boy named Li Hao is too forced. He pretended to give Zhuo Ju a pulse and asked him to give him another day. After one day, he can find a way to save Zhuo Ju. What a joke!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole conference room was stunned. After the presidents Wu Yuquan and Zhang Mingyu looked at each other, a ray of surprise appeared on their faces.

They are all worried that no one wants to be the first bird. That's good. Li Hao's lengtouqing sent him to the door#### Second, please subscribe and reward more support

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