Yunnan has high mountains, dense forests, beautiful natural scenery and many ethnic minorities. Because it is the border between Yunnan and Myanmar, there are large areas of primitive jungles and turbulent rivers that are difficult to be observed by satellites.

In a jungle infested by wild animals, there is a small village built close to the mountain. However, what is frightening is that the residents of this small village are almost fully armed. Even children aged eight or nine are carrying automatic rifles on their shoulders and several rounds of bullets around their waist. They look very bandit.

At the back of the stockade, there are seven or eight bamboo houses, large and small, in which many machines are running. Poppy fruit is chemically purified, and then additives are made into heroin and methamphetamine of different purity.

In the tallest bamboo building in Xiaozhai, there is a march of famous fighting families. A man in an army coat and high leather boots is leaning against the bamboo chair, putting his feet up high, dancing and waving wantonly behind the exciting rhythm!


The door of the bamboo building was slowly pushed open from the outside. A man who looked too ordinary to be ordinary came in from the outside, bowed his head and stood in front of him. He said respectfully, "big leader, I'm back."

"Don't worry, come on, this is the gift of the creator to us."

The chief Gong PA waved his hand and interrupted what the man was going to say next. He raised his hand, dipped his fingers in some bright white powder from the nearby plate, greedily put it in his nose, and then sniffed it hard. The whole person was excited, and then his face became more and more excited!

The man with ordinary face also showed a look of expectation on his face. He took the plate handed by Gong PA and looked at the white powder inside. He was as pious as looking at a sacred object. He carefully dipped some in it with his fingers, and then trembled and put his fingers in front of his nose, as if he had exhausted his whole body to inhale the white powder at the fingertips into his body.

"Recent goods, Wang Lei, you have been with me for a long time. What do you think of the goods?"

Gong PA was still dancing with the rhythm, clapping time, laughing wildly and asked Wang Lei.

"The best!"

Wang Lei respectfully raised the plate over his head, did not dare to greedy, and handed it back.

He has been with Gong PA for many years and knows the leader's character.

Arrogant, unscrupulous, cruel and moody.

Gongpa is the leader of this drug trafficking gang. At the same time, he is also an addict, so he knows how hard it is to get rid of the temptation of drugs to people, so he makes and sells drugs, and uses drugs to control his men at the same time.

In gongpa's Gang, almost everyone takes drugs, including those very young children. Because of drugs, they are more crazy than ordinary drug dealers. With advanced weapons in hand, they are a cancer that is difficult to remove!

Gongpa is in a good mood and rewards you for your newly developed goods. That's your blessing. But if he is greedy and annoys him, he may change his hand and break your head.

Wang Lei knew this, so he didn't cross the line at all.

"What's the result of what you're staring at?"

Gong PA stared at Wang Lei with his big eyes like a wolf.

"The last time we sent a helicopter to blow up the general headquarters of the Yunnan Public Security System of the Chinese government in a suicide attack, the Chinese side suffered heavy losses. Among the senior officials, only commander Zhuo Yishan is still alive. However, from the information I inquired, his injury is basically impossible to save, just waiting to die."

Wang Leigong said: "Huaxia has always been a big fat meat that all drug lords in the world want to conquer, because it is the most populous country in the world. Unfortunately, Huaxia's control and crackdown on drugs are too strict. Big leader, you dare to confront the Chinese government this time and let them suffer a great loss. I believe people in the circle will look at us with new eyes in the future!"

"That's natural!!"

With a wave of his hand, Gong Pa said with a domineering laugh: "my Gong Pa will be the king in Jinshan corner in the future! I must bite down this big fat meat of China in the future!"

"Although the explosion was not reported by any of the mainstream media in China, such a big event occurred in the city center in the daytime. On microblog, forum and other network platforms, civil network public opinion has shown a boiling trend."

Wang Lei opened his eyes gloomily: "As soon as Zhuo Yishan dies, we will completely detonate the news and public opinion. The Chinese government sends them to fight against drugs, but even the headquarters and all the chief and Deputy commanders have been killed by us. At that time, the Chinese government will lose face, and the suppressed drug traffickers in the mainland will gradually grow bolder. At that time, we will make endless money!!"

"Hahaha, you're right!"

Gong Pa said that he was excited. With the passionate music, he wiped a handful of white powder on the plate, took a hard breath in his nose, slapped the table and said, "in the future, after conquering China, my Gong PA is the king of the drug world!!"

"However, big leader, we must also be careful against the counterattack of China. After all, no one has ever dared to touch the tiger whiskers of the Chinese government before. This is not unreasonable. The anti drug police are not terrible, but each military region in the Chinese army has private ace special forces. It is these existence that make foreign mercenaries feel at risk from time to time and dare not step into China."

Wang Lei whispered, "if the Chinese government sends the wolf tooth brigade of the southern military region to encircle and suppress us in a rage, I'm afraid we will suffer a great loss with our equipment and combat quality."

"Hehe, since I dare to do it, I must have full confidence!"

Gongpa sneered and said, "my dear partner has made a big move in the South recently. I have got the news that the wolf brigade of the southern military region has been dispatched and can't afford to deal with us."

"That's good."

Wang Lei nodded and said, "then I will continue to lurk back to Chuncheng to monitor Zhuo Yishan. As soon as he dies, I will immediately arrange someone to find the water army to launch a tide of public opinion on the Internet. At that time, it will be the time for the rise of the big leader!!"

"Well, go."

Gong PA waved his hand, laughed and pulled the trigger of the submachine gun on his shoulder. With a harsh sound of bullets, he shot through the roof of his bamboo building, and the grass debris scattered everywhere. In Gong PA's eyes, it was like countless money falling from the sky!

Hearing the shots fired by their leaders on the bamboo tower, the drug dealers who were patrolling or playing cards also followed their leaders and shot at the sky one after another!

But they didn't find that there was a purple dot flying in the wind above their heads, coldly taking a panoramic view of everything below... ##### first

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