When it comes to hotels, many people think of some things that are not suitable for children. Most of the pure friends think of places to travel and sightseeing, places to relieve their body and mind after tiring.

But Li Hao is now sitting in the hotel room arranged by Chuncheng for them and is entering meditation!

Sitting in the hotel room, Li Hao's eyes were closed, and his whole body was whirling, rising and annihilating.

Li Hao of the five elements divine needle has learned the third needle. Just as the cultivation of the five Qi Tianxin formula to the third Qi is a watershed, learning the third needle of the five elements divine needle is also a qualitative leap. Even the medical immortal Bian que is stuck at this level. Because of insufficient qualification, he can't continue to learn.

When the five elements divine needle reaches the third wood needle, it is no longer driven by different techniques, just like the previous water needle and fire needle. To put it bluntly, both water needle and fire needle rely on mysterious needle to stimulate the Qi and blood in the human body to achieve the effect of treatment.

Water acupuncture stimulates blood flow, and fire acupuncture stimulates Yang Qi.

Starting from the wooden needling in the future, Li Hao needs to urge the real yuan internal breathing cultivated in his body to pass into the patient's body, so as to achieve the anti heaven effect of turning corruption into magic!

Therefore, when the medical immortal Bian que handed over the wooden needle technique to Li Hao, he specifically asked whether he practiced the skill method with wooden attribute. Otherwise, even if he understood the principle of wooden needle technique and didn't cooperate with internal strength and breath, it would also have no effect.

Li Hao was immersed in the essence of wooden needling and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

Wood is the direction of life.

It is the so-called wild fire can't burn out, and the spring wind blows again.

When he realized the wood needling technique, Li Hao felt as if he had become a seed, sprouting and growing slowly. A grass, a tree, a flower and a leaf are all tenacious and tenacious lives.

They can't walk and speak, but they can survive in the desperate situation of cliffs, find only a little water and nutrients in the dry and hard stone cracks, and bloom bright flowers.

The five Qi Tianxin formula in Li Hao's body reveals all the wood Qi. The fire and earth Qi are concentrated, and are only kept into two small groups. They quietly lie in the corner of his body. A strong vitality escapes from his body, just like the first wisp of new buds from the treetops of spring, pure, flexible and flawless.

Li Hao was intoxicated with the endless vitality. He knew the technique of wooden needling well, but he always felt a little worse about the essence.

If you can't understand the essence, then even if you use it, it will only have its appearance. You should not only be similar in shape, but also similar in spirit. This is the real understanding.

Just when Li Hao always felt that he was still a layer of window paper not pierced, suddenly there was a mighty Holy Spirit shining down towards him.

The Holy Light ignored the barrier of space and was not limited by time. It fell from the sky and instilled into Li Hao's spiritual will, making him feel that his inner organs were golden and shining!

He didn't wake up from entering the calm and didn't call Mingzhu, but Li Hao really felt that it must be on the side of Mingzhu. In the basement of Haotian industry, linger made a major breakthrough in refining the divine seed of the totem divine tree of TIANYAO family with Shennong Ding.

The sacred heart of truth and the fire of soul must have completely overwhelmed the legal will of the demon family among the tree gods of TIANYAO and began to turn the sacred heart of compassion into it.

Once this refining is successful, what the God plant of the TIANYAO tree will plant will not be the TIANYAO tree that plunders everything to itself, but a guardian tree that can guard one side and have compassion and selflessness.

"Bang Dong! Bang Dong! Bang Dong!"

It was this holy intention that was transmitted to Li Hao's mind. At that moment, everything in his perception disappeared, leaving only the strong and powerful beating sound of the sacred heart of truth.

This heartbeat is the eternal heart of truth of the ancient medicine Saint Shennong emperor. It is also the heartbeat of Li Hao at this moment, and it is also the common aspiration of all living beings to reproduce today!

Live, live.

This is the most basic, primitive and yearning desire of every individual among the vast Terrans!

The will of countless Terrans has no objection and is completely unified in survival!

All beings are united!

For a moment, Li Hao only felt that he was suddenly enlightened. The window paper that had plagued him before was finally completely stabbed and broken. Everything came naturally and solved easily, and all the obscurity and fog dissipated!

From the vitality of plants and trees, we can understand and associate the vitality of the tenacious survival of the human family on this land for generations. Connecting with each other is the essence of real vitality!

Realizing this, Li Hao's young body seemed to be reborn again. His skin became as delicate and smooth as a baby. The whole person seemed to live again and was washed by the pure vitality of wood!

The wood needling technique is finally successful!!

"You can't go in!"

Li Hao opened his eyes and his senses recovered again. The state of the cave made him keenly hear the dispute outside the soundproof door.

"Zhuo niece, just listen to your Uncle Wu. Your father's situation has suddenly deteriorated sharply. If there is no good way, I'm afraid I can't last tonight!"

Wu Yuquan's voice came from the outside and said anxiously, "our expert group's method is very risky. Your friend Li Hao claims that he has a good way to save Zhuo? Then don't you call him out quickly?"

"Brother Hao'er said that he needs a day. No one can disturb him during this day. Now the night has not passed and the day has not arrived. You can't disturb him."

Hearing that her father's situation had deteriorated sharply, Zhuo Yanyu's voice was also hasty. However, she still remembered Li Hao's advice this morning, so she stopped outside the door and blocked Wu Yuquan and Zhang Mingyu who wanted to break in.

"I said to the niece of the Zhuo family, why don't you understand? Is there any difference between today and tomorrow? Can't he do it now? If he waits a few more hours, he will have a way?"

Zhang Mingyu, President of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital, also said, "if your friend has no way, let's turn around and go now. The expert group should take urgent measures immediately. We can afford to wait for him for a few hours, but your father can't afford to wait now!!"


Just when Zhuo Yanyu and the two presidents of the expert group were in a stalemate, the door of the house suddenly made a soft sound, opened from the inside, and Li Hao in a white robe came out of the door.

Junyi came out of the dust. Even in the night, his eyes seemed to be brighter than the stars in the sky. Zhuo Yanyu and two presidents had a faint feeling. It was less than a day that he didn't see. It seemed that some earth shaking changes had taken place in this young man#### Second, ask for a wave of subscription rewards, brothers!!

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