"Hello, master Zhuo."

In the hotel, Li Hao connected a video call with Zhuo Yanyu's mobile phone.

"How about yundian?"

Mr. Zhuo is still in his study. The big secretary Liu Haoran helps him hold a tablet and talk to Li Hao.

"Thank you for your concern. Everything is OK just now."

Li Hao smiled and said, "the old man is a soldier, so I'll come straight to the point. Uncle Zhuo's situation is not optimistic, but I'm sure I can save him!"

"What do you want?"

Master Zhuo's turbid eyes suddenly burst out two bundles of essence, like a peerless sword that had been in the box for many years. Suddenly one day, it showed its peerless edge again!

The old man lived all his life and read all the three teachings of the secular world. Naturally, he is a person like a human spirit. He doesn't have to think about it. Since Li Hao is sure that he can cure Zhuo Yishan, he has to send this video in advance before he can really cure it. He must have some requirements.

"I want the old man to help me start a relationship. Today, I will start sending reporters from various official mainstream media to report on Uncle Zhuo's treatment!"

Li Hao didn't beat around the Bush at all, and went straight to Lang's voice.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Master Zhuo's eyes suddenly became sharp, and looked like a knife through the video. If Li Hao's spiritual realm was not very detached and powerful, ordinary people would have been unable to support it.

"Saving uncle Zhuo is an opportunity. I also want to save traditional Chinese medicine. This is what I promised the teacher and what I should do as a traditional Chinese medicine!"

Li Hao knew that it was useless to tell any lie in front of a man like master Zhuo. He directly said, "I hope the master can make it happen."

"But have you ever thought that you are pushing yourself to a dead end and pulling traditional Chinese medicine with you?"

Master Zhuo looked at Li Hao's calm and righteous face. He knew that he didn't put forward such a request for publicity and fame, and his tone gradually eased down. However, it was obvious that he didn't agree with Li Hao's decision.

Indeed, this request is too risky.

Once it is broadcast live by the official mainstream media, it is something that can be seen by more than one billion pairs of eyes in the country!!

Although Li Hao said he was sure, he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If he made a mistake, it would be a funny performance of traditional Chinese medicine in front of the people all over the country, a farce of lifting a stone and hitting his own feet, and a suicidal act of destruction!

In addition, master Zhuo still has concerns that this time, the headquarters of the public security system was attacked by suicide, and the national dignity was directly provoked by drug traffickers. Such things will not be exposed.

First, such bad events undermine the national dignity. Second, they may make people panic. Even if you want to mobilize the official mainstream media in such matters as this, you have to bear a lot of pressure.

"No crazy devil, no survival, or immortality, or bear eternal curse, I'm willing to fight!"

Li Hao's face had an indisputable firmness. He said to master Zhuo at the other end of the video: "master, even for uncle Zhuo's life, you should give me this opportunity. Since I can call you, it proves that the two expert groups of Western medicine have no good treatment strategies. You must have thought of this for a long time?"

Zhuo Taian at the other end of the video was silent. After a long time, he raised his head, looked at Li Hao and said, "your boy is very good. You have such ruthlessness that you are not afraid of heaven and earth. If you were a man who could fight and fight during the war of resistance against Japan!"

"You promised?"

Li Hao was overjoyed.

"I'm crazy about teenagers. Since you want to be crazy, what's my fear?"

Master Zhuo shook his clothes, like a tiger opening the gate, and said faintly, "I haven't called to chat with several old comrades in arms in Yanjing for a long time. This time, it's also an opportunity to brag with them."

"Thank you, old man."

Li Hao made a deep bow to the old man Zhuo in the video.

He understands that since zhuotaian has made such a commitment, it proves that he really wants to go out in person and use his contacts and networks hidden for many years to promote it for himself.

"No harm."

Master Zhuo waved his hand and said, "they all say that you should plug some red envelopes for the doctor before the operation, so that the patient's family can be at ease. I've wrapped a big red envelope for you in advance. Now my son's life is tied to your reputation and the future of traditional Chinese medicine. I don't worry that you won't try your best."

"The old man killed me."

Li Hao blushed and knew that although the old man promised to help himself, he was still a little unhappy. He was taking words to sour himself.

However, he also knew how difficult it was to promise this, so he bowed to the old man again and said, "even if the old man refused me, I will pull uncle Zhuo back from the gate of hell wholeheartedly!"


Zhuo laotaishan nodded slightly, and then asked the big secretary Liu Haoran to hang up the video call. Obviously, he was anxious to dredge up the relationship with Yanjing.

"Little swallow, let's go. We need to find a traditional Chinese medicine shop and buy some medicines for uncle Zhuo."

Putting down his mobile phone, Li Hao took Zhuo Yanyu's hand and walked outside the hotel.

With the great success of wooden needling, Li Hao's confidence increased greatly. Although he did not say that he was sure to cure Zhuo Yishan, he was also confident.

That night, after grasping the medicine, Li Hao accompanied Zhuo Yanyu to the intensive care unit. Yesterday's doctor Zhao was also in it.

Sure enough, as Li Hao said, Wu Yuquan and Zhang Mingyu came to say that Zhuo Yishan's situation had deteriorated sharply in the evening, just to stimulate Li Hao. Now Zhuo Yishan is still lying in the hospital bed. Although it has not improved significantly, the situation is very stable.

"Can you really cure Zhuo?"

When Dr. Zhao saw Li Hao coming, he looked suspiciously at the boy who was at least one round younger than himself, and asked softly in disbelief.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Li Hao smiled mysteriously and said, "there will be a live broadcast on TV and the Internet."

The next day, early in the morning, journalists from many media arrived in Chuncheng on the earliest plane. Traditional mainstream media included expatriate journalists from CCTV, while emerging network portals, such as somao TV, Penguin TV and other large platforms, also sent reporters.

This time, their goal is not for a king or superstar.

The goals of these reporters are all about a new traditional Chinese medicine operation to be carried out in the operating room of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital#### Second, it came together. Let's have fun watching it together. Ask for a wave of subscriptions and rewards. Thank you!

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