"Hello, audience friends. Where I am now is at the gate of the first hospital in Chuncheng, the capital of Yunnan Province. You can see that many media colleagues have been present here, and the scene is very popular."

A petite reporter stood at the gate of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital, holding a microphone, and said to the live camera in front of him: "Earlier, our station received news that Zhuo Yishan, a senior official of China's public security system, was unfortunately seriously injured and his life was in danger in the previous action to recover drug traffickers. However, there was a magical young man who claimed that he could be cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Director Zhuo, who was helpless even with advanced western medicine!"

"Hello, netizens, this is the live broadcast of penguin news, but the fire of gossip in your heart can be put out for a while. This time, we're not here to explode the material of a star."

Julie, the beauty anchor of penguin.com, is much more sexy and gorgeous than the reporter of CCTV. Her words are naturally more playful. She is not as rigid as the official media. She winked playfully and said: "I believe many netizens knew about the explosion in the city center in the spring of the previous two days on their microblog and our Penguin video. After many investigations, they finally determined that it was the terrorist retaliation of drug traffickers against the public security system. It was really frightening!!"

With that, she also took a picture of her very upturned and full crisp chest in front of the camera, with a poor appearance of "I'm so scared", which made the netizens who watched the live broadcast at the far end swallow their saliva again.

"However, lily is going to show you live today, but there is a young traditional Chinese medicine born in the sky. He claims that he has unique skills and can treat the serious injury on director Zhuo Yishan, which makes countless experts headache!"

Julie's pretty face put on a look of longing again, blinked her big eyes and said, "I don't know whether this is true or false. You know, these public security comrades are heroes to protect our safety. It would be great if they could be saved. Lily really expects this young traditional Chinese medicine to return to life!"

With that, she also timely revealed a ray of little woman's shame, lowered her head and said in a charming voice: "if this young Chinese medicine is still very handsome, a girl who worships heroes like Lily will surely fall for him!"

As a popular female anchor of penguin TV, Julie knows how to control the rhythm of the live broadcast and how to mobilize the enthusiasm and appetite of the audience. She smiles and smiles, half seriously broadcasts and half joking about herself, which immediately makes those two-dimensional otaku who don't care much about the current affairs of these countries interested in the live broadcast.

In addition, in addition to CCTV and Penguin TV, for example, the local station reporters in Chuncheng and the live reporters of somao TV also do live reports on their respective media platforms.

"Open the door, open the door!!"

It was just eight o'clock when the door of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital opened. President Zhang Mingyu came out in a white coat. With his identity and qualifications, he was not the first time to face the media interview. However, when he saw that so many reporters and interview cars were surrounded at the door, his face still shook imperceptibly.

"Dean Zhang, when will the operation begin?"

After all, the reporter of CCTV is a national brand. He took the lead and came to Zhang Mingyu first and asked.

"The operation is almost ready. All media friends, please take a light step and follow me in. Don't disturb other patients. Thank you."

Zhang Mingyu tried to squeeze a smile from his face, turned around, turned back to the media who were still ready to ask questions and said, "don't worry. After the live broadcast of the operation, we will arrange a special press conference to provide you with interview space. Now you'd better go in with me, otherwise the patient can't afford to wait."

When those media reporters who did not ask questions heard him say so, they could only give up, light handed and orderly followed Zhang Mingyu into the gate of Chuncheng No. 1 hospital.

They also want to rush to the front regardless of their quality to grab the first-hand lens, but there are heavily armed armed armed police officers and soldiers in the corridor of the hospital. They don't want to be carried out by the police uncle because of undermining order!

"The reporter is now in front of the operating room of the live operation. You can see that director Zhuo in the ward is still in a coma. It seems that the situation is not optimistic."

The CCTV reporter continued to report, but he had lowered his voice and said, "now there is no one in the operating room except director Zhuo, and the mysterious Chinese medicine teenager has not appeared."

"Grandpa, Grandpa Ning, you drink tea."

Pearl, in Chen's villa, Chen Xi skillfully made a pot of tea for Chen Yu and needle King Ning Yitian, and then brought it to the two old men.

Chen Yu and Ning Yitian frowned and looked at the CCTV live picture on the TV screen in front of them. The faces of the two old people were extremely dignified.

"Big hand, I don't know who it is. It's so big!"

Old man Chen Yu squeezed his fist tightly, and his face was full of tension.

They can't help but be nervous. Traditional Chinese medicine has been reported live on CCTV. If it becomes a natural fish leaping over the dragon's gate, but if it is screwed up, it will be doomed!!

Ning Yitian sat beside him and didn't speak, but he could see the tension in his heart from his trembling hand holding the tea cup.

A generation of needle king can shake his hands!!

Chenxi also looked quietly at the TV screen. There was a faint feeling in her heart. Li Hao told him to hurry to yundian to deal with urgent things. Will it be him this time?

"Lao Zhuo's Taishan Mountain was unstable. This time, uncle Zhuo's injury really hung his heart!"

In Yanjing, Zuo Feifei, a powerful Zuo family, is skillfully helping the old man knead her shoulders and beat her legs. What she studies in traditional Chinese medicine is the body method of muscles and bones and Wuqinxi to replenish qi and activate blood circulation. The massage technique is also very good, which makes the old man very useful.

"Let's see if Lao Zhuo has made such a big effort this time."

The old master of the left family half opened his eyelids and said faintly.

"Chinese medicine went to surgery, liar?"

In the fraternity Hospital of pearl, many doctors also sit in front of the TV in the hospital hall and watch the live broadcast of CCTV, but many are sniffing.

"Hey! Xiao Huang, aren't you a graduate of traditional Chinese medicine? If you are allowed to have this operation, can you make it?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Many doctors looked at Huang Ning, the new intern next to them, and asked with a sneer.

Huang Ning lowered his head deeply and didn't speak. He came in only after looking for a relationship, and he was often ridiculed by these doctors who studied western medicine, but there was no way.

"Oh, why hasn't the little traditional Chinese medicine appeared yet? People are so anxious. I don't know if all netizens are as curious as lily?"

At the door of the operating room of Chuncheng first hospital, Julie, the anchor of penguin TV, is also looking forward to it. She doesn't forget to continue to tease the audience at the same time.

"Who is it?"

"Yes! I'm really curious!"

In Huaxia Medical College, many students without classes are also watching the webcast through Penguin TV.

"Come out, come out!!"

Suddenly, the voices of all the reporters from the media to the scene were raised at the same time. The door of the operating room was slowly opened, and a white robe appeared, looking calm and pleasant, just like a fairy.

At this time, Li Hao attracted much attention and was known all over the country!!

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