Wake up!!

I woke up!!

Looking at this incredible scene in front of us, all the media reporters watching at the scene outside the operating room were stunned!

Even after Zhang Mingyu deliberately repeatedly told them to be quiet when watching the operation, several media reporters directly screamed out, and then suddenly covered their mouth, just like the child found after doing something wrong.

At the same time, many people who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV screen or computer screen were also surprised.

"Grass! Is this true or false?!"

"Wow! Wake up with one shot?! are you kidding me? Is Li Hao an immortal?!"

"It's so fake. How do I think it's trust!"

"Grass Mud Horse, do you think you are mentally disabled? Can you find a national bureau level cadre to lie in bed with you? Did you flush your brain with shit when you went to the toilet?"

"It's said that the army of Huaxia Medical College has taken over the live broadcasting room. Those who dare to take the rhythm and black Li Hao will enjoy the forbidden word package!!"

Pearl, 99 Zhujiang Road, in Zhuo Laotai mountain's old house.

"One mountain, one mountain!!"

In Zhuo's living room, Zhuo Yishan woke up under the needle of Li Hao. Zhuo Yishan's wife Yang Yun couldn't help crying again. She sat up and stared nervously at Zhuo Yishan in the operating room on the TV screen, as if her husband could hear herself.

Yang Yun's own family is just a small family in Pearl. She fell in love with Zhuo Yishan for four years when she was in college. At that time, she didn't even know that Zhuo Yishan was the famous young master of the Zhuo family. The love between Prince and Cinderella in this fairy tale has always been the most precious thing for their husband and wife.

When she learned that Zhuo Yishan was critically ill, Yang Yun cried and fainted several times, which is why Li Hao took Zhuo Yanyu instead of Yang Yun.

Because if she is on the scene, Yang Yun can't control herself. On the contrary, it will bring great trouble to his treatment.


Although master Zhuo didn't lose his attitude like Yang Yun, his fist was suddenly clenched. The whole man looked cold in his eyes and opened his mouth to spit out the word "good".

"Little swallow, encourage uncle Zhuo quickly, because I'll stab his hemp acupoint and make him coma again for surgery."

Zhuo Yishan's awakening was naturally expected by Li Hao. He patted Zhuo Yanyu, who was still in a daze, and whispered.


Zhuo Yanyu went to the bed and looked at her father who had changed beyond recognition. Although she had seen it many times these days, she would still burst into tears every time she saw it again.

Zhuo Yishan's lips moved slightly, but there was no way to make a sound, but he could see it from his eyes. He obviously felt the existence of Zhuo Yanyu, and there was more brilliance in his eyes.

When everyone is dying, seeing the call of his close relatives around him is a shot in the arm for everyone who is dying, that is, what is commonly known as the return of light.

"Dad, I've come to save you. Brother Hao'er and I have come to save you. You'll be fine. You'll be fine!"

Zhuo Yanyu squatted beside Zhuo Yishan with tears in his eyes and softly shouted.

Zhuo Yishan's lips moved more, the light in his eyes became clearer and clearer, and a strong will to survive broke out from his eyes.

Zhuo Yishan is a talented man in his middle age. His daughter has just grown up. He hasn't seen his daughter marry happily. How can he be willing to die?!

"Uncle Zhuo, leave your injury to me, but you must maintain such a strong desire to survive in order to get twice the result with half the effort!"

Li Hao also walked to the hospital bed and said seriously.

Zhuo Yishan couldn't nod, but he blinked gently to show that he knew.

Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Zhuo Yishan has a strong desire to survive, the effect of the treatment will be much better.

"One shot! Just one shot, our young miracle doctor will wake up director Zhuo Yishan from his coma. It's amazing!!"

Outside the operating room, the female reporter of CCTV lowered her voice and reported in front of the camera: "we have now invited Mr. Zhang Mingyu, President of Chuncheng first hospital, to accompany us to observe the operation. What is the use of these instruments on President Zhang and director Zhuo?"

"Oh, Zhuo Ju's injury is too serious. He has been in a deep coma before, and his body has been unable to maintain normal physiological activities. I believe everyone has seen that there are many tubes and electric chips attached to him, including oxygen, nutrient solution, urine catheterization and defecation. Of course, the electrode wires are mine Our most advanced micro pulse technology! "

Zhang Mingyu said proudly: "I'm afraid many ordinary people don't understand this micro pulse technology. To put it bluntly, it controls the current through the pulse signal, and then uses the current within the range harmless to the human body to stimulate the pacing of the heart. For the injury pierced by a hard foreign body in the heart like Zhuo Ju, only with this technology can he barely maintain his life."

"Oh, our medical level is becoming more and more professional, and our distance from the top in the world is becoming smaller and smaller. This is really the gospel of our people."

As a national media reporter, the female reporter of CCTV stressed that the strength of the country has become a habit. After saying this, she said curiously: "the little traditional Chinese medicine gave director Zhuo a shot to wake up. Where is the mystery of this shot?"


Zhang Mingyu was asked by the CCTV female reporter. His face was a little ugly. Then he quickly adjusted and shook his head and said, "ha ha, people's energy is too limited. I can't even study western medicine in my life. I really don't understand traditional Chinese medicine."

After that, Zhang Mingyu touched the bridge of his nose. In order to turn away his embarrassment, he said: "But I'm sure that Li Hao's needle can awaken director Zhuo. In addition to the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, it must have something to do with the good foundation laid by our western medicine. I can say that if we leave the micro pulse technology, no matter how superb Li Hao's traditional Chinese medicine is, Zhuo Ju will definitely die immediately."

However, his voice just fell. In the operating room, Li Hao, standing next to Zhuo Yishan, looked at the micro pulse wires and electrode patches connected to his heart, and then pulled those wires directly from Zhuo Yishan in front of the whole audience and the national audience!!

The people who are watching the live broadcast outside the operating room and even the whole country are stunned at this moment!!

Especially Zhang Mingyu, looking at Li Hao, he only felt the burning pain on his face.

He just said that if he removed the micro pulse machine, Zhuo Yishan would surely die, but Li Hao immediately hit him in the face in front of the national audience with his own actions... ###### first, more rewards can be added for more than 100 book beans!

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