
At the moment when the electrode of the micro pulse machine was pulled out by Li Hao, bursts of harsh alarms sounded on the machine. Zhuo Yishan's face suddenly changed, his pupils contracted and his breathing became urgent.

Without the pacing help of micro pulse current, his seriously injured heart lost the strength to continue beating vigorously almost instantaneously, and fell into the crisis of sudden stop.

"Kill! He's killing!"

Zhang Mingyu, next to the CCTV reporter, was like a cat whose tail was trampled. He screamed, "director Zhuo's ECG has become a straight line. He's murdering!"

Sure enough, after Li Hao pulled off the patch of the micro pulse motor, Zhuo Yishan's heartbeat soon weakened, and the ECG became gentle from the original regular waveform. Except for occasional fluctuations, it was basically a straight line.

Even people who no longer understand medicine can understand it. Once the waveform of ECG has completely disappeared, the person's heart must have stopped beating in his chest.

But Li Hao didn't panic. His backhand touched a silver needle from his waist. This time, he didn't even pretend to disinfect on the alcohol lamp. The fire in his body suddenly burst out. He held the two fingers of the silver needle in his hands. In the process of rapid vibration, he disinfected the silver needle through internal breathing.

Then he pointed like a strong wind and stabbed into Zhuo Yishan's chest steadily, accurately and ruthlessly. At the same time, the hand holding the needle trembled at a frequency difficult to distinguish by the naked eye.

It was the needlework he realized after seeing the micro pulse technology for the first time the day before yesterday!




With Li Hao's injection, the harsh alarm sound in the instrument gradually subsided and returned to the sound of normal operation. What's more, the ECG connected to Zhuo Yishan's body miraculously restored the previous fluctuation, and even beat more powerful than when it was just maintained with micro pulse technology!

The situation turned again. Zhang Mingyu stared at Li Hao in the operating room. His eyes widened and his mouth opened, as if he had been pinched by an invisible big hand.

"Dean Zhang, why did director Zhuo's heartbeat recover again? In that case, can we also think that Li Hao replaced the most advanced micro pulse technology in the world with the silver needle in his own hand?"

The CCTV reporter on one side struck while the iron was hot, handed over the microphone and asked in a hurry.

Zhang Mingyu didn't answer. He didn't have the face to talk anymore. In front of Li Hao, an expert who has been famous for many years, he seemed to be a joke. He was beaten in the face again and again in front of the national audience.

At this time, the barrage on the live broadcasting platform of penguin TV and somao TV is also crazy in the online media.

"Shit! I was scared to death. I thought Li Hao failed! It's OK."

"It's incredible! After cardiac arrest, don't you only rely on a pacemaker with strong current to stimulate cardiac resuscitation? Li Hao can do it with a silver needle. It's amazing!!"

"Hum, a bunch of rubbish, I never worried about Li Hao's failure, don't you know? Our senior students have never made mistakes since we won a big victory over the western medicine team of the University of Edinburgh in England!!"

"That's great. It's worthy of being the man I'm going to give him monkeys..."

"Get out! Line up..."

At this moment, all people around the country who care about Li Hao and Zhuo Yishan are relieved after seeing this scene. The operation has not failed and everything has not been determined.

"What kind of needling is this..."

In Chen's villa, old man Chen Yu stared at Li Hao on the TV screen with a look of amazement and murmured.

"I've never seen such a sharp tremor. It's incredible to drive the silver needle by hand and pull the vibration to lead the heart to beat again!"

The nearby needle King Ning Yitian also shook his head and said, "from the first day I learned acupuncture when I was a child, my father warned me that I must use needles stably, but Li Hao broke this routine. It's incredible, it's incredible! How strong does he have to control his body and the patient's body to do this!!"

Indeed, Ning Yitian, the king of needles, is worthy of being the king of needles. He saw through the principle and difficulty of Li Hao's hand at a glance, but it was because he saw through that he sighed like this, because he asked himself that he could never do it by himself.

However, it is no wonder that Li Hao is a real person after all. Under the territory of Dongwei, his body and Zhuo Yishan's body are under his absolute and accurate control!

"Uncle Zhuo, I'm going to use a silver needle to stab your hemp point to anesthetize you, and then help you with the operation. Please rest assured."

Li Hao's right hand kept the trembling needle to maintain the vitality of Zhuo Yishan's heart. Then his left hand touched several silver needles around his waist, raised his hand and stabbed into several hemp holes on Zhuo Yishan. It hit the nail on the head. Zhuo Yishan only felt a sense of dizziness in his brain, and soon fell into a coma again.

Li Hao helped him to anesthetize through acupoints. Compared with Western medical drug anesthesia, it will not cause any damage to the human body. Unlike drug anesthesia, once the anesthetic is excessive, it is likely to cause irreparable damage to the human body.

After the anesthesia, Li Hao's right hand always kept the state of trembling needle, and then his left hand moved smoothly to Zhuo Yishan's heart.

"What does this handsome boy want? He won't have to pull out the steel bar stabbed into the heart in director Zhuo's chest after so many stitches?"

Julie, the anchor of penguin TV, covers her small mouth and nervously looks at Li Hao in the operating room. With her words, all the viewers watching the live broadcast through the network platform are also nervous.

Li Hao's hand approached the steel bar bit by bit, and it took more than ten seconds to finally hold it on the steel bar!

It was just such a simple move that he did it carefully and on thin ice.

"If you pull it out like this, it will certainly cause massive bleeding. Is this guy crazy?"

Wu Yuquan and the members of the Pearl expert group were also looking at Li Hao inside the operating room, muttering incredulously.


Li Hao lifted his hand up bit by bit. When he pulled out about an inch, his eyes were sharp, and then his wrist trembled. He pulled out the one embedded in Zhuo Yishan's heart #### second, it's late today. Sorry, good night~

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