"Your classmate seems to have suffered a bit of a shock. Do you want to take him to a therapist first?"

Li Hao walked up to the gloomy Lu Xiahou. With an innocent expression, he pointed to Nick who was still lying in the goal and spread out his hands, "You can't blame your martial uncle for this! "He fell down before I even used any strength …"

"Next, Bob, compete with him in sprint!"

Marquis Lu Xiahou snorted coldly, forcing himself not to refute Li Hao.

Are you saying you don't have enough strength?

Didn't you see that both the player and the ball were kicked flying?!

If he did not use any strength, then what would happen if he did?

"The field is about four hundred meters per lap. Let's just compare our speed to a run. Whoever is faster wins!"

Lu Xiahou brought Li Hao and Bob to the starting line. After saying the rules, he turned around and quietly stuffed a tiny pill into Bob's hand. He gave him a look.

Bob took the hint and pretended to rub his face. He looked like he wanted to wake himself up a bit, but he took the opportunity to slip the pill into his mouth.

This pill was a type of strong polymerized sugar, and its effect was much stronger than functional beverages like glucose. It was similar to stimulants, which could allow Bob to maintain a speed that was even faster than when he was sprinting at full speed during a 400 meter range!

Li Hao sneered in his heart. Naturally, such a small trick could not be hidden from him, but he did not panic, and had his own ways to deal with it.

He extended his hand and touched his waist. He actually took out a few needles that were an inch long!

These days, he had been studying the way of acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine, so the acupuncture needles had never left his body.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Hao lightly twisted the silver needles and pierced each of his meridians, Shan Zhong, and He Gu acupoints one by one!

"What is he doing?"

"Silver Needle Crossing Acupuncture Points, does Li Hao really have that kind of ability?"

Many people began to talk about it when they saw this.

"The Baihui acupoints, the Shan Zhong acupoints, and the He Gu acupoints are all acupoints that can stimulate the human body's functions, stimulating the human body's potential for a short period of time."

Zuo Fei Fei Fei's university studied the body techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, so her knowledge of acupuncture points was extremely high, and she was able to see through Li Hao's motive for doing so.

"Seems like the other party must have used some sort of cheating method. In order to prevent any unforeseen events, Li Hao did it this way. Otherwise, with his sprinting ability, why would he do such a thing?"

Zuo Fei Fei was filled with confidence in Li Hao's speed, and then she looked at Lu Xiahou and Bob with disdain.

Chen Xi was so smart that she instantly understood what was going on. She glared at Lu Xiahou and the others, anger filling her beautiful big eyes!

Naturally, Marquis Lu felt the gazes of Zuo Fei and Chen Xi. A trace of awkwardness appeared on his face. He turned around and ignored them, saying, "Since both sides are ready, let's begin!"

"Get ready!"

Li Hao and Bob were at the starting line at the same time, and Marquis Lu was giving orders from the side.


Right after he finished speaking, Bob dashed out like an arrow leaving the bowstring.

As for Li Hao, he acted as if he hadn't heard the word "start." He remained standing at the starting line, completely unmoved.

"Li Hao, run! Why didn't you run? "

"Li Hao, what are you staring at?!"

The surrounding students couldn't help but worry for him.

"Nothing, just let him cover a hundred meters."

Li Hao slowly shook his head.

"You will pay for your arrogance."

Marquis Lu said angrily, "Since ancient times, China has had the story of how the tortoise and the rabbit competed. It seems like you don't understand this logic."

"Martial Nephew, how can you say that your friend is a tortoise?"

Li Hao curled his lips, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Or do you mean that the pill you gave him just now was refined from something in the body of a turtle?"

"I …"

Once again, Li Hao had exposed his small movements. Marquis Lu's expression changed. Just as he was about to open his mouth to argue, Li Hao had already used all his strength. His entire body turned into a blurry shadow and chased after him like the wind!

Bob sprinted forward with all his might. After taking the pill that Marquis Lu Xia had just handed him, he felt like he was superman. He had an inexhaustible energy in his body, directly saving the initial moment of his stamina and sprinting through the entire process!

"Arrogant Chinese brat, go and die!"

In the midst of his extreme speed, Bob seemed to feel the joy of flying. He howled in delight in his heart, as if he had already seen the hope of victory!

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Listening to the mad roar behind him, Bob turned his head and caught a glimpse of Lu Xiahou's flustered expression. He was puzzled, his speed was so fast and he was running ahead of Li Hao. What else was there to be anxious about?

However, when Bob turned around and looked behind him with doubt in his eyes, he was so frightened that he quivered, almost falling down from the disorder in his footsteps!

Li Hao, who was running later than him, had unexpectedly caught up to him like the wind while holding up the silver needles that he had pierced himself!

"Is he still human?!"

"How could he possibly catch up to me?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Bob felt his mind go blank. In his heart, besides being unfathomable, it was also unfathomable!

He could finally understand Nick's expression of helplessness. He had already taken drugs, but this Chinese youth was still able to catch up to him. What was he going to do now?!


There are many things in the world that are like this, even if you are unwilling to accept them, but it will still come, just as the rose in the vase will not be forever withered by the love of a lover, just as the great wheel of history will not be stopped by anyone's unwillingness.

Accompanying the sound of the wind breaking, Li Hao's figure came one after the other and finally caught up to Bob, and successfully overtook him!

Li Hao's speed was indeed a bit exaggerated, and this was without his full strength.

That was because while he was using acupuncture to stimulate his body, the Divine Seal that Killing God Bai Qi gifted him previously seemed to have been touched as well, as it began to channel its power into his body.

This was the true power of a deity! Even if it was used just a little, it would be enough to shock the world!

"How long will it take? "How long?!"

When Li Hao finished his sprint and returned to the starting point, although everyone knew that he had beaten Bob, they were still very curious as to how long Li Hao had taken to finish the four hundred meters.

"Three, thirty-eight seconds!"

The student in charge of timing looked at the stopwatch in his hand. His eyes were wide open as he stammered out a number that shocked everyone's jaws!

38 seconds!

Although there was no international running program of 400 meters, so it couldn't be compared with the world record. However, everyone believed that even if those professional athletes trained every day were here, it was unlikely for them to surpass Li Hao!

Bob looked at Li Hao in a daze. He was stunned, just like Nick just now.

"Sou Nian, it doesn't matter if you lose the match, but it's not good to lose your luck. Next time, don't do something as despicable as taking medicine before the competition."

Li Hao walked over from the side and patted Bob's shoulder in an old-fashioned manner. Without caring if Bob understood what he said or not, he said lightly, "I'll give you a lesson this time. I can't blame you. Who asked me to be Marquis Lu's martial uncle, your elder?"

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