"There's still the third round!"

Marquis Lu gritted his teeth. He couldn't stand Li Hao calling himself an elder in front of everyone!

Although his English classmates didn't quite understand, there were still so many Chinese university students around!

If nothing unexpected happened, after today, this matter of him being Junior Disciple Li Hao would be known by the entire Chinese Medical Academy!

"Jack, you have to win, you have to win!"

Lu Xiahou walked up to the last English classmate and stood on his tiptoes. He looked up at the two-meter-tall man, and said with a hysterical voice, "The dignity of us British aristocrats, is up to you!"

"Don't worry, you're still not clear about my strength?"

Jack comforted Lu Xiahou, then looked down at Li Hao in a condescending manner. He spoke in pure English, "You are very powerful, but I am still confident that I can defeat you!"

He spoke very slowly, so Li Hao roughly understood what he meant.

However, he still shrugged indifferently, turned around and said, "See you at the basketball court."

"Go!" Go to the basketball court! "

"They're going to the basketball court! Let's hurry up and go over as well! "

As Li Hao took a step forward, the students that were watching from the field also swarmed towards the basketball court. In addition, more and more people were gathering, and the students of the Chinese Medical Academy were calling for friends to come watch the final match!

"Bang!" Bang! "Bam!"

Li Hao and Jack stood on the basketball court while Jack skillfully dribbled. Although he was very tall, it didn't mean that his dribbling skills were bad. On the contrary, he was the backbone of the school sports team in the UK, and his dribbling skills were very good!

"Chinese man, you are too short."

Jack arrogantly looked down at Li Hao, who was a full head shorter than him, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Li Hao was only 1.8 meters tall, which was definitely not considered short among ordinary people. However, compared to Jack, who was nearly two meters tall, he was naturally shorter.

"The two sides will decide the ball right by competing for the ball. After that, it will be one versus one solo. Whoever wins first gets 15 points will win!"

Marquis Lu took the basketball from Jack, looked at Li Hao and added, "You are not allowed to exceed the score. In other words, after obtaining 12 points, the last attack must be a three-point shot to end the match."

"I understand, at least three points!"

Li Hao nodded, he had no objections to the rules.

Marquis Lu repeated the rules to Jack in English. Then, he stood between Li Hao and Jack and threw the basketball in his hand into the air.


Li Hao and Jack both jumped up from the ground at the same time and reached out their hands towards the basketball in the air.

In the competition for the ball, Jack, who clearly had the advantage of being tall and spreading his arms, took the advantage and easily got hold of the basketball first, then firmly hugged it in his arms!

Li Hao landed on the ground, his face remained expressionless even after losing the game. He calmly looked at Jack and quickly entered a defensive state.

Jack worked the ball skillfully, staring at Li Hao with aggressive eyes, his shoulders shaking slightly, as if his whole body were covered in fake moves.


Jack first moved the ball to the left to break through, while Li Hao stuck close to him to defend. Suddenly, Jack stopped his steps, took a step, and with an extremely beautiful change of direction, he directly dodged Li Hao's defense, leaped high into the air, and threw straight at him!


Jack was the first to score two points, Marquis Lu, who was standing to the side, immediately raised his fist. Nick and Bob who had lost previously also seemed to regain some of their spirit.

After all, previously one of them had been sealed by Li Hao and the other one had been drugged and couldn't outrun Li Hao. Now that Jack had scored two points in the basketball match, this was the first time he had obtained the upper hand against Li Hao.

"Bring it on!"

Because Jack scored, he was the one who sent the ball. Looking at Li Hao, Jack, who was the first to pull out one of the teams, felt his confidence skyrocket. He let out a provocative growl.

"That's it!"

"Jack, good job!"

Marquis Lu Xiahou was so excited that his face turned red as he shouted at the edge of the field.

"Li Hao's height is indeed much lower than him, I can't defend against him at all!"

"Yeah, I've played football with Li Hao before. His offensive skills are not bad, but his defensive skills are unable to stop the big and strong Jack. He shouldn't be directly beaten to fifteen to zero, right?"

Seeing Jack easily hitting Li Hao's two balls, the surrounding Chinese students couldn't help but become nervous.

Because until now, they hadn't seen any signs of Li Hao retaliating.

"Haozi, you can do it!"

"Take care of one of them! Do your best!"

Zhang Kun and the others also came to the stadium. Looking at Li Hao, the brothers did not hesitate to shout out loud, once again activating the humble aura of the Chinese students!

If his brothers didn't come forward at the critical moment, who would?

"I've heard of this Jack before. Not to mention in Edinburgh University's medical academy, even in the whole of Edinburgh University, he's a famous basketball expert. This time, Li Hao is even more handsome!"

Amongst the crowd, Wang Yun had a look of schadenfreude on his face as he muttered to himself: "The higher you climb, the heavier you fall. Li Hao, you won't be arrogant for long!"

Su Ling, who was standing beside him, did not say anything. However, when she looked at Li Hao, her eyes revealed a trace of worry.

"Today, don't even think about getting a single ball!"

The more Jack fought, the more valiant he became. Using his physical advantage, he repeatedly passed Li Hao's defense. In one or two moves, he had already scored six goals and gained twelve points!

Until now, Li Hao hadn't even touched the ball, let alone had the chance to attack. The ball's weight had always been firmly held in Jack's hand!

"Twelve points! Another three points and Jack will win! "

Beside him, Nick and Bob were going crazy as well. From afar, they looked like three baboons in heat.

Victory was just around the corner. As long as Jack could score another three points, he would be able to win this solo victory, with zero seal for Li Hao!

Furthermore, before the start of the three sports competition, Li Hao had once boasted that if he lost one of them, it would be Lu Xiahou's win.

So right now, they were not only one step away from winning this basketball solo, they were also only one step away from winning the entire contest!

"Kill him!" Jack, kill him! "

Lu Xiahou roared hysterically at the edge of the field, desperately waving his fist in the air to cheer for Jack, who was preparing for the final ball.

With only three points, Jack would be able to win back all the glory he had lost at Li Hao's hands!

"Triple attack!"

Jack jumped high into the air and threw the basketball in his hand towards the basket.

Jack's shooting had always been accurate. Seeing this scene, many Chinese students couldn't help but cover their eyes, not daring to look at the result of Li Hao being sealed by Li Hao.


However, with a clear and crisp sound, Jack's seemingly small body created another miracle!

Li Hao actually jumped out of the incredible height and heavily covered Jack's three-point shot with a hot pot!

Li Hao held the ball and looked at the dumbstruck Jack. The corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"The next moment is the audience's favorite moment of the ultimate counterattack."

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