Li Hao falls into Zhuo Yanyu's arms. The operation is over and Zhuo Yishan is all right.

However, for those journalists and doctors who watch outside, they do not know this.

When Li Hao fell into Zhuo Yanyu's arms, the people outside immediately fried the pot!

What happened?

What is this?!

How can the doctor cure himself instead of saving people well?!

This is really the first time a big girl has married!

"What's the matter? There was an emergency in the operating room. Li Hao, the attending physician of the operation, suddenly fainted during the operation! We don't know what the situation is now. What's the matter with Dr. Li Hao? What's the matter with director Zhuo Yishan's injury?"

The CCTV reporter himself was also surprised and reported in front of the camera.

Similarly, in front of the network platform on the other side, Julie, the anchor of penguin TV, is also full of curiosity. She doesn't know what's going on in the operating room.

"What's going on?!"

Pearl, at No. 99 Zhujiang Road, Zhuo Yishan's wife Yang Yun stood up from the sofa excitedly and stared at the TV screen in front of her unbelievably.

Zhuo laotaishan didn't speak, but a pair of tiger eyes stared at the TV screen without blinking.


In Chen's villa, Chen Xi, who has been nervously and silently cheering for Li Hao, couldn't control her worry at the moment when Li Hao fainted. She couldn't help but scream and her pretty face was pale.

"Is it cured?"

"Can it be cured?"

Old man Chen Yu and old man Ning Yitian spoke in unison. After asking, they looked at each other and didn't find the answer from each other's eyes.

Because they are both excellent traditional Chinese medicine, they all know how difficult it is to treat this kind of injury.

When countless people were concerned about what was going on in the operating room, Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan rushed into the operating room from the outside.

"What happened to Li Hao?"

Wu Yuquan looked at Li Hao unconscious in Zhuo Yanyu's arms and asked.

"Before he went into a coma, he told me that he was out of strength and needed a rest."

Zhuo Yanyu tried to hold Li Hao as soft as mud in his arms and answered.

Although Li Hao is very thin, he is a man after all. Zhuo Yanyu still has some difficulties in helping him who has completely fainted.

"Release force?"

Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan looked at each other and felt a little funny. If Zhuo Yanyu were not Zhuo Yishan's own daughter, they would even suspect that this was Li Hao's bitter meat trick deliberately played after the failure of treatment.

How can anyone be so weak that he is so tired to faint after an operation?

However, the words of Zhang Yi and his experts soon made their faces wonderful.

"True or false? Without micro pulse technology, now Zhuo's heartbeat has stabilized!"

"The blood seems to have stopped. Although he just pasted this unknown plaster and didn't even wrap the hemostatic bandage, Zhuo Ju's wound really didn't bleed!"

After hearing these words, Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan unbelievably turned to Zhuo Yishan's operating table and began to check Zhuo Yishan's life indicators on the instrument.

"Do you want to uncover this plaster to see the condition of the wound?"

Dr. Zhao suggested.

"Forget it."

Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan looked at each other and said in unison, "we don't understand traditional Chinese medicine. Who is responsible if something goes wrong in the future?"

"What shall we do now?"

Zhang Yi and other members of the expert group are confused and ask.

"Check the physical condition of Zhuo bureau with instruments, and then publish the results."

Zhang Mingyu waved his hand.

Although they were unwilling to interfere with the results of Li Hao's treatment, they did not dare to announce the situation of Zhuo Yishan at this moment.

"Zhuo Bureau, Zhuo bureau?"

However, just when they were ready to do various examinations for Zhuo Yishan, Zhuo Yishan, lying in the hospital bed, opened his eyes again and woke up from his coma!!

He was anesthetized by Li Hao's way of stimulating Ma acupoints with a silver needle. When Li Hao pulled out the silver needle from his body before he was unconscious, the numbness on his body soon passed away, and people naturally woke up.

"Director Zhuo wakes up!"

"God!! director Zhuo wakes up again!!"

Zhuo Yishan's awakening once again proved his strength for Li Hao who was in a coma. The seriously injured patient who had been in a coma for several days was treated so immediately in Li Hao's hands!

The professional terms given by the doctor can't be understood by ordinary people, but the audience has eyes and can see what the real effect is!

"Yan Yan..."

Zhuo Yishan looked at Zhuo Yanyu next to him and subconsciously struggled to get up, but now he was seriously injured, but he really moved and leaned up from his lying position!!

In front of this scene, it once again shook all the media reporters who came to watch. Even the reporter of CCTV and Julie of penguin TV were surprised to open their mouths and couldn't speak for a long time!

What happened?

Is this the rhythm of getting up and going to the ground?!

"Director Zhuo, don't move. Lie down, lie down!"

Zhang Mingyu and others hurriedly gathered around and reached out to persuade Zhuo Yishan to go back.

"Dad, it's okay. You're okay."

Zhuo Yanyu looked at his father, and the two lines of clear tears burst into tears again.

Only when he is on the verge of losing will he know how to cherish more. Looking at his father lying in bed, Zhuo Yanyu has never felt so deeply before. He is so important to himself.

At the thought of this, she couldn't help holding the man in her arms tighter. She knew that it was being broadcast live all over the country, that Li Hao had a girlfriend named Chenxi, and that she must be watching now, but she couldn't manage so much and didn't want to manage so much.

"Director Zhuo is all right. Li Hao's little brother is in a coma because he is too tired. Don't worry."

After it was finally determined, Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan walked out of the operating room together and solemnly announced the results of the operation in the face of more than a dozen media from various places!

After saying that, both of them could not help feeling a little bitter.

When they first arrived in Chuncheng, they all had eyes higher than the top. They despised Li Hao, a hairy boy studying traditional Chinese medicine, and thought he was just a gangster who came to make soy sauce.

But what happened?

It was this little gangster who didn't even grow his hair in their eyes. He even relied on his own strength to stand up when they all shirked their fear of taking responsibility and completed this impossible operation!!

They know that after this, Li Hao will harvest countless flowers and applause, and traditional Chinese medicine will become famous again because of him.

But they also know that all these are the glory that this young man in his twenties deserves. No one is qualified to question!!

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