
The whole China is fried!

Today, in the hot search of microblog, Li Hao and traditional Chinese medicine directly stabilized the first place in the hot search list with an irresistible and terrible momentum, eclipsing all entertainment stars with high exposure and can't compete with it at all.

It is said that Wang Feng, a rock star, just announced that he was going to hold a national concert tour today, but he was ruthlessly suppressed by Li Hao. He didn't make headlines. The status of the second child of the millennium was more stable than ever. It is estimated that his company and the operation team have also been crying in the toilet. I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Good, good, very good!!"

Pearl, in the Zhuo family's old house at 99 Zhujiang Road, Zhuo was comforted. When he patted his thigh, he shouted three times in a row. One was louder and higher than the other. At last, the whole person grew up from the sofa and laughed up. At this moment, all his worries and depression finally disappeared!

He knows, he's right!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Yang Yun's tears didn't dry. When she saw that Zhuo Yishan woke up again and was able to support herself to sit up from the bed, she jumped up in surprise. Then, regardless of her identity as a famous lady, she knelt down to the ground with a "poop!" to the TV and bowed with her hands to Li Hao who fainted on the screen.

People who have never experienced such feelings can't understand how deep the relationship between Yang Yun and Zhuo Yishan is. The master of the Zhuo family can understand it. Therefore, at the beginning, he agreed to his son marry a woman who can only be regarded as Cinderella compared with the Zhuo family. Therefore, when she made such a move, he didn't stop her.

Because he knew that Yang Yun's excitement and gratitude were all from the heart, without any affectation.

"Amazing, it's amazing!!"

In Chen's villa, needle King Ning leaned against the sky and couldn't calm his mood for a long time.

Looking at old man Chen Yu, he said: "You really have a good apprentice. I have studied acupuncture and moxibustion all my life. Although I dare not say that I am unique in traditional Chinese medicine, I would not be convinced if someone said that he uses needles better than me in the past. The brand of needle king is not called out indiscriminately. It is a gold lettered signboard that our Ning family has kept after being challenged by others for generations! But now..."

Looking at Li Hao who had been in a coma on TV, he sighed again: "the younger generation can be feared, the younger generation can be feared!!"

"Hehe, my master didn't do anything at all. I'm afraid Xiao Hao's medical skills have already surpassed me."

Chen Yu's face has an indelible smile. Although he didn't give Li Hao anything, the apprenticeship is really there. He won't deny it, and Li Hao won't let him deny it.

His apprentice is so promising that the revival of traditional Chinese medicine is expected. He feels that he can safely close his eyes even if he dies now.


In Yanjing, the ancestral home of the Zuo family, Zuo Feifei nibbled her lips. When she saw that Zhuo Yishan was really saved, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her body, which had been slightly tight before, was finally completely relaxed.

This guy always likes the sword and takes the wrong side, which makes people worried about him.

After a slight resentment in his heart, he looked at Zhuo Yanyu holding Li Hao tightly on the TV screen. I don't know why, Zuo Feifei's heart had no reason to raise a trace of envy.

"This boy... Good."

Old man Zuo took a deep breath, coughed out the thick phlegm in his throat, and then commented faintly: "but no matter how good, he is only a doctor after all."

After hearing this, Zuo Feifei's pretty face turned a little white, but he didn't dare to refute anything.

"Is this true or false? This Zhuo Yishan won't be the nursery arranged by Li Hao?"

In Pearl's fraternity hospital, several young doctors who had nothing to do after the morning meeting gathered in the office to watch the live broadcast stared at the computer screen. After a long time, one of them touched the bridge of his nose.

"No, he's hurt so badly. If he's childcare, he's joking about his life!"

A man nearby said.

"I'm not sure. Now, anything can happen for money."

Another Western doctor glanced and said.

"Are you idiots?"

At this time, Huang Ning, who had been bullied and looked down upon by them since his internship in the hospital, suddenly broke out, pointed to their nose and mocked them mercilessly: "You ignorant fool, don't ask. Who is Zhuo Yishan? The top leader of the Pearl City Bureau and the ZTE man of the Zhuo family, will he be a childcare? Are you pretending to be brain or shit?!"

Perhaps ordinary people in Mingzhu Zhuo's family didn't have access to their qualifications, but the head of Mingzhu Municipal Bureau really shocked these young doctors. Although they had always heard CCTV reporters call the patient director Zhuo before, they didn't expect to be the director of Mingzhu and the top leader of the municipal police station!

Indeed, as Huang Ning said, how can officials at this level be entrusted to others? How could you trust someone who was unknown before?!

Looking at their stunned appearance, an unprecedented pleasure rose from Huang Ning's heart. He was like a crazy lion roaring at them: "Say it, why don't you say it? Don't you always look down on me and our traditional Chinese medicine? Why? Now this operation can't be done by the top experts of Western medicine, but it is done well by our traditional Chinese medicine!!"

"Huang Ning, are you too much?"

Looking at Huang Ning like this, a Western doctor frowned and said angrily, "we admit that we had some misunderstandings about traditional Chinese medicine and mocked you before, but now even though the operation was completed by traditional Chinese medicine, it wasn't you. What are you crazy about?"

"What am I crazy about?"

Huang Ning seemed to become angry for a moment. A sense of pride from the bottom of his heart was expressed in his words. He laughed and said, "you know, the traditional Chinese medicine who completed the operation is Li Hao. He is an iron man who has slept in the same dormitory of Laozi University for four years and a good brother who has been friends for life!!"

After hearing this, all the young Western doctors were silent.

Li Hao on TV is Huang Ning's good brother.

With Li Hao's fame in the future, those who seek medical attention will certainly level the threshold and accumulate strong contacts. If he wants to help Huang Ning at that time, he only needs one word. Where will the boy who has been bullied by them climb in one step?

Thinking carefully, I was afraid. At the thought of this, all the young Western doctors looked at Huang Ning differently. No one regretted that they had bullied Huang Ning.

Who would have thought that this guy should have such a perverted good brother as Li Hao?

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