Li Haohuo, at least in the past few days, his popularity has risen thousands of times faster than before!!

In Huaxia Medical College, there are more and more Li Hao's die hard younger brothers and sisters. They are even going to set up a Li Hao Fan group to pay special attention to and publicize some Li Hao's deeds.

On the other side of Chuncheng, Zhuo Yishan was completely out of danger, but Zhang Mingyu had another headache.

Before that, Zhang Mingyu promised the media friends who came to watch the live report. After that, he will hold a simple press conference to give you time to interview.

But now the patient was out of danger, but the attending doctor Li Hao was unlucky and fell into a coma, which immediately became embarrassing.

Will the press conference be held or not?

If not, how can these journalists who have come all the way here give up?

But if you open it, Li Hao, the attending doctor, is unconscious. Who will interview? Can't you let Zhang Mingyu or Wu Yuquan prevaricate again?

Those reporters are not fools, and the audience all over the country are not fools. How can they prevaricate?

For a time, the matter fell into a dilemma.

However, these reporters and anchors also seem to have received the death order from the top. Each of them showed extraordinary patience. They didn't quarrel to leave, but patiently stationed in Chuncheng, waiting for Li Hao to wake up and interview him.

However, Li Hao did not let the majority of media reporters and friends wait for a long time. After the operation, Li Hao woke up the next morning after a coma for a whole afternoon and one night.

"Are you awake?"

Zhuo Yanyu slept beside Li Hao's bed. Li Hao woke up with a start.


Li Hao wanted to nod, but he found that the strength in his body was like being drained. It was empty and a trace of strength could not be condensed. In addition to talking, it seemed that he could not even complete the simplest action of raising his hand.

"It turned out that it was such a hurt thing to exhaust Zhenyuan power."

Li Hao sighed in his heart. Suddenly, a purple shadow flashed. After arriving at the spring city, Li Hao sent out thousands of nights and flew back. He glanced at Li Hao, opened his mouth and spit out an invisible light into Li Hao's body.

Suddenly, a cool feeling permeated his heart and spleen, which made Li Hao relax. He tried to move his hands and found that his body finally recovered some strength. Although zhenyuanli was still empty, it did not affect his normal activities.

"Eat quickly, you know? Now there are more than ten media waiting for you to hold a press conference, and it is said that more media are sending people to spring city. You, a young master doctor, are really famous!"

Zhuo Yanyu poured a cup of hot water from the side and handed it to Li Hao.

"Is uncle Zhuo stable?"

Li Hao took the cup, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then asked.

Although he was very confident in his wooden needlework, he still had to confirm it again.

"My father's recovery was very good. It seemed that he could go down to the ground that day. On this day, Chuncheng No. 1 hospital has been doing all kinds of physical examinations for my father, but the results were unexpectedly good. The puncture wound in his heart was basically OK. Even the wound seemed to have healed. They all said it was a miracle."

At the mention of this, the little swallow's face glowed. Her father was saved from the gate of hell. She was so happy, really happy!

"Press conference?"

Li Hao smiled at the corners of his mouth, pulled out a smile and said with a smile: "that must be opened. Let Zhang Mingyu inform the reporter. I can see them now."

The reason why he asked master Zhuo to make such a big battle live in the media is that Li Hao wants to take the opportunity to create a wave of momentum for traditional Chinese medicine. The current decline of traditional Chinese medicine is too obvious. Many Chinese people don't know traditional Chinese medicine, but start to distrust traditional Chinese medicine and won't choose traditional Chinese medicine when they are ill.

What Li Hao wants to do is to let the whole country see his voice, once again use his magical medical skills to make a shot for traditional Chinese medicine, reverse the concept of Chinese people, and then start to cooperate with the opening and development of Jishitang to truly promote traditional Chinese medicine and revive traditional Chinese medicine again!

Now, in Fengjing ancient town where Li Hao grew up, Jishitang in ningwei's town has developed very well. The children in the orphanage go to the store to help after school every day and learn medical skills from ningwei. With the full operation of Xiaozhen Wang ningwei, a genuine master of traditional Chinese medicine, Jishitang has a good reputation in Fengjing ancient town, The residents of the town have a good impression of them.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. Li Hao's goal is that one day in the future, Jishitang can achieve such development as in Fengjing ancient town, so traditional Chinese medicine can really flourish!

Now Wu Yuquan and Zhang Mingyu dare not despise Li Hao any more. They all know who is the greatest hero to save Zhuo Yishan this time, and they also know how strong Li Hao's backer will be in the future after the Zhuo family owes such a big favor!

When they knew that Li Hao was going to hold a press conference, they did not hesitate to send an invitation to the media reporters who were still waiting in Chuncheng. In the afternoon, they held Li Hao's remember reception after the operation in the auditorium rented by Chuncheng No. 1 hospital!

"Li Hao, at the beginning, we had eyes that didn't know Taishan. We thought you were too young and underestimated you. We really offended you. I hope you won't be surprised!"

On the way to the auditorium, Li Hao's footsteps were still somewhat vain. Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan accompanied him and said with a smile.

"I'm not surprised."

Li Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "after all, I can't ask everyone not to judge people by their appearance like me."

The smiles on the faces of Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan were even more embarrassing.

"Don't worry, my appetite is not so small, but what you promised me should be fulfilled?"

Li Hao looked at them and smiled faintly.

At first, Li Hao gambled with them before treating Zhuo Yishan. If Li Hao finally cured Zhuo Yishan's injury, they should admit in public that Li Hao's traditional Chinese medicine plays a leading role in this treatment, and Western medicine is only auxiliary.

Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan looked at each other, and a touch of helplessness appeared on their faces at the same time. They nodded and said, "don't worry. I will certainly honor what I promised you!"

Although it is obvious to all that Li Hao cured Zhuo Yishan, Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan also know that once they open their mouth and admit it, it is tantamount to publicly admitting that western medicine has bowed to traditional Chinese medicine.

Since the decline of traditional Chinese medicine and the strong rise of Western medicine, there has never been such a situation ##### recently, I have been ill for two days. I am much better today. I have recovered for two shifts. Thank you for your understanding

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