The auditorium rented by Chuncheng No. 1 hospital was not large, but it was filled up early by media reporters, and many reporters had to stand on both sides because they came late.

When Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan took the lead, for a moment, all the media reporters showed their extremely professional quality and pointed all their long guns and short guns at them.

Of course, the goal of the reporters is not them, but Li Hao who came in surrounded by them.

"Li Hao, Li Hao!"

"Li Hao, Li Hao!"

"Li Hao, you fainted after the operation that day. Is it really because of force loss, or is there any other reason?"

"Li Hao, you have such magical medical skills at such a young age. How old did you start learning traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Li Hao, Li Hao, according to investigation, you are still an apprentice of master Chen Yu, a famous traditional Chinese medicine expert. Does that mean that master Chen Yu can also have this operation when he comes? Or do you say you have left the school?"

As soon as Li Hao appeared, these media reporters immediately seemed to see the happy gray wolf. They immediately rushed over with their own microphone and began to chirp questions, for fear that they would be preempted by others.

However, although Li Hao first came into contact with such an occasion, he was quite mature. On the short and not short road from the door to the podium, Li Hao didn't answer any reporter's questions. He just kept a polite smile on his face.

After sitting on the podium, Li Hao tested the microphone in front of him. After everything was normal, he smiled and said: "Ha ha, I finally realized the distress of being a celebrity today. Just for a few tens of meters, I felt that my ears were about to be deaf by you. It's not that I don't want to answer, but that I really can't hear a question clearly..."

With that, Li Hao also made a distressed action of rubbing his ears. It was cute and funny, which made the reporters at the bottom laugh.

"But I think you work harder than being a celebrity. If you want to think about problems, you have to shout more clearly than anyone with a loud voice. It's really not easy."

Li Hao grinned and said, "here's a small prescription. Three grams of Radix Scrophulariae and three grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, together with two fat sea, soak in water and take it with you. If you drink it often, it's good for your throat. Well, it can also treat constipation."

"Ha ha ha!"

As soon as he said this, the reporters laughed louder. Some people really began to whisper and repeat Li Hao's prescriptions in their hearts.

Looking at the pleasant and harmonious atmosphere of the press conference, Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan were also surprised.

They are also worried that Li Hao is not old enough to participate in such a big scene for the first time. They will be very nervous. Maybe they can't even say a smooth word, but they didn't expect that their worry is completely superfluous. What is ease? Who else can do better than Li Hao for the first time?

Such a person, let alone the medical industry, can't find another one even if he looks at the whole entertainment industry.

Li Hao on the stage is smiling, and the reporters off the stage are also smiling. Everyone is in a good mood.

No wonder.

These reporters are used to seeing star artists. These people are either smooth, or put on airs, or they are very inexperienced and can't speak.

However, Li Hao was very cute and approachable. Most of these reporters talked to Li Hao for the first time, but Li Hao acted like a friend they had known for a long time. He made two harmless jokes and said a targeted little prescription, which suddenly narrowed the distance between them.

"I think so. In order to make everyone's voice less laborious and let me hear your questions clearly, let's ask them one by one."

After the hot field joke, Li Hao said, "let me ask some questions. The first thing is... Just this friend."

Li Hao's finger picked a circle among the eager reporters below, and then pointed to one of the male reporters.

"Hello, Li Hao. I'd like to ask you about your operation to treat director Zhuo Yishan. In our opinion, it seems very simple and complex. Can you tell us the simple process of this operation?"

The man was a reporter from a famous medical journal. After seeing the live broadcast, he was immediately sent by the editor in chief that day, so the questions he raised were also relatively professional.

"Oh, this!"

Li Hao smiled and said faintly: "At that time, you may feel nothing, but in fact, you used quite a lot of traditional Chinese medicine techniques. First, to complete this operation, I used the acupuncture method of traditional Chinese medicine most. At the beginning, I first used the self-created trembling needle instead of the micro pulse technology, so as to avoid the electric film attached to director Zhuo from interfering with my acupuncture."

After a pause, Li Hao continued: "then, I woke up director Zhuo in the coma with a partial and stimulating acupuncture method, stimulated his desire for survival, then stimulated his numb points, anesthetized him by acupoint pointing, and then started the hand technique of pulling steel bars and hemostasis."

"Can you say it in more detail?"

After listening to Li Hao's words, the reporter was obviously not satisfied and continued to ask.

"Are you willing to worship?"

Li Hao smiled without saying anything and asked instead of answering.


The man was stunned by Li Hao's question. He soon understood that he was too greedy. He understood that there were many secret things that could be inherited only between teachers and disciples. Li Hao's rhetorical question was obviously reminding that he had crossed the border.

"Thank you."

The reporter took a grateful look at Li Hao and thanked him for not telling his mistakes directly in public, but in such a euphemistic way.

"Second, this friend."

Li Hao smiled and nodded the female reporter of CCTV.

"Li Hao, I broadcast the whole process in the operating room yesterday. Your operation was very successful and wonderful. Does this mean that our traditional Chinese medicine will rise strongly again?"

The female reporter of CCTV represents the official. Every word she says has been repeatedly considered, and the questions raised also have a national and national height. It can be said that answering her questions is the most important and difficult to consider.

Looking at her, Li Hao's eyes gradually became hot. He pushed away his chair. He took the microphone and stood up from his seat. He was dressed in a white robe without wind. His sword eyebrows flew loudly and said: "Traditional Chinese medicine is the crystallization of wisdom handed down by our Chinese people for generations. Even if I am poor in my life, I will certainly strive to carry it forward. Just as our heroic anti drug police will not shrink back in the face of rampant drug traffickers, no matter what difficulties and obstacles I encounter on the road of Revitalizing Traditional Chinese medicine, I, Li Hao, will never give up halfway!!"

Word by word, resounding, for a moment, the whole auditorium was quiet, and everyone looked at the energetic young man in white robe on the stage, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long time, the whole auditorium applauded... ######## second, ask for a wave of subscription rewards, brothers

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