In the conference room, there was constant applause.

Especially the CCTV female reporter who stood up and asked questions, was excited to shoot her little hands red!!

Li Hao's words are very straightforward, but the feelings hidden in them are quite real and strong.

As long as he is a Chinese, he can feel Li Hao's sense of responsibility for traditional Chinese medicine, his respect for the anti drug police fighting on the front line, and the Chinese spirit of daring to face any difficulties.

So Li Hao's words resonated with the audience, and everyone couldn't help applauding.


Li Hao ordered Julie of penguin TV again.

"Li Hao, you were so handsome when you had surgery. Now you are so humorous and cute. People are almost fascinated by you!"

Julie picked up the microphone, stood up and said something to Li Hao first.

After all, the network anchor of the entertainment platform is not as methodical as the reporter of CCTV or local satellite TV. They should be more open and entertaining.

"Hehe, it really baffles me."

Facing Julie's warm and bold confession, Li Hao smiled and said, "although I ask myself that my medical skills are good, I really can't cure the problem of flower Mania!"


As soon as this remark came out, even Julie herself, who was lightly teased by Li Hao, couldn't help laughing. The atmosphere suddenly relaxed again from the slightly solemn solemnity just now.

"Li Hao, I'd like to ask, in our opinion, it's you who saved Zhuo Ju from the death line this time, but in fact? We want to know whether it's your great credit or the role of Western medicine instruments that are more critical?"

After laughing, Julie straightened her face and asked a very sensitive question.

Sure enough, after hearing Julie's sharp question, all the media reporters present showed a look of great interest on their faces, and each one pricked up their ears to wait for how Li Hao, who had been full of witty words before, would answer.

Obviously, this is the question most of them want to ask, but they don't have the opportunity to ask.

"Someone finally asked this question!"

Li Hao smiled at Julie and said with a smile: "when my former media friends asked questions, I still wondered why such an interesting question hasn't been asked yet. It was meant to be asked by our beautiful women!"

Soon, his words turned and he said: "However, I think it's inappropriate for me to answer this question. If I say that I have made great contributions this time, some people will think I'm talking big, and even someone will report me as a crazy student whose eyes are higher than the top. How wronged I am. Therefore, let the two representatives of the western medicine expert group answer this question for me!"

With that, Li Hao smiled at Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan sitting on his left and right sides, and turned on the microphone for them.

For the first time in today's press conference, the reporters took their lens and eyes away from Li Hao and aimed at the two famous western medicine experts who had been sitting beside him for many years.


Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan looked at each other again. The two people who had never known each other could not remember how many times they looked at each other helplessly since they met Li Hao.

But at the moment, it is already on the line and have to be sent. Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan know very well that although the young man is still smiling now, they can feel that if they don't abide by their previous commitment, that is, refuse to recognize the dominant position of traditional Chinese medicine, they won't have such a bright and sunny smile next time Yes.

After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Mingyu took the lead in opening his mouth.

"Well, well... During the operation of rescuing director Zhuo Yishan, although I don't want to admit my weakness, I have to face the facts. Li Hao is indeed a stroke of God. He has been using traditional Chinese medicine as the leader in the whole operation process. We... Can only say that he is the witness of this miracle like everyone present."

Zhang Mingyu spoke frankly.

Now that he has decided to say it, he has nothing to hide. Even their hospital's most proud micro pulse technology, Li Hao seems to be in the way when doing surgery. What shelf and face does he have?

Now that Zhang Mingyu has declared his position, Wu Yuquan will naturally go down the slope and say a bad word. Zhang Mingyu is a man who transports Yunnan Spring City, but he still wants to go back to Mingzhu in the future. Compared with Zhang Mingyu, he dare not offend Li Hao!

"President Zhang is right. During this operation, the Pearl expert group I brought really failed to make an inch of achievements, and I didn't even understand the situation. Fortunately, our young hero Li Hao came out, otherwise, director Zhuo would be really powerless."

"When they both say so, are they recognizing the value and status of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Julie asked again after Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan had spoken.


Zhang Mingyu and Wu Yuquan had more sweat on their heads, but after pondering for a moment, they still said, "traditional Chinese medicine is of course very valuable, and we have all seen brother Li Hao's amazing skills. I really hope there are more and more people like him in traditional Chinese medicine!"

Admit it!

For the first time, in such an open media occasion, western medicine experts affirmed the status of traditional Chinese medicine, and the two experts spoke with one voice at once!

Such a thing had never happened before. Coupled with Li Hao's previous magical performance, the position of traditional Chinese medicine in the hearts of the public was raised again.

"OK, OK!!"

Watching the live broadcast, Chen Yu and Ning Yitian were so excited that their eyes were red.

The older generation of them can see the improvement of traditional Chinese medicine under the leadership of Li Hao. There is nothing more happy for them.

"You are really not an ordinary person..."

In Huaxia Medical College, Liu Yuanming looked at the computer screen. He sighed: "I thought he was just an illusion to revive traditional Chinese medicine. Now it seems that I'm afraid I'll work for him soon."

Then he asked several questions, but Li Hao responded to them with witty words. After the two-hour press conference, Li Hao left the auditorium.

Back at the door of Zhuo Yishan's ward, Li Hao saw a girl he was very strange to.

Tight leather clothes tightly wrap her body, sharp short hair, sharp eyes and sharp Qi.

Just one face-to-face, Li Hao can be sure that this girl has killed people, and there is more than one!

"Are you the attending doctor of Zhuo bureau?"

Seeing Li Hao, the girl straightened up, walked over and said, "they said, you said the clue of the poisonous owl Gong Pa?"

"Who are you?"

Li Hao didn't answer her question directly, but opened his mouth and said, "when you meet for the first time, you should introduce yourself first, isn't it polite?"


The eyes of the beauty in short hair and leather clothes flashed slightly, looked at Li Hao again, and then said coldly, "dragon teeth, ice!" ##### first, good afternoon~

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