Out of the interrogation room, Li Hao saw Liu Hongtao outside the interrogation room. Their eyes were strange.

When they looked at Li Hao earlier, although they were polite, they didn't pay much attention to it. However, after watching Li Hao's interrogation of the female drug dealer, even if they were watching, they felt cold all over.

Ancient needle punishment.

Three stitches!

Liu Hongtao asked themselves, probably they can't even survive the first painful needle

Glancing at the woman who kept twisting her body on the chair in the interrogation room, moaning and yelling loudly. She couldn't help but linger on the chair with her lower body. At the moment, her eyes were blurred and her mouth was drooling. She seemed to be a lustful woman whose brain was controlled by desire. Where else was she careless when facing interrogation?

"Shilin Town, and Ningxiang, these two places are worth sending someone to check."

Li Hao looked at Liu Hongtao and said faintly.


Liu Hongtao nodded subconsciously and immediately said, "do you want us to take a team one by one, and then go to two places and catch them all?"

In fact, when he said such words, he really recognized Li Hao's ability from his heart and felt that he was qualified to become the special leader on an equal footing with him.

But Li Hao shook his head and said, "I can't go. I have to wait here for news."

"Wait for news?"

Liu Hongtao was stunned and said, "what news are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the news of where the little swallow and gongpa are really."

Li Hao said in a deep voice.


Anti drug policeman Xiao Wang couldn't help asking, "do you think she's still lying under such circumstances?"

"No, what she said should really be all she knows."

Li Hao shook his head and then said, "but these drug dealers are far more cunning than we thought. Their people fall into our hands. They will certainly change their plans, transfer their positions and lead the team to these two places. They just catch some escaped fish that have no time to withdraw."


Liu Hongtao thought Li Hao was right, but after thinking about it, they asked, "what news are you waiting for? Do you still have an informant in gongpa's drug trafficking gang?"

"It's not the informant, it's gongpa himself."

Li Hao sneered and said: "from the previous drug trafficking and terrorist attacks, and then sent people to rush into my hotel room to commit murder, this Gong PA must be a arrogant and lawless person. China makes all drug lords fear three points, so he knows that there are tigers in the mountain and prefers to go in the tiger mountain."

"He is such a man, but so what?"

Xiao Wang wondered.

"People like him will not allow themselves to fail."

Li Hao opened his mouth and said, "he has failed twice in a row in my hand. The target he hates most is me. Taking the swallow is just to force me out, so he will send a message to provoke. We'll just wait."

After listening to Li Hao's analysis, Liu Hongtao suddenly realized that they all nodded deeply.

Gongpa thought Zhuo Yishan would die, but he was saved by Li Hao. This was the first time he lost to Li Hao. The second time, gongpa sent someone to take Li Hao, but he didn't take Li Hao. Instead, he was caught by two people. Although gongpa took Zhuo Yanyu, he didn't achieve his expected goal, so he lost to Li Hao.

He lost twice in a row in the hands of the same person. With Gong PA's character, he must kill Li Hao in the most cruel way in order to vent his hatred.

One raid failed. The next time Li Hao and Chuncheng police must be on guard, so he can only lead Li Hao to take the initiative to send him to the door. If he wants to lead Li Hao out, Zhuo Yanyu in his hand is naturally the best chip.

Because of this, Li Hao concluded that the swallow would not be in danger for the time being.

"Well, I'll take people to Shilin Town and Ningxiang first to see if there's any harvest."

Seeing that Li Hao has a plan in mind, Liu Hongtao's admiration for the young man is deeper.

Li Hao nodded, went to the technology department and waited quietly.

He knew that gongpa must have a way to contact the police station, so all he had to do now was wait patiently.

Competition for patience is sometimes a silent and invisible contest. The first party who can't calm down first will be a notch lower than the opponent in momentum.

One day later, Li Hao didn't close his eyes, so he sat in the technology department and waited quietly.

Liu Hongtao, who led the team, came back and escorted a full 20 people, each with a ferocious look, black mouth and yellow teeth.

Obviously, these guys are murderers who take drugs and drug trafficking and have more than one innocent life on their hands!

"Li Hao, I really owe it to you this time!"

Liu Hongtao, flushed with excitement, came over and patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said: "I asked Xiao Wang to lead the team to Shilin Town. Under the search, only a few small fish were caught. As you said, they had moved away in advance, but I led the team to Ningxiang. I not only destroyed a drug manufacturing dens, but also arrested more than a dozen drug manufacturing and drug trafficking guys. It was a big victory!"


Li Hao nodded, not surprised. All this had long been expected by him.

"Have you heard from director Zhuo's daughter?"

The color of joy on Liu Hongtao's face converged a little and asked.


Li Hao shook his head.


Liu Hongtao patted Li Hao on the shoulder again, sighed and didn't speak. He turned and escorted the newly arrested felons down.


As soon as Liu Hongtao left, Li Hao's mobile phone suddenly vibrated and prompted the little swallow to send him a video message.

Li Hao's heart moved and chose to connect.

"Hey, boy!"

On the video connection, a rough bearded man appeared in the mobile phone lens and grinned at Li Hao.

"Gong Pa?"

Li Hao also saw the picture of Gong PA in the anti drug team. Although it was a non face picture taken from a distance, Li Hao recognized it at a glance.

The man in the video is Gong PA, the drug lord bandit leader they encircled and suppressed this time!!

"You are more calm than I thought, and more patient than I thought!"

Gong PA looked at Li Hao whose face was as heavy as water, and a trace of anger appeared on his face. The mobile phone camera flashed. He shortened his body and came close to the little swallow tied to the chair. He grinned: "boy, it seems that you don't care about this woman very much!"

"You're looking for me. If you hurt her, you have no chips. If you really do such a stupid thing, I can only say that I overestimate you."

Li Hao was not in a hurry. Although he was very, very nervous about the safety of the swallow, he didn't show it at all.

"Boy, you're crazy!"

Gong PA raised his hand and put a gun against Zhuo Yanyu's head. He angrily said, "your woman is in my hand. What qualifications do you have to pretend to force me in front of me?"

"If you dare to shoot, I will only do one thing in the second half of my life. If you have a little brother, I will kill all your little brother. If you have a woman, I will kill all your women. If you have children, I will kill all your children. I will go wherever you are. Haunt you like a ghost until you commit suicide or die of old age!"

Li Hao's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said in a cold voice. His words were very cold and cruel. They were like ordinary things from his mouth.

"I'm only in my early twenties. The rest of my life is still a long time. If you dare to pull the trigger now, I'll play with you slowly!"

Hearing Li Hao's words, even Gong PA, the murderous drug lord, couldn't help shivering and his pupils narrowed slightly.

He sent a video to demonstrate with Li Hao. He wanted to see Li Hao's panic, but he didn't expect to be threatened by Li Hao in turn!

Whose demonstration video is this##### Second more! Ask for subscription and reward!!

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