"You have seed, you really have seed!!"

Gong PA smiled angrily at Li Hao and said, "yes, you're right. I can't kill her, but I can waste her leg and arm. I can make some holes in her beautiful face. I can also let my brothers have fun with her. I have a thousand ways to deal with her. You don't care?"

"I'll kill one of your women to pay for every injury she gets."

Li Hao's tone was as cold as Wannian xuanbing and said, "and it's the kind of woman who gave birth to your children. I'll kill them in front of your children. If you don't believe it, you can have a try."

Confucius said to be benevolent and Meng said to take righteousness.

Own, kill yourself into benevolence, sacrifice your life for justice!

In addition to compassion, the holy way also has iron blood to kill. Li Hao has great compassion for his relatives and friends and the common people all over the world. However, for Gong PA's human cancer, he just doesn't kill hard enough and don't kill enough!!

Gong PA's face changed again, and the little brothers of the guards next to him, but everyone who heard these words took a breath and almost couldn't hold the gun in his hand.

Although they kill people like a hemp, seeing blood and losing their heads has long been a common thing in their eyes, they still tremble with fear and feel too cruel after hearing the picture seriously described by Li Hao.

Natural saints know people's hearts well. Li Hao's control and mastery of people's hearts are far more than those so-called psychological masters, and even those FBI psychologists in the United States who are said to be supernatural are not worth mentioning compared with him. No matter how fierce the drug dealers are, they are still human. It's not difficult for Li Hao to break their inner defense.

"You boy... I really doubt whether you are a doctor or someone in our way!"

Gong PA's face changed several times, then took back the gun against the little swallow's head and said to the camera: "but although your boy is cruel enough, he is not a man. He even abandoned his woman. I still despise you!"

"There's no need to talk about this kind of nonsense. Just report the time and place directly. I'll go alone."

Li Hao interrupted Gong PA and said directly.


Gong PA looked at Li Hao like a monster, and suddenly a loss of grievances appeared in his heart.

Is there any justice?!

I'm the kidnapper, okay?!

Where are bandits always threatened in turn and then interrupted before they finish talking?!

If it gets out, what will the peers on the road think of him?!

"Will I tell you the specific address now?"

Gong PA sneered and said, "if you don't want your woman to die, get up now and I'll call you. Follow my instructions step by step!"


Li Hao nodded.

In the police bandit film, when the kidnappers ask the hostage family members to redeem people, they will hide themselves in a safe dark place in this way and completely lead the target by the nose.

However, with Li Hao's wisdom, how can things be completely dominated by Gong Pa?

He immediately continued: "I can go alone, or everything can be according to what you say, but what do you want me to do? Every step must be told by the swallow himself. Otherwise, I think she has been killed, and you wait for my revenge!"

After the target obediently followed their instructions, many kidnappers directly tore up the tickets for the hostages. When the families of the hostages sent out the money, they will only be empty of people and money. If the money is lost, their relatives can't find it back.

However, Li Hao's words have formed a kind of mutual restraint between the two sides.

Gong PA commands Li Hao, who can also restrict them from hurting the little swallow.


Gong PA stared at Li Hao fiercely. If his eyes could kill, Li Hao would have been stared to death several times across his cell phone!

However, after a moment of stalemate, he still chose to compromise, pulled the cloth out of the swallow's mouth, and then sneered: "wait for us to call you! If we find that you are not alone, then our agreement will be torn up immediately!!"

After that, Gong PA seemed afraid to talk to Li Hao more. He immediately raised his hand and smashed the mobile phone!


The mobile phone in Li Hao's hand made a harsh sound, and then the video screen went black and lost the signal.

"Bandits who can't stand the stage..."

Li Hao curled his mouth and took a deep breath. His heart was also hot.

He has now recovered his strength, and after having Lei qizhenyuan, his combat effectiveness is even stronger than before. He is looking forward to Gong PA coming to the door soon!

"Big leader, do you think Li Hao will be obedient?"

After gongpa broke his cell phone, one of his own soldiers came up carefully and asked.

"He tried to make a binding treaty for both of us. There is no reason to foul first."

Gong PA fumbled for his chin, then reached out and dipped some high-purity white powder into the jade plate next to him, stretched out to his nose and inhaled fiercely.

Although Gong PA is arrogant, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is extremely cunning, so he can escape from encirclement and suppression repeatedly and provoke the dragon power of China!

His mind turned quickly, thinking about what Li Hao relied on, but he thought about it, but he didn't think of anything.

If Li Hao really came alone, the man who came back with Wang Lei said that although Li Hao's skill was strange, he was not particularly powerful. Why did he have the courage to save Zhuo Yanyu alone? Or is he really ready to die?

"Let the cat's eye keep an eye on me all the way. If this boy brings people, he will commit a foul, and we will tear up the ticket immediately!!"

Gong PA waved and said to his men.


The soldier was ordered to turn around and wanted to go. Then he looked like something sounded. He turned back and said, "big leader, some people in this small village are not convinced. Do you want to go?"

"Do I need to say more about how to make them obey and discipline?"

Gong PA glared at him, waved and said, "kill the leading man, beat the others, and then send them to make drugs. Tell them that participating in drug making is a capital crime, and the Chinese government will not forgive them. At that time, these uneducated Hicks will not give us a firm hand?"

"I know, chief, the women in this village..."

The soldier smiled and said to Gong PA, "brothers have been running around in recent days. Many people have been holding it for a long time."

"You can distribute it yourself! Don't fight your own people because they rob women!"

Gong PA waved impatiently, took out a mobile phone and logged in to Zhuo Yanyu's wechat.


After hearing Gong PA's words, the soldier was so excited that he almost jumped up, and then said, "don't worry, big leader, I will choose the most flexible one to send to you!"

"Get out! I don't need it!"

Gongpa coldly refused.

Although he didn't meet Li Hao now, he was in a distant invisible contest. The master fought, and even his temper and character had to be restrained.

This time, Gong PA has been in a spirit of 120000 and regarded Li Hao as his most powerful opponent in history.

A person, in his eyes, is better than a country#### Said three more, said to do, subscribe to reward a wave, brothers!!

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