The weather in spring city is like the mood of a young girl, sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny. Sometimes it's just sunny. The next moment, it may rain again.

Li Hao left the anti drug brigade. Originally, there was a dark cloud in the night sky with bright moon and few stars, and then it began to rain.

This is very common in Chuncheng. It is windy and sunny in half the city. The sudden light rain did not bring any trouble to the people in Chuncheng who are used to it. Almost everyone had umbrellas on the road, and even some people didn't fight with umbrellas. They shuttle happily in the light rain.

Li Hao walked in the rainy night. If there were careful people, they would find that when the light rain fell around him, it was like being blocked by an invisible force and bounced aside. Li Hao's pace was not fast, but his clothes didn't get wet in the rain.

The real yuan is put out.

Some Qigong masters in the world can do this skill, but they are internal and external. If the quality of internal Qi is much worse than that of internal breathing Zhenyuan cultivated by Li Hao, it is better than ordinary iron and refined gold. The internal strength of internal skill experts is even stronger, The true yuan of a monk will also be completely broken.

The five Qi Tianxin formula is already a small success when cultivating the three Qi. Like Li Jiaqi, the collection of five Qi is a medium success, and being able to achieve the last step of the legendary integration of five Qi is a real great success.

This kind of high-level skill is not only very difficult to practice, but also more difficult to succeed than ordinary skills. For example, the true yuan can be released, which can be achieved by Taoist monks with good cultivation. However, those who practice the five Qi Tianxin formula must reach the level of five Qi Chaoyuan like Li Jiaqi.

Li Hao's ability to release Zhenyuan in advance at the time of three Qi still benefits from the advantages of Lei Qi forging body.

Li Hao was wearing headphones. Soon, wechat received a voice request from little swallow.

Li Hao knows that this is Gong PA's small means. The swallow is with them. If you make a phone call, you are likely to be tracked by the police to the location of the signal transmission. However, if you voice through the wechat network, as long as they have a skilled hacker over there, you can easily cover up the IP of the network signal and make people traceless.

However, Li Hao didn't care about this little trick. Anyway, he wasn't ready to bring people this time.

He and a thousand nights, one person and one bird, killing the palace PA is enough!!

"Brother Hao'er, don't come here. You must be stupid for me!!"

When the voice was connected, Zhuo Yanyu's voice came from the headset. Li Hao's heart moved and he was more and more eager to save her.

"Little girl, you'd better follow what I told you. Otherwise, the game I worked out with Li Hao won't be fun."

Gong PA's voice came from the side, and there was a clear sound that the bolt of the gun was opened.

Li Hao's heart tightened. He managed to stabilize Gong PA with both excitement and threat. If he was completely angered by the little swallow's bravery, it would be a big deal.

As soon as he thought about this, he quickly persuaded him in his voice: "Yan Yan, you put a hundred hearts in your heart. Just tell me according to the words of the ugly beard and let me find you. I have my own way. I will be able to save you safely. When did your brother Hao cheat you?"

Li Hao's voice seemed to have a magical power. Hearing his comfort, Zhuo Yanyu's flustered and anxious heart gradually calmed down, and hearing him call himself Yanyan, Zhuo Yanyu's heart was still sweet even in such an environment.

Unfamiliar people call her Miss Zhuo, familiar friends call her little swallow, parents and elders call her swallow, and no one has ever called her Yan.

The change of this title made Zhuo Yanyu really feel that Li Hao really regarded her as her own woman, and immediately made her feel that everything she paid was worth it.

Sometimes women's mind is like this. They desire to be vigorous, but they are also delicate and soft. Sometimes a careful little thing can touch the softest place in their heart.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Gong PA's voice sounded again and urged angrily.

"Brother Hao'er, he asked you to get on the No. 28 bus and go to the north of the city."

Zhuo Yanyu's voice came.


Li Hao nodded. According to what Zhuo Yanyu said, he got on the No. 28 bus at the gate of the anti drug brigade and went towards the north of the city.

Li Hao is sitting in the car. He knows that there must be people in gongpa staring at him in the dark. It may be on the bus or driving a private car nearby. However, it is more likely to be on the bus, because only in the car can Li Hao's every move be clearly and closely consolidated.

With Li Hao's perceptual ability, if someone has been staring at him, it will certainly make him feel, but the monitor is also very professional and did not make such a mistake.

Twenty minutes later, the car reached the north of the city and Li Hao got off.

"Then go down to the subway and get off at the south station."

Zhuo Yanyu's voice came.


Li Hao is not in a hurry. He doesn't even bother to find out the people watching him around, because Li Hao is too confident about the strength of his own combination and Qianye.

I got on the subway and arrived at the south station. It's already more than 8 p.m.

"Catch the last bus to Xishuang."

After Li Hao arrived at the South Railway Station, Zhuo Yanyu conveyed Gong PA's words again.

Li Hao sneered in his heart. He had expected that Gong PA and they were not in Chuncheng, but the other party asked him to walk around Chuncheng for two hours, and then told him to go to Xishuang. Obviously, he wanted to confirm whether there were plainclothes tracking by Li Hao's side.

After wandering around and determining that Li Hao should really be a person, they told Li Hao where he was really located.

Of course, Li Hao also knows that it does not rule out that Xishuang is just another middle zone customized by gongpa. The real location has not been exposed and is not necessarily.

After getting on the bus, Li Hao found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and rested. At the same time, he slowly realized the thunder Qi just condensed in his body and became familiar with the characteristics of thunder Qi.

Covered with white robes, Li Hao seemed to go away in the wind, quietly left the spring city and went towards Xishuang.

At the same time, a dark figure flashed into the anti drug brigade of Chuncheng City, with black leather clothes, tight black leather pants and a pair of military boots. His face was cold and cold. He looked around and asked angrily, "I heard that Li Hao has become a special leader now. Where is he?"

Because of Li Hao's information, Bing felt very upset. Their dragon teeth were all elite soldiers among thousands. Bing was crazy to teach the confident doctor a lesson!

"Li Hao? Hmm? He was just here!"

Liu Hongtao, the prisoner, was slightly stunned. Looking at the empty seat, his face suddenly changed and said, "no! Did he receive the news from Gong PA and couldn't resist going to the appointment alone?"

"Keep the appointment? He went to gongpa alone?!"

Bing's face also changed suddenly, and then angrily bit his teeth and said, "it's a mess! Come on! Locate his mobile phone for me and see where others are!!" ###### I forgot to update it yesterday. I'm really sorry. I'll make it up at the third watch today

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