"Old village head!!"

"Grandpa Batu!!"

"Old village head!!"

Seeing the old village head knocked down by a butt of a gun, the eyes of all the people detained here turned red.

They are remote and isolated. Many people have lived in the mountains for generations and have never gone out in their life.

As soon as the village grows up, the old village head is the living baby and backbone of the village.

Every family in the village, large and small, has a problem that he helped solve. If anyone gets married, they all ask the old village head to be the wedding leader. Even children like Lin Wei who can go out to junior high school, high school and university can not do without the old village head's rush to lobby in addition to their own hard study.

It can be said that although the old village head has no blood relationship with most people in the village, in the eyes of many villagers, he is his father, grandfather, family members and respected elders!

The mottled wolf's men knocked the old village head unconscious with the butt of a gun. The old men in the house immediately roared wildly.

"If you dare to fight the old village head, I'll fight with you!"

"Yes! Spell it!!"


A shrill gunfire, like a stone thrown into the lake, instantly covered the roar of the old and young men, and then suppressed it!


The young man who had been angry and vigorous before suddenly fell to the ground. The blood on his chest directly dyed his clothes red. He fell to the ground and twitched twice and stopped moving.



Seeing the young man lying in a pool of blood, everyone in the room was stunned.

In just a few minutes, two people have fallen in a pool of blood!

"Shit! Have you forgotten how those hard bones died before?"

The spotted wolf's men spat angrily, looked at some villagers who knelt down and cried beside Shi Wei, and said fiercely, "since you have a bad memory, I'll give you a deeper impression!!"

"Don't be impulsive, don't, don't be impulsive..."

The old village head covered his bleeding forehead, shook his hand, and said to the villagers who could not control their anger: "we can't fight them. Don't be stupid."

"Oh, my God!"

A middle-aged man clenched his teeth and cried sadly: "we have always lived peacefully in this small village. We are indifferent to the world and modest to others. Why do you treat us like this?! God, are you blind?!"

"Dad, stop talking, Dad!"

Lin Wei's face was in a hurry. He quickly pulled the middle-aged man's arm, put his hand over his mouth and said, "you can't save Shi Wei, but you'll hurt yourself!"

"Hehe, you are quite familiar with current affairs!"

The spotted wolf came over, looked at Lin Wei, sneered and said, "look, your dress and hairstyle are different from the villagers. Are you a stranger?"

"No, I'm from the village. I just came back from college."

Lin Wei quickly bowed his head and obediently replied, "Sir, this is my father. He has stayed in the village all his life. He is not sensible and can't speak. You have a large number of adults. Don't be familiar with him!"

Lin Wei is afraid.

He's really scared!

He felt so unlucky!

In Mingzhu, knowing that Dong Xiaowan had only used herself as a spare tire, Lin Wei was discouraged and wanted to leave this sad home and live a peaceful life.

But I didn't expect that it was not long before I came back that I met this matter again!

This group of murderers entered the village overnight, directly killed a family, occupied their house, and then controlled it door to door. Men and women switch off, professional and terrible!

"Went to college?"

The spotted wolf sneered and said, "have you seen intellectuals in the market? RARE!"

With that, he stretched out his hand to the people next to him and said, "since you are an intellectual who knows current affairs, I'll give you a chance."

The spotted wolf smiled and took a gun handed over by his hand. With a sneer, he stuffed it into Lin Wei's hand and said, "do you want me to be different from your father? Yes! I'm the most fair person. You have to change one life for another!"

Then he pointed to the old village head who fell to the ground and his head was still bleeding, and said faintly: "well, you kill him. As long as you shoot the old thing, I will not only bypass your father, but also let you join us and turn over and become a man immediately!"

Lin Wei trembled and looked at the gun forced by the spotted wolf in his hand. His face changed greatly.

"Is it hard to choose?"

The spotted wolf slowly put the gun in his hand against Lin Wei's father's head and said with a smile: "your boy went to college. He should be the most promising young man in the village? You're so smart. Such a simple single choice question should not be difficult for you!"

"Please, don't force me, don't force me!!"

Lin Wei trembled. Although he also had a gun in his hand, he could only tremble and tremble helplessly.

"I thought it would be a material that can be made..."

The spotted wolf shook his head with some regret and slowly moved the muzzle of the gun from Lin Wei's father's head to Lin Wei's forehead.

The cold muzzle of the gun touched the skin on his forehead, which made Lin Wei's hair stand upright.

"You've wasted my time and feelings. I've changed my mind now. If you don't want to shoot the old man, then..."

Then the spotted wolf said in a cold voice, "I'll kill you first and then your father. Both your father and son will die!"

"Oh, my God!"

Lin Wei's father cried and wished he could die on the ground.




The spotted wolf didn't give Lin Wei much time.


Lin Wei roared wildly, suddenly raised his gun, pointed to the spotted wolf and roared, "I'll kill you, kill you! Ah!!!"


Lin Wei pulled the trigger for a long time, but the gun didn't open the insurance and couldn't shoot at all.

"Damn boy!!"

The spotted wolf's eyes were fierce, raised his hand and slapped Lin Wei to the ground, which made Lin Wei's fat face more swollen.

"Take him to the entrance of the village, and then take all these cheap men, women, old and young. I'll skin and cramp the dead fat man in front of them!"


Spotted wolf is the No. 2 figure of gongpa gang. As soon as he spoke, his men immediately ordered Lin Wei to go out.

"Lin Wei!"

"Ah! What are they going to do to Lin Wei?"

"Oh, my God! How terrible!"

Soon, at the entrance of the village, the villagers were taken to the open space, and Lin Wei was driven by three bandits. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.


However, just when the spotted wolves had just tied Lin Wei up, they didn't wait for them to talk hard. A huge roar of the engine suddenly came from outside the village, which made everyone look at it.

I saw a van hit the village like crazy, and then when it was near the entrance of the village, there was a loud bang. The windshield of the van suddenly fell off and hit the spotted wolf next to Lin Wei!!

"Move my brother, you die first!"

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