

Whistling windshield!

The three go hand in hand, and the momentum is terrible.

Li Hao's roar shook everyone's heart, especially the spotted wolf targeted by Li Hao. The sentence "you die first" came out. Even with the spotted wolf, who is used to big winds and waves and lives and dies, he can't help but have a soft calf and stomach and almost can't stand!

He lost his mind, and his movements and reactions naturally slowed down. The roaring windshield hit the spotted wolf heavily and knocked him out!


The windshield in front of the car is also tempered glass, which is very difficult to break. Even if it is broken by a strong blow, it is only full of cracks in most cases, and it will not break all over the ground.

However, when the windshield of the van hit the spotted wolf, it was like an ordinary glass, which was cracked to pieces, and several pieces were stabbed into the spotted wolf's body!

This is Li Hao's ingenuity after he deeply realized the territory of Dongwei. When he opened the windshield, his fierce strength did not pour out, but just like a maggot of tarsal bone, he followed the windshield and didn't burst out until he hit the spotted wolf!

Let's say that even if two moving cars collide head-on, the windshield will not be broken into pieces. It can be seen how much strength Li Hao has on the windshield!


The spotted wolf fell to the ground and twitched, spitting blood out of his mouth, mixed with some fragments of internal organs.

By such a collision, he was almost hit by a small train. All the internal organs in his body were broken, and many bones were broken. In this case, even Li Hao can't save him by using wooden needle now!

Even if the wooden needle can have the ability to live and die, flesh and bones, and activate the omnipotence of cells to repair the damaged internal organs of the spotted wolf, Li Hao doesn't have so much Zhenyuan internal breathing to waste to support him to do all this.


The van followed, rushed into the gang like a tiger, and ran over two younger brothers with the spotted wolf on the spot.

The rest of the drug dealers were frightened by what happened to the electro-optic flint. They turned and screamed and ran to the village to prepare for the news.

However, the two silver needles pierced the void at a faster speed than them and nailed them into the back of their necks!



Two people fell to the ground and killed with flying needles. Leave no room!


When the door of the van opened, Li Hao, dressed in a white robe, came out, brushed the hem of his white robe, smiled at Lin Wei tied to the post and said, "fat man, I haven't seen you for a few days. Unexpectedly, your boy was really strung up and almost made into a roast suckling pig!"


Lin Wei, who was tied to the post, looked at Li Hao in front of him incredulously, closed his eyes and shook his head. Then he opened his eyes again and found that Li Hao was still in front of him. Only then did he believe that this was not his own illusion!

"Why did you come to our village!!"

Lin Wei was put down by Li Hao. He looked at his good brother in surprise and his eyes were red.

Just now, he thought he must be dying. His heart was full of unwilling. His life was too short and he only lived in his twenties. However, when he was full of despair, Li Hao fell from the sky and killed these vicious people with lightning speed and saved his life!

"Dad, village head, this is my classmate and good brother in Mingzhu University, Li Hao!"

Lin Wei took Li Hao to his father and the old village head and introduced him like a show off.

"Ah! Oh..."

Lin Wei's father and the old village head have not recovered from what just happened.

The big rise and implementation of this life is too exciting, which makes people's heart a little unbearable.

Spotted wolves have been bullying them these days. As long as they like things and people in the village, they will rob them if they want. As long as they annoy them, they will fight and kill if they want. They are more unscrupulous than the emperor!

But these murderers with guns, these guys who were still invincible in the eyes of the public just a second ago, in such a short moment, they were like paper paste, and Li Hao killed them with the power of destroying the dead and decaying!

Until this moment, the oppressed villagers realized that the villains such as spotted wolves are also human, and they will be injured, afraid and dead!!

"Young man, you killed their people. Go quickly, otherwise the people inside will find something wrong and won't let you go! Go out and find the government and the police to save us!"

The old village head looked at Li Hao and said kindly, "we can't go. If we go, the bad guys find something wrong, they will kill all the hostages left in the village and run away. At that time, the people of the government can't catch them!"

Li Hao felt the heartfelt concern of the old village head. His heart was slightly warm. He reached out and took out a small bottle of condensate from his arms and dropped two drops on the old village head, so that the wound on his head soon healed.

Although the old village head was old, he was kind-hearted and not confused. He not only knew that Li Hao would not sacrifice in vain, but also thought that his gang would stay to avoid Gong PA's suspicion.

"Don't worry, old village head. I'm sent by the government to deal with the bad guys. You can organize everyone here first. Don't panic and wait for my good news."

Li Hao patted the old village head's hand, then turned his head to Lin Wei and said, "fat man, you are from the village. How do Gong PA live in the village? You must know that? Let you tell me!"

"No problem!"

As soon as Lin Wei patted his chest and passed death, the fat man also felt that he was suddenly enlightened. He almost lost his life before he understood that in fact, compared with living, there was nothing else to tangle with.


Li Hao patted him on the shoulder and said, "then come back to the village with me and take me to suppress the bandits!"

The village is built near the mountain. The entrance of the village is at the foot of the mountain, and many houses and families in the village are built near the mountain. Therefore, the entrance of the village is actually far away from the village, so the movement here did not disturb the bandits in the village.

"Go, let's kill back!"

"Kill back!"

Li Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other. The good brother met again, turned his head and walked towards the small mountain village behind him, which was quiet on the surface but actually controlled by the darkness

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