"Brother Hao'er, our village is built near the mountain. Because the village is poor and has no money to build roads, the stone roads built near the mountain were built by the old village head when he was young with the villagers one by one."

The cat walked on the stone road of the village, and Lin Wei whispered to Li haodao.

"No wonder you respect the old village head so much. Even now this small village is still remote, but without this stone road, I'm afraid you won't have the opportunity to go out to school and we won't know each other."

Li Hao nodded, then looked at Lin Wei and said, "fat man, did you see this group with a very beautiful girl? Do you know where she was locked up?"


Lin Wei shook his head in confusion and said, "we were caught when we were sleeping at night, and then we were directly locked up. We didn't see any girls."


Li Hao shook his head with some regret and said, "it seems that it can only be provoked directly!"

With that, Li Hao glanced at these small houses built near the mountain and said to Li Hao, "go back first. If you stay by my side, it will become a burden to me."


Lin Wei was slightly sluggish and was hit by Li Hao again.

Turning around and watching Lin Wei touch back to the entrance of the village, Li Hao was relieved. Then he suddenly looked a little moved and jumped into the nearby jungle. With a silver needle between his fingertips, he stabbed forward.


At the same time, in the grass, a cold light flashed, and a dagger also met Li Hao's face!


The crisp sound burst up, and then disappeared.

Li Hao held the silver needle against the dagger in Bing's hand and said, "I don't mind if you touch it. Don't hinder me from saving people."

"You can't. don't get in the way. I have to distract myself from protecting you."

Ice still speaks coldly.

"Many things!"

Li Hao was a little annoyed. He didn't talk nonsense with Bing. He turned and said, "let's do our own things."

With that, he left here.

"A guy who is not professional at all, just a doctor. Where does the courage come from?"

Bing snorted coldly.

She followed the van that hijacked Li Hao all the way. When she arrived outside the mountain village, there were no other cars driving here except this van. If Bing continued to drive and pursue, the bandits on the car were fools who knew they were being followed.

So I didn't know that Li Hao had already subdued the bandit's ice in the car. In order not to scare the snake, he abandoned the car and got off the ground before and chased it on foot.

Fortunately, there is only a rugged path here, and the speed can't be too fast here, but the speed of ice is quite fast, so she didn't lose it, but fell behind. She didn't see Li Hao killing five drug dealers at the entrance of the village alone.

"This small village is built close to the mountain. Even the two adjacent families are several meters apart. If I sneak in carefully, I can solve the drug dealers in each house one by one without disturbing anyone, and I can always find Zhuo Yanyu."

Bing looked at the surrounding terrain. As an experienced special forces elite, she soon had a judgment in her heart.

"As long as Li Hao doesn't get in the way and don't let me bother to take care of his safety."

The ice cat hides in the dense jungle on both sides, moves and is ready to sneak into the family at the entrance of the village.

But before the ice sneaked in, a loud roar suddenly burst into the sky from the front!

"Gong PA! Li Hao is here. Get out and die!"

Li Hao's voice used Zhenyuan's internal breathing. After a long roar, the voice went straight to the sky and turned nine times. Although the small village was built close to the mountain and far away from each other, under this sound, every family can hear it clearly!

"What does this fool want?!"

Bing was stunned and scolded secretly. He had to stop when he was going to sneak into the house, because there had been a movement in the house. It was obvious that the people inside had been disturbed.

Moreover, it was not just this family. When the door of the village opened, drug dealers with various styles of guns rushed out, all pointing their guns at Li Hao standing on the stone stairs.

At a glance, it is roughly estimated that there are hundreds of people and hundreds of guns!

Gongpa had been leisurely closing his eyes in the hut. He had asked the hacker who was proficient in networks and programs in their organization to start preparing to study how to hack into China's networks and media platforms.

Once Li Hao comes and throws himself into the net, he can learn from Comrade bin Laden, the outstanding predecessor of terrorists, for the first time, and have a live broadcast in the mainland of China to shoot this now popular master of traditional Chinese medicine!!

At that time, it's a big deal that he hides in Myanmar or Laos. Even if China is angry, it can't do anything to him, but his name will be different. There will definitely be many small drug dealers or small gangs coming to the United Kingdom. He may even become the largest drug lord in the world!

China has always been a big fat meat that drug traffickers in the world covet but can't eat. Gong PA knows very well that if he wants to rise, he can only step on China's reputation to achieve himself.

Gongpa knows that Li Hao has got on the car he arranged, and it seems that he really came alone. Although gongpa vaguely feels that all this is going too smoothly, he really can't think of anything wrong.

At this time, a loud cry came from the foot of the mountain, which made him tremble and almost dropped his gun.


Gongpa got up from his chair and wondered why the cat's eye he sent to stare didn't send back the news.

"Go out and see what's going on!"

The reason why Gong PA dared to break ground on the Taisui of China was because he was not only brave, but also very careful and cautious.

So even if Li Hao was so openly provocative, he still didn't show up for the first time, but let his little brother go out first, and he took a gun against the bound Zhuo Yanyu.

He knew very well that even if Li Hao had a way to hide from the world and brought a large group of people to encircle and suppress himself, he could escape as long as the hostages were still in his own hands.

"Gong PA, you have hundreds of mercenaries. Your business is all over Southeast Asia. You dare to blow up the public security headquarters, but you're afraid of me today?"

Li Hao's voice came again. This sound directly shocked Liba Xiaohan, and the hut where Gong PA was located trembled!

"Big boss, he just came alone!"

After Wang Lei went out to have a look, he returned to the house again.

"Damn it, this boy dares to die alone!"

After hearing this, Gong PA's face flashed angrily, pulled Zhuo Yanyu up, and then took the gun and walked towards the door!

"Li Hao, you have seed!!"

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