"Brother Hao!"

Zhuo Yanyu was hijacked by gongpa. Looking at Li Hao walking slowly up the mountain, he couldn't help crying out.

Li Hao was alone. Even if someone aimed at him with a dark muzzle on both sides all the way, he didn't care. He was calm and calm all the way.

"Li Hao, are you really here alone?"

Gong PA stood behind Zhuo Yanyu and held Zhuo Yanyu's body with a gun. Until now, he is still cautious.

"Since I said I would come alone, I will come alone."

Li Hao opened his mouth and said, "you said that as long as I came alone, you would let Yanyan go. I'm a gentleman, but are you going to break your promise now?"


Gong PA saw that Li Hao seemed to be alone. He was completely relieved. He looked up and laughed: "ha ha, your boy is really stupid and naive. I'm a bandit and a drug dealer! You promise me?"

With that, he frantically asked his younger brothers around him, "have I ever told you credit?!"

"Ha ha ha!"

All the bandits nearby laughed wildly and looked at Li Hao as if they were fools.

Promise the bandits? This is the funniest joke in the world!!

"Does this boy still want to reform these drug dealers?"

The ice hiding in the dark shook his head disdainfully and said in his heart, "in the final analysis, he is just a young doctor. He doesn't understand that some people are hopeless."

"But it's good. Although I don't know why these people don't kill him, he also attracts the attention of these guys for me and makes it convenient for me to do things."

Bing Xin thought about it and felt that it was not an opportunity.

Originally, she was going to dive room by room to find Gong PA and Zhuo Yanyu, but that was not only time-consuming, but also easy to expose herself.

Because as long as the bandits in one room leak the news before they die, the whole plan will come to naught, and Gong Pa will certainly escape in advance.

But now, Gong PA is led out by Li Hao, so Bing doesn't need to bother to find out where he is, but it's more convenient to kill him.

As the poem goes: draw a bow when it is strong, use an arrow when it is long, shoot a horse first, catch a thief first, catch a king!

If Gong pavu, the leader of the drug trafficking gang, is killed, then the others are just scattered soldiers. They are not afraid at all, and they can not become a climate at all. They can only be caught together, or they can escape and hide their names, or go to other drug lords for a living.

When Li Hao confronted these drug lords, Bing had begun to act, sneaking silently from the mountains on both sides and walking around the Gong PA standing behind Zhuo Yanyu step by step.

She has to go around behind Gong PA first, and then shoot Gong PA unexpectedly. Then these drug dealers will make a mess, and Li Hao will have a chance to rescue Zhuo Yanyu.

"You lied to me. It's too much."

Li Hao looked at Gong PA's eyes and his voice was cold. He said, "don't blame me for not telling you. People who deceive me generally come to no good end."


Gong PA sneered. Now that so many of them were holding guns against the unarmed Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu, he felt that he had really overestimated Li Hao before.

This guy is just a little doctor with good medical skills. Wang Lei's failure in catching him may be just his good luck. Such a boy doesn't deserve his attention at all.

"Didn't you say I didn't end well?"

Gong PA angrily said, "then I'll give your woman to my brothers to have a good time, and then tie you to the side so that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the spring palace!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"The big leader is really great!"

"Hahaha, this little beauty can always see whether she can eat or not. It's itching to death. Now she has a sweet taste!!"

These drug traffickers and bandits have long coveted Zhuo Yanyu's beauty, but on the way here, Li Hao cleverly asked to keep talking with Zhuo Yanyu to ensure her safety. In order to lure Li Hao to come, Gong PA has been personally watching Zhuo Yanyu's side, and these guys can only hold it.

But now, Li Hao has taken the bait and angered the leader of gongpa.

Now Gong PA has threatened to give Zhuo Yanyu a piece of fun to them all, and bind Li Hao beside him to force him to watch. It's more than killing him to let a man watch his woman being humiliated by a group of people in public and unable to return to heaven!

"Gong PA, although you were the leader of drug lords and committed many evils before, I think you are a brave, resourceful, courageous but not conceited smart man, whether you sneak attack the headquarters or deal with me."

Li Hao's eyes were completely cold. He stared at the Gong PA and said in a cold voice, "unfortunately, I was wrong. The villain is the villain. Even if he is a talent, he is not qualified to let me cherish each other. You deserve to die. If you don't kill, it's a disaster!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Gong PA laughed wildly. After hearing Li Hao's comments, he was not angry at all, but very happy.

In the eyes of Li Hao, he is a scourge. On the contrary, does it not prove that he is an extremely successful drug lord?

"Li Hao, it's too late for you to figure it out now, isn't it?"

Gong PA's face was full of the pride of the winner. He looked down at Li Hao and asked.

"After a while, talk for a while and give me some more time."

On the other hand, Bing is still carefully ambushing. Although she is anxious, she can't move too fast. Otherwise, she will certainly attract the attention of people on both sides, so she can only expect Li Hao to delay a little longer to buy more time for her.

"Is it done?"

Gong PA suddenly turned his head and shouted at the small hut behind him.

"No problem, big boss!"

A weak voice came from the room and said, "as long as you need it, I can hack into all mainstream media and websites in China for live broadcasting."


Gong PA looked up and laughed, then pushed away Zhuo Yanyu in front of him and roared, "little girls, this beautiful girl will be rewarded to you. Come on! Tie Li Hao up for me, and I'll invite him to see the live version of the love action film starring his woman!!"

"It's over!"

Ice's heart was cold. Unexpectedly, Gong PA didn't wait. At present, he was ready to stop sneaking and put all his eggs in one basket.

But before she showed up, a long roar came out of Li Hao's mouth again.

"Thousand nights!!"

"The wind is coming!"


With Li Hao's roar, the next moment, an evil wind rose from the ground, blowing sand and stones, uprooting many trees, so that these drug dealers couldn't even open their eyes, let alone shoot!

"The ancestor of Sanqing is on the, and the divine sword is used as a guide. I borrow it to make heaven listen. Those who disobey the heart of heaven today will not be tolerated by thunder axe, so as to clear the heaven and earth, as urgent as the law!!"

I can't see anything clearly in the strong wind, but Li Hao's voice is still stable, and there is a bit more Haoran and fierce!

"Cut!!" ####### is there any reader like me who has been looking forward to when Li Hao can use the sword to lead thunder alone since he saw the sword to lead thunder in the Shennongjia plot? Anyway, I wrote this chapter today with boiling blood!!

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