
Li Hao's tongue is full of lotus flowers, and his words are like thunder. Every word shouted from his mouth is like a thunderstorm, giving full play to his great power!

The thunder Qi Zhenyuan newly condensed in his body has already been called to the limit!

In the sandstorm caused by the strong wind all over the sky, Li Hao held his sword finger in his hand and praised the thunder god formula in his mouth. He showed the divine sword thunder guiding skill that he had performed with Li Jiaqi that day!

However, although the formula has not changed and the body skill has not changed, Li Hao's performance is very different from that of Li Jiaqi.

He didn't have a divine sword, so he could only hold the finger of the sword in his hand. His accomplishments were much different from those when he and Li Jiaqi joined hands that day. Even the posture of a natural Saint could not make up for all after all. Therefore, the power of the divine thunder and the noble righteousness contained in it were much less than when he was in Shennongjia that day.

But this time, what Li Hao wants to deal with is not a thousand year fierce beast as fierce as the ancient gourmet snake!

Gong PA and these drug traffickers, no matter how fierce, crazy and murderous, are just ordinary mortals after all.

In front of such a powerful Taoist Dharma, their pistols, submachine guns, grenades and bulletproof vests can't play any role at all. They are all like paper paste and are completely vulnerable!

Moreover, when Li Hao triggered Tianlei this time, he did not condense the God thunder into a thunder ball, but let all the thunder gas scattered to form a range attack, enveloping all the drug dealers in the villages all over the mountains!

When dealing with the gluttonous snake that day, if you don't condense all the thunder power to a little, you can't finish its work in one battle and effectively kill the ancient fierce beast. However, now these drug dealers are ordinary mortals after they leave the gun. Naturally, they don't need to condense all the thunder, and they can achieve mass destruction if they are dispersed.

Li Hao's whole body was boiling with thunder, his white robe flew fiercely, his eyes were cold, and he had no sympathy.

These people are lawless and think that the law is a piece of waste paper in front of them. As long as they have money in their pockets and guns in their hands, they can be arrogant.

So today, if the law can't manage it, Li Hao will come and manage it!!

The law cannot bring them to justice, but there is the way of heaven above their heads!!

Heaven's net is magnificent. Li Hao came here today to walk on behalf of heaven!!




From a distance, thunder clouds rolled over the quiet mountain village, and thunder roared all over the sky, just like God was angry.

And it's strange that this thunder cloud only covers the small mountain village. Even if the old village head is at the entrance of the village, they have not been affected at all.

"It's a thunderbolt. These dogs should be thunderbolt!!"

Lin Wei's father knelt down in tears and bowed in the direction of the village.

"My God! You finally opened your eyes!"

Many women and old people in the village also cried, bowed down one after another and said, "it's time to chop these bloody people to death. They're not human, they're not human!"

They didn't know that this was Li Hao's Dharma. They all thought that God couldn't see it and opened their eyes.

"This thunderstorm is strange. What's going on?"

Lin Wei, who had been to college, looked at the village. He was more calm than the old people in the village. Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and said, "no! Haozi, he's still inside!"

With that, he subconsciously wanted to run to the village, but his quick eyed father stopped him and wouldn't let him pass.

"Li Hao is really angry. Tut tut Tut, it's too cruel. Five thunders hit the top. Even those friars or spirit beasts who survived the robbery in ancient times would experience such a thunder robbery!"

Qianye blinked his small eyes and shook his head in the high clouds, then leisurely shook his wings, and said in his heart, "I'd better fly higher. Although the thunder is not aimed at me, it still makes me uncomfortable."

Under the control of Li Haodong's Micro realm, every drug dealer present did not escape the thunder. However, for the bandit leader Gong PA, Li Hao only made him suffer and lost his ability to move, but did not let the thunder kill him immediately.

He also wants to take gongpa back. The news about other drug lords that the living gongpa knows in his heart is much more useful than taking his body back.

The innocent Bing and Zhuo Yanyu, although they were also in the bombing range of thunder, were not hurt at all like Li Hao!

This meticulous control ability is absolutely impossible if Li Hao has not skillfully mastered the realm of Dongwei.

"Power, unexpectedly, this Li Hao is still a power!!"

Bing tightly shrunk his body into a ball and honestly hid in place. However, he was extremely shocked and said: "once such a powerful thunder power starts fire, it's really terrible..."



Li Hao stood proudly on the flagstone road of the village, listening to the screams of those drug dealers beside him under the thunder and fire, without any pity and sympathy in his heart.

Holy heart arbitration, pity is the world's poor people, hateful people, must be killed!!

Suddenly, he vaguely felt that there was an inexplicable force gathering towards him from the entrance of the village from afar, which made him feel warm all over.

This force is not true yuan, not heaven and earth aura, and it seems to have no attributes, but it is peaceful and makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Although this force is very small, but the sense of existence is so strong that Li Haogen could not have ignored it.

"What power is this?"

Li Hao has some doubts in his heart.

He has never touched this power, but just such a touch, he feels so warm and comfortable, just like the chaos that breeds all things, which makes people very comfortable.

However, he didn't go deep into it. Just a few minutes later, Li Hao stopped the crazy surge of thunder Qi Zhenyuan in his body and ended the art of inducing thunder.

After the thunder god formula was slightly changed by him, although it was extremely easy to use, it cost Zhenyuan very much. Only a few minutes, although it was enough to kill these scum several times, Li Hao's Zhenyuan was like a flood opening the gate, releasing most of it madly!

This is when he understood the thunder Qi and his cultivation went further!

If you change to the past, I'm afraid Li Hao will face the dilemma that Zhenyuan power is almost exhausted at the moment.

After the thunder stopped, Li Hao also walked from the hillside to the top of the mountain. Zhuo Yanyu, standing in front of the steps, nervously closed her eyes. Although she had almost blind confidence in Li Hao, she was still trembling with fear in the falling thunder.

"It's all right, Yan Yan."

Li Hao stood in front of Zhuo Yanyu and spread out his palm. A small blue thunder flower condensed in his palm and handed it to Zhuo Yanyu.

"Brother Hao!"

Slowly opened his eyes. Zhuo Yanyu looked at the boy standing in front of him. Finally, tears burst into his eyes and rushed into his arms recklessly.

Her own man came to save her. Although he didn't step on the colorful auspicious clouds like the legend, he was carrying thunder!

In the happy embrace, she finally felt that any pain and shock she had suffered before would be worth it

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