Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu embraced each other affectionately and remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, a harsh vomit broke the beautiful peace at the moment.



Gong PA fell behind Zhuo Yanyu, and his whole body is still twitching. His skin is scorched black. He was found to stand up at the root, looking like instant noodles, funny and ridiculous.

Li Hao deliberately saved his life. If he died like this, it would be too cheap for him.


Bing also came out from the grass beside him. He looked at Li Hao with lingering fear, patted the soil on his body, shrugged and said, "I didn't intervene in this task. Your boy won."

"What do you care so much about?"

Li Hao smiled. Now he has rescued Zhuo Yanyu and captured Gong PA alive. His mood is better, and his attitude towards ice is not as tough as before.

"Unexpectedly, you are different from Lei's attribute..."

Bing looked at Li Hao carefully. Halfway through his words, he glanced at Zhuo Yanyu in his arms, suddenly closed his mouth and changed his mouth: "come back to Yanjing with me after the matter is over. There are some things you should know."

"I'm very busy. Can I talk about it when I'm free?"

Li Hao didn't immediately agree to Bing. She seemed to think she was a thunder power, but Li Hao knew in his heart that he was not a power at all. He could do all this by Zhenyuan and Taoism. It was almost the same to say that he was a monk.

"It's not only about you, but also about the country. How can you be so irresponsible?"

Bing snorted angrily.

But before she could say anything more, there was a noisy cry at the foot of the mountain behind her.

"Little eunuch!"

"Little eunuch, you must be the God of thunder!"

"These bad guys are dead, ha ha! Good death! It's time to die!!"

When the villagers saw the thunder and lightning all over the sky stopped, under the leadership of the old village head, they all dared to rush over from the village entrance at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that these bandits died on the stone steps, these villagers not only didn't have the slightest fear, but everyone felt very relieved. They were also angry to step on the bodies of the bandits!

"These goddamn beasts should be beaten by heaven and thunder to get rid of their hatred!!"

Lin Wei's father spat hard on the face of a dead drug dealer and said angrily.

"Little eunuch, you are a God from heaven!!"

The injury on the old village head's forehead has all healed, and that piece of newborn skin is still very delicate and smooth, much more delicate than the skin in other parts of his body.

"Thank you!"

Under the leadership of the old village head, all the men, women and children in the village bowed respectfully to Li Hao, and all regarded him as a living immortal. Only Lin Wei, who had slept with Li Hao in the dormitory for four years, stood at a loss.

Indeed, in the eyes of these simple mountain people, Li Hao casually sprinkled some water, and the injury on the old village head will be cured immediately. One person killed five or six armed bandits by dividing three by five. A random roar can spread all over the mountain and attract thunder and lightning. Isn't this an immortal? What is it?

"What are you doing?"

When Li Hao saw them kneeling down, he hurried over to help the old village head up and said, "old village head, you can get up quickly. I said that I was sent by the government to save everyone. The thunder cloud just now must be that these guys did too much evil and attracted heaven's anger. It has nothing to do with me. Where am I an immortal!"

"Little eunuch, don't be modest."

The old village head could not get up. He knelt on the ground and said, "although I am old, my heart is not confused."

Then he said, "these people came to the village the day before yesterday and killed groups of people. Why didn't God thunder them at that time? Why did you thunder as soon as you appeared?"


When the old village head finished, some people in the village echoed: "don't be modest, young Eun. If the thunder has nothing to do with you, how can it only split these bad guys, but you and the two girls have nothing at all?"



"Don't be modest, little eunuch!"

People in the village have different opinions. They are looking for reasons, but their ideas are surprisingly unified. They all believe that all these are absolutely miracles of Li Haoxing!

"All right, all right."

Li Hao can't laugh or cry. Although most of these villagers have no culture, they are smart enough to see through the truth.

Suddenly, Li Hao was slightly stunned.

As like as two peas pour in front of him, he feels a very pure and chaotic force coming from their body, just like the force they felt when they were playing the sword.

"Was that power transmitted from these villagers before?"

Li Hao showed a trace of thought.

He had never touched this power before, but he instinctively felt that it was as unpredictable as chaos.

"What the hell is going on?"

Li Hao began to ponder over the memory essence of the ancient sage Shen Nong.

"Thank you, little eunuch!"

"The living immortal accepts me to worship!"


In Li Hao's stupefied Kung Fu, these villagers are still kowtowing to him, and Li Hao can clearly feel that this force has been emerging with their worship.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

The heart of the immortal is the positive of the sun, and the heart of the dark god is a dark chaos.

One Yin and one Yang, methodical.

But only the human mind is chaotic, with Yin and Yang. Good people can become bad people, and bad people can also be guided to good. Yin and Yang exist together, just like chaos.

The power transmitted from the villagers to his body is also similar to the unpredictable chaos. Is it the power in the people's heart?

"Your cell phone is shaking."

Qianye fell back to Li Hao's shoulder from high altitude and handed Li Hao's mobile phone back to him.


Li Hao took a look and found that there was a wechat balance change notice among the three wechat communities.

When he clicked on the details, Li Hao was suddenly surprised!

It is impressively written in the three wechat wallet in the mobile phone that the change in the wallet has just increased by 100 incense willing points!!

For no reason, I didn't trade with any immortals and nether gods. So many 100 incense wish points!!


Li Hao's mind turned and thought of an answer that shocked him, but it was reasonable when he thought about it!

Those chaotic forces pouring into his body from the villagers are the incense vows issued by the people's hearts?!

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