"The incense vow actually comes from the chaotic people. No wonder it will circulate simultaneously in the immortal world and the underworld. Chaos is divided into yin and Yang. It is a very useful force for immortals or underworld gods."

Li Hao has a clear heart. His understanding of people's hearts and incense vows has once again improved to a great level!

It is no wonder that when the ancient saints became saints, they all enlightened the world and all sentient beings were united, because the heart of all sentient beings is chaos, the beginning and end, the only and all.

"I saved the people in the village, so they were grateful to me and produced the purest incense vow. It was beyond my expectation."

Li Hao looked at the incense wish points in the wechat of the three circles in his mobile phone and sighed in his heart.

Although he doesn't know what other role this power can play except to exchange incense vow points for treasures with immortals and nether gods, he believes that since incense vow points are needed by both immortals and nether gods, it must be extraordinary.

"Eunuch, you killed so many people for us. It's against the law. Won't you be in trouble?"

The old village head stood up, affectionately held Li Hao's hand and asked with concern.

All over the village, among the older generation, he has read for several years and knows some laws. Naturally, he is worried about Li Hao.

"It's all right. Didn't I tell you that I'm from the government?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "and these bad guys were killed by lightning, not by me. Our government is wise and won't blame me!"

"That's good, that's good!"

The old village head nodded reassuringly, and then said, "little eunuch, we are from the mountains. We have no ability except for this kind of work all our life. You have saved the great kindness and virtue of the whole village. How can we afford it!"

"Grandpa village head, Lin Wei and I are good friends. Just call me Li Hao. I'm kind and kind as a whole. I'm uncomfortable listening."

Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu smiled at each other, and then said to the old village head, "don't say it. Just your ability to cultivate all kinds of crops and the great rivers and mountains around our village can really help me!"

Li Hao didn't feel much at first, but now after dealing with gongpa and them, he calmed down. He immediately found that it was located at the edge of the primitive jungle in Xishuang, surrounded by beautiful scenery, excellent air, and even a trace of Zhong Lingyun's aura.

In the current environment of increasingly serious urbanization, there are really few places with such a good environment. Although it is not as outstanding as the blessed land and Dongtian in ancient times, it is also extremely rare.

And the most important thing is that the forest area here is huge, and it is really cheap compared with the Pearl and Yanjing!!

If you choose to put the TIANYAO God seed reversed by Xitu and sacred heart here, if you plant flat peach, golden grain rice and purple jade fire jujube, it is not only hidden, but also has a large area, but also these simple villagers who worship him as a God and are absolutely loyal can be hired!

Time, geography and people are all together. Li Hao has been distressed to find a place to plant fairy fruits. Isn't there another village now?

"What can we do for you?"

The old village head's muddy old eyes lit up slightly and said excitedly, "Oh, it's not eunuch, it's Li Hao. Hehe, Li Hao, as long as you speak, our whole village will definitely fight to help you!"

"Hehe, don't try so hard to exaggerate."

Li Hao said with a smile: "I'll talk to Lin Wei about this later, and then let him take charge of it. He has developed and become rich with the people in the village. After all, he went to college and stayed in the Pearl. His insight and vision are better than those who have been in the village. Moreover, I know him well and it's convenient to communicate with him."

"Oh, yes, yes!"

The old village head nodded and called Lin Wei over.

"Fat man, since you don't want to stay in the sad place of the Pearl, that's OK. If you stay in the village, stay in the village. I have a favor now. If you help me, it's equivalent to helping yourself and the people in the village. Will you do it?"

Li Hao patted Lin Wei on the shoulder and said.

"OK! I know Haozi, you are not an ordinary person. Since you are willing to help my brother, I must give me a face!"

Lin Wei simply nodded and said, "I'm not a handsome general, but there's no problem being a competent soldier. In the future, I'll follow you with more than 200 kilograms of meat!"

"It's good to see you cheer up."

Li Hao nodded, looked at Li Hao with emotion, and suddenly nodded: "brother, don't blame me for that."

Lin Wei's eyes were slightly red, shook his head and said, "what's your fault? I know you arranged those to wake me up for my good, but I really couldn't get out at that time, I couldn't put my heart down, and I didn't know how to face you."

After that, he took a long breath: "but now I figure it out. Just before you came, I didn't know if I could live the next second. What's more persistent in my heart? In fact, I can't let go of that woman, but I can't let go of myself who loves her so much."

Lin Wei wiped his eyes, looked up at Li Hao and said, "I love the wrong woman, but I don't cross my brother. Thank you, really thank you!"

"Take your time and everything will be all right."

Li Hao nodded and then said, "you take the villagers to help pile these dead villains at the entrance of the village, and the government will bring people to deal with them."

"In two days, when I return to the Pearl, I will come back to help you soon."

Li Hao hugged Zhuo Yanyu, turned around and said to Bing, "are you going too?"

"Let's go. Let's go in my car."

He nodded, twisted the concave convex body under his leather pants and walked to the front.

Li Hao followed her with Zhuo Yanyu.

"I won't argue with you for the credit of catching gongpa. It's your own credit."

Bing walked in front and said coldly, "but after I return, I will take the death of those little minions on myself."

Li Hao was slightly stunned. Bing continued to explain as he walked: "otherwise, you can't explain why they were killed by lightning and have no killing license, but if you take me, there won't be any trouble."

"Thank you."

Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu got into the car and said in a deep voice.


Bing sat in the driver's seat. Through the rear-view mirror above, she looked at Li Hao deeply and said, "let's go. I'm afraid Chuncheng police station has become a pot of porridge now!" ###### everyone has a happy New Year's day. Enter the group and grab red envelopes!! Group No.: 56632113

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