On a clear day, a motorcade stopped at the gate of the first hospital in Chuncheng.

Li Hao and his family spent nearly a week in Chuncheng. The experience of this short week was soul stirring and magnificent. It is likely to be more wonderful than other people's whole life.

The national live broadcast of traditional Chinese medicine surgery brought back from the dead, coupled with the thrilling one dozen and four in the hotel, finally integrated interrogation clues to help the anti drug team capture drug traffickers, solve all the core members of gongpa drug trafficking group in the small village alone, and capture gongpa, a drug lord who has been at large for so long!

Zhuo Yishan, who has almost recovered, once said that Li Hao's credit this time, if he is in the system, can definitely be enough. It's not a problem for him to be promoted to three levels!

In peacetime, the confrontation with drug dealers is war!!

Li Hao can be said to have destroyed a drug trafficking gang as big as gongpa with one person's strength, but also deterred the curfews in surrounding countries and re safeguarded the sacred and inviolable power of China!

This credit is not exaggerated!

Unfortunately, Li Hao doesn't want to enter the system with many restrictions. He doesn't want to enter politics or the police system. Therefore, even if Zhuo Yishan wants to reward him again, he has no way but to completely hand over the friendship of the Zhuo family to Li Hao.

After all, his life was saved by others.

"Zhuo Ju, Li Hao, have a nice trip. You must keep in touch!"

In front of the car, Ma Li, the newly appointed Chief Superintendent of Chuncheng, and Xu Hongming, the mayor of Chuncheng, reluctantly held the hands of Li Hao and Zhuo Yishan in the wheelchair and spoke sincerely.

"Sure, we are comrades in arms who go through life and death together. Hehe, don't worry, we must keep in touch!"

Zhuo Yishan also shook Ma Li's hand.

He has almost recovered now. Because Li Hao exhausted Zhenyuan's internal breathing to help him with wooden acupuncture, the wound healed very quickly, and the fire poison produced by the explosion in his body is also recovering step by step with the efforts of Zhang Mingyu and his Western doctors.

Even his damaged skin, which was badly burned and could not be grafted, was reborn under the moisture of a large amount of condensed truffle flown by Li Hao.

Now Zhuo Yishan can't see any problems from the appearance, but after the serious injury, his vitality hasn't recovered and he can't walk on the ground. However, with the strength of the Zhuo family, it's only a matter of time to recover.

Li Hao also exchanged greetings with Xu Hongming, mayor of Chuncheng. Although Li Hao has no official position and is not a son of a noble family, Xu Hongming dare not underestimate him at all.

Not to mention how he mysteriously caught gongpa and his gang. The identity of Li Hao, the master of traditional Chinese medicine, is enough for them to respect!

Who hasn't had a head fever and felt uncomfortable all over?

If you can have a good relationship with a master of traditional Chinese medicine with such excellent medical skills, it must be beneficial without harm!

"Bon voyage, bon voyage!"

The people in Chuncheng waved reluctantly to see Li Hao off.

The members of the expert group, together with Zhuo Yanyu's father and daughter, Li Hao and Bing, were nearly 20 people. They took three cars, two cars and the other minibus.

"When I get to the airport, I'll go back to Yanjing."

Ice was driving and suddenly said coldly.

"It's really troublesome for you this time."

Zhuo Yishan smiled and said, "although it's also for the purpose of anti drug and bandit suppression, I'm really sorry to bother you to come out for the sake of our police system."

"I'm a soldier. Whatever else, I just focus on the task."

Bing's appearance is still cold. Even if he faces a senior official like Zhuo Yishan, he is neither humble nor arrogant.

With that, she glanced at Li Hao sitting in the co pilot, pondered for a moment, and said, "you... Really don't go back to Yanjing with me?"

"If I have a chance to go to Yanjing, I will contact you."

Li Hao knows that Bing has always been worried about what kind of thunder power he thinks he is, but he has just decided on the location of Xianguo planting. There are a lot of things to be busy. He really doesn't have time to go back to Yanjing with her now.


He glanced at Li Hao coldly. Obviously, he didn't take his words seriously. Instead, he asked, "Yanjing is so big. How do you contact me?"


Li Hao was quizzed by ice and said, "well, why don't you leave me a call?"

"We don't use cell phones."

The ice skimmed his mouth.

Li Hao nodded and understood that the identity of elite members of secret special forces such as Bing could not be kept secret from their close relatives. How could there be something that is very easy to reveal flaws such as mobile phones?

"Well, if you are free, you must come to Yanjing and say I let you go."

Bing fumbled on his delicate body outlined by leather clothes, then took out a card the size of a business card, shook his fingers slightly, and threw them into Li Hao's pocket.

Zhuo Yanyu and his daughter, sitting in the back seat, looked at each other and saw a touch of horror from each other's eyes.

But Zhuo Yishan thought that Li Hao had such potential that he made the elite special forces from Longya love talents and gave Li Hao the secret contact information.

Zhuo Yanyu thinks that Li Hao's good fortune is too prosperous, isn't it? With Chen Xi, he is now dedicated to him, and his relationship with Zuo Feifei is not general. Now even this female special forces soldier who looks like an iceberg likes him so much?

Zhuo Yanyu thinks, is the world crazy?!

Why do all the beauties come to fight for men with themselves?!

Li Hao nodded and put away the card in his pocket. He also knew that Bing would report to the leaders when he went back. If he didn't go there in the future, the national secret department would send someone to look for him for a long time.

At Chuncheng International Airport, Bing and the people parted ways. Zhuo Yishan had a private plane arranged by the Zhuo family, while Bing also had its own channels of the military.

The plane took off from Chuncheng, and after more than two hours of flight, Li Hao and they returned to the Pearl Hongqiao Airport.

"I'm back at last."

Zhuo Yanyu pushed Zhuo Yishan behind the wheelchair and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although spring city has four seasons like spring and pleasant climate, their experience there is too tense and exciting. It is still not as reassuring as Mingzhu.


Just as they came down from the cabin, there was a loud drink at the pick-up port!


Caught off guard by Zhuo Yishan and others, more than a dozen police officers in police uniforms suddenly appeared at the airport reception, standing in a square array.


The policeman standing at the head of the first row of the square drank again.


Under the gaze of all the people who came and went by the plane and picked up the plane, a square array of police all paid a standard salute to Zhuo Yishan who got off the plane!!

For a moment, the original noisy pick-up port was so quiet that the needle could be heard!!

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