"What big man is coming? There are so many police coming and saluting in line."

The crowd could not help whispering, and their faces were full of curiosity.

"I don't know, but I think it must be a big man. By the way, is it the director Zhuo who was rescued on the TV news two days ago?"

After someone said that, the surrounding people immediately nodded and thought it was possible.

Soon, Zhuo Yanyu pushed Zhuo Yishan to appear in front of the crowd.

"You see, it's director Zhuo Da!"

Originally, these ordinary ordinary people, unless they are particularly concerned about the political situation, can't know Zhuo Yishan, who is in a high position. However, since Li Hao made a huge national TV and online live broadcast, Zhuo Yishan's name is now well known.

Although he was lying on the hospital bed during the operation, he was burned all over and beyond recognition.

But Zhuo Yanyu, who is also in the operating room, is equally impressive because of her beauty. Now she pushes a man in a wheelchair out. Who else can this man be?

Moreover, Zhuo Yishan is also the leader of the Pearl police system. After this great success in anti drug and bandit suppression, he is likely to go further in his official career. It is reasonable for so many police to come and line up to meet him and escort him by the way.

"Director Zhuo almost died for his country. He is a great hero!"

"Yes, we ordinary people should also applaud the great heroes!!"

"Yes, if no one else worked so hard, how rampant the criminals would be. Our good days were bought by others with blood and life!"

The momentum and appeal of the police officers in line to salute were very strong. Not long ago, the onlookers nearby were also infected. They gave warm applause to Zhuo Yishan sitting in a wheelchair. Others shouted and cheered to pay tribute to the name Yingxiong who was still fighting in peace.

"Eh? Where's Li Hao? He's the miracle doctor who saved director Zhuo Yishan. Why didn't he come out with them?"

Seeing Zhuo Yanyu pushing Zhuo Yishan out, someone couldn't help but whisper next to him.

"What do you know? No matter how Li Hao is, he is just a little doctor. Such senior officials must take private planes back and forth. I'm afraid he is not qualified to take the same flight?"

"I don't think so. Didn't you see the doctors of those expert groups coming out behind? They can all come back together. Li Hao has no reason to be unqualified!"

"These experts are authoritative doctors one by one. There are several branch presidents. Even if they are no better, they are also the director of a department of a large hospital. Although Li Hao has excellent medical skills, he has just become famous. Of course, he can't be compared with these famous experts for a long time!"

Why the star Doctor Li Hao, the real protagonist of the national operation live broadcast, was not present, which triggered a heated debate among the masses.

Some people think that Li Hao is still young. Although he is famous as a teenager, he still needs to be honed. It is reasonable not to come back with them this time.

There are also Li Hao's admirers who believe that ambition is not high, Li Hao has medical skills and benevolence. With much credit, he naturally can afford much glory. There is no reason to treat him differently and don't let him take the opportunity to come back together.

But just as the people were talking, a man suddenly said, "you see, director Zhuo came out and the expert group came out, but these policemen haven't dispersed yet!"

As soon as these words came out, the people who had just focused on the debate also came back to their senses, and they were all confused.

What happened?

Isn't it over?

Just then, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and another group of people came out from the outside, all dressed in camouflage uniforms!

Soon, the soldiers also lined up outside the police phalanx. It looked like a green camouflage wrapped the black police camp.

Seeing the leader, Zhuo Yishan and Zhuo Yanyu are shocked. This person is no one else, but Zhao Zhigang, Zhuo laotaishan's confidant in the army. Many times, his horse is equivalent to the father's horse!

"What happened?"

"It seems that someone is coming out!"

"Look at this situation, are the people who haven't come out higher than the previous director Zhuo and so many experts? Even the soldiers have come!"

"Who on earth will it be? Is it the central official who has come to our pearl?"

The onlookers guessed more vigorously. Even some people who wanted to pick them up did not care. Some even didn't care whether their plane could catch up or not, just to see who could deserve such a big show.

After a long cry, he began to come out. Under the eyes of about thousands of people around him, he took the lead in stepping out of the glass door with one foot, and then walked out steadily.

Junlang's face was like a spring breeze at first sight. In his bright eyes, he seemed to contain the stars and the sea. The snow-white robe was windless and automatic, which added a trace of Fairy Spirit to him. Moreover, on his shoulder, there was a bird crouching with feathers like purple jade.

Although the bird sleeps lazily with its eyes closed, every time it occasionally opens its eyes, its magnificent pupils like crystal gemstones will make people feel cold all over.

Li Hao!

White robe and purple bird have become his symbol.

"Wow Wow!!"

Li Hao's final shock debut, as soon as it appeared, made some flower crazy girls completely crazy, and immediately screamed wildly!!

"I knew Li Hao was there, I knew it!!!"

The people who had been supporting Li Hao couldn't help jumping up madly, while those who thought Li Hao was not qualified to come back by this plane opened their eyes and their mouths as big as two eggs!

Li Hao not only came, but also came out last as the most important person!

And in addition to the previous police phalanx, there are also a few more soldiers who are not small at first sight!

"Unexpectedly, there was such a big battle..."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and looked at so many people and military and police personnel in front of him. He also knew in his heart that this must be another big gift from Zhuo laotaishan.

The pomp this time is so big that it will certainly make headlines again. It can't run away.


Zhao Zhigang, the close guard of Zhuo Laotai mountain, suddenly drank loudly.


All the policemen and soldiers kicked heavily and stood at attention.

"Take off your hat!"

Zhao Zhigang roared, and then he took the lead in taking off his military cap!

Following him, the soldiers and police in the phalanx also took off their hats with national and police badges on their heads.

Those who understand this understand that the hats of soldiers and police carry their honor. Once someone deserves them to take off their hats, they must have made great contributions!

Such a scene will only make great contributions, even if it is a great kindness to a senior official, because the military and police are sharp weapons of the country. In addition to making contributions to the country, Tianda's personal kindness is not enough to let them put down their pride and honor to pay tribute.

"All of them!"

Zhao Zhigang said in a loud voice, "salute!"


All the military and police officers and men watched Li Hao, saluted together, and then shouted together.

"Thank Dr. Li for saving my national hero!!"

"Dr. Xie Li is a drug dealer murderer!"

"Dr. Xie Li praises me for the power of China!!"

For a moment, all the voices of the whole airport seemed to be quiet, leaving only the huge cry echoing in the air!!

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