Listening to the soul stirring cry in his ears, even with Li Hao's determination, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

These soldiers and police officers and soldiers took off their hats and saluted and shouted in a uniform way. Compared with the cheers and shouts of his fanatical admirers and little fans, their loud voices were more powerful and powerful. A momentum of ten thousand people came to their faces. If people with slightly poor psychological quality were faced with such a way of saluting and thanking, they might be scared to their legs.

"As both Chinese children, we are duty bound to do our part!"

Li Hao also stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to the military and police in front of him.

Just when he got off the plane, he was walking with Zhuo Yanyu and Zhuo Yishan's father and daughter, but when he was in the corridor, an airport staff stopped him first and asked him to wait a little.

Li Hao was a little confused at that time, but now it seems that Zhuo laotaishan must have arranged all this in advance.

He is a man like an old man. Naturally, he knows what Li Hao wants most.

Li Hao is not greedy for money, because he is really not short of money now. The sales of condensate and condensate are still growing exponentially every day. Since Huarong group joined the operation, Haotian industry has lost one of the strongest local competitors, but added one of the biggest help. The rapid development has taken off, and it is not flying slowly, but soaring!!

Now the pearl is basically the world of condensed dew and condensed liquid. The momentum of taking the lead in expanding the past Yangcheng is also very good. Li Hao doesn't do anything every day. Relying solely on the dividends of this technology and the operation of Haotian industry, he can easily make progress every day!

Now, he is no longer the little loser who made some price difference by purchasing on behalf of others on wechat. Now, if there is an interview, Li Hao can pretend to be like those celebrities and tycoons on TV - now money is just a number for me.

Although his assets are not a bit worse than those rich families who have settled for decades or even hundreds of years, they are enough for ordinary people to earn for several lifetimes.

Li Hao is not greedy, because now there are many confidants around him, and each of them is enough for other men to dream of. Chen Xi's quiet and quiet, Zhuo Yanyu's hot and lively, and Zuo Feifei's intelligent and near demon. Li Hao now has a super friendly and intimate relationship with Chen Xi and Zhuo Yanyu, which has made him very headache and distressed.

One is the granddaughter of his teacher, who agrees with him. The other is the little public act of the rich Zhuo family. He is also hot and bold in his pursuit. Moreover, he really has feelings for these two women. He really won't be greedy for any other beauty.

Not greedy for money and color. Yes, Zhuo laotaishan can see that the only thing Li Hao wants now is name!


Smell the name of the princes!

Before, when they discussed the way to save traditional Chinese medicine with master Ning Yitian and master Chen Yu, they also reached a consensus that if traditional Chinese medicine wants to rise again, there must be a spokesman. Li Hao is the spokesman they selected. Only when the representative of traditional Chinese medicine breaks through great fame first, traditional Chinese medicine can rise up in the wind and be pulled up again!

Therefore, Ning Yitian and Chen Yu said that the burden on Li Hao's shoulder was heavy, and that it was a heavy task and a long way to go.

Because it is equal to relying on him to pull up a decadent behemoth, and it is equal to relying on him to hold up a sky for the declining traditional Chinese medicine!

Therefore, for the rise of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to live up to the expectations of these older generations, Li Hao should strive for fame, for himself, but also for traditional Chinese medicine!!

Obviously, Zhuo laotaishan's insight has long seen through Li Hao's needs, so he won the treatment of national live broadcasting for Li Hao. Li Hao was also very successful. He lived up to his old man and successfully completed the operation.

Today's grand reception is equal to giving general treatment to Li Hao, and it is also making him famous.

The so-called unparalleled statesmen is that I have unparalleled statesmen in the world!

It is conceivable that the Pearl and even the major mainstream media in China will greatly increase their reports on Li Hao. His reputation, which has just boiled and the heat has not cooled down, will certainly rise again and rise again to a new height!

Under the escort of such a large area of military and police, the surrounding people were made silly by the several thanks, and even the atmosphere dared not breathe. Even those little fans who were pretended to be fascinated by Li Hao's ancient style only dared to cover their mouths and scream in their throats at the moment.

The momentum of soldiers and police is there, which is still a great deterrent to the ordinary people.

Li Hao is surrounded by them. The effect is much more effective than the security guard to maintain order. There is not even a photographer, because unless it is a private meeting, the soldiers do not allow the masses to take their photos privately.

"Go back and thank Zhuo Laotai mountain for me."

Li Hao said to Zhuo Yanyu.

"We didn't know grandpa had such an arrangement in advance."

Zhuo Yanyu shook his head and said, "do you think we can hide it from your eyes if we know in advance?"

"You don't have to care."

Zhao Zhigang, the pro Wei of Zhuo Laotai mountain, who was walking next to him, said in a loud voice, "he said that as long as you can stand the gifts he gave, you can take them with confidence and feel at ease."

"I benefited a lot from listening to Lao Taishan."

Li Hao felt a little chilly after hearing the speech, and soon understood what Lao Taishan meant.

So far, Zhuo Laotai mountain has given him two big gifts. The first is the opportunity to treat Zhuo Yishan live across the country, and the second is the square array queue just taking off its hat to pay tribute.

However, he gave these two gifts, but not everyone can take them down.

If there is no magic medicine, even if Zhuo laotaishan lets him live, he can't save Zhuo Yishan and can't earn fame.

If you don't have strong courage and determination, even if Zhuo laotaishan sends such a team to meet him, if he doesn't have enough courage and insight, he will be scared to soften his legs and feet at that time. It's certainly not good to report for duty.

But these two gifts, Li Hao took them down steadily, and they will play the greatest effect!

That's why Zhuo laotaishan let him feel at ease without caring.

"We have heard of your deeds in yundian. Although we feel a little unbelievable, we all admire you."

Zhao Zhigang then said, "and just now your two words of being dutiful and dutiful, well said, said boldly, is a man!!"

"From the bottom of my heart."

Li Hao smiled, but his eyes were firm and firm.

As a Chinese child, if you have the ability to deal with such a thing, you should naturally take the responsibility and be duty bound!!

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