"Nephew, what's wrong?" Why does it seem as though his complexion isn't good? "

Surrounded by Chinese medical school students, Li Hao walked in front of the ashen-faced Lu Xiahou. At this moment, the latter really wished he could find a hole in the ground to hide in.

"Li Hao, don't be too complacent. In next week's exchange meeting, I will let you know whether the students of the Chinese Medical School are stronger or the elite students of the Edinburgh University School of Medicine are more powerful!"

Lu Xiahou straightened his neck, he glared at Li Hao and said: "Li Hao, if you have the guts, then don't be a turtle in the middle of the meeting next week!"

"After all, I am your elder. Discarding my status, I am going to compete on the same stage as you juniors. Do you think it is a bit of a bullying?"

Li Hao curled his lips, his face had a playful smile, and said: "But Junior Disciple, since you sincerely and sincerely beg me to participate, alright! When that time comes, I, your martial uncle, will definitely appear and teach you all a lesson on behalf of your father! "

"Let's go!"

Marquis Lu gave Li Hao a venomous look, turned around, and left the basketball court with his three dejected British classmates.

"Oh!" This is embarrassing for a foreign superior dog! "

Huang Ning had always been a bystander. As he watched Lu Xiahou and the rest leave, he pinched his nose and jeered in the crowd.


The students of the Chinese Medical School on the basketball court immediately laughed. They pointed at Lu Xiahou and the others, causing them to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

It could be predicted that after today, the Weibo and Tieba posts on campus would definitely have headlines about this matter. As for Lu Xiahou and the others, they would probably become the laughingstock of the Chinese Medical Academy students before the event even began.

"This guy …"

Standing in the distance, Wang Yun looked at Li Hao, who seemed to be surrounded by a crowd of heroes, and the jealousy in his eyes grew even stronger.

Previously, when he had easily taken Su Ling from Li Hao, he had not put this poor kid from a small place in his eyes. But now, he had to admit that this guy did have some ability.

"But so what?"

Wang Yun sneered. He thought to himself, "No matter how well you do in school, you are just a playboy. After graduation, your social status will be called the real deal!"

And his family was rich and powerful, Wang Yun didn't believe that after entering society, Li Hao would be able to compete with him!

The rich second generation were already way ahead of their peers in terms of starting points.

As he thought of this, the unhappiness in his heart dissipated. He turned his head and saw Su Ling standing beside him. He embraced her shoulders.

Su Ling's body trembled slightly. She seemed to be somewhat resistant to it, but she quickly obeyed.

"What is it? You regret it? "

Wang Yun's eyes suddenly narrowed as he stared at Su Ling and asked.

"No, no."

Su Ling's expression changed. Soon after, she shook her head and said.

"Mhmm, I'll send you to the hospital to see your dad, and help him ask if there's a suitable kidney source."

Wang Yun nodded his head in satisfaction. He patted Su Ling's shoulders and said, "As long as you obediently stay by my side, I will do my best to cure your father."

After saying that, Wang Yun domineeringly pulled Su Ling into his arms, turned around, and sat in his BMW.

On the basketball court, Li Hao was surrounded by his passionate classmates. Finally, with the help of his roommates, he escaped.

"Phew!" At least no one else has followed us. "

After finally reaching the relatively quiet pavilion on the mountain top, Li Hao let out a sigh of relief and said with a grin.

"Wipe your sweat."

Chen Xi looked at Li Hao with a faint smile and handed over a silk handkerchief.

Before he could receive it, the unique fragrance of a young girl gushed into Li Hao's nose, causing him to be slightly startled.

This silk handkerchief must be Chen Xi's personal item. Surprisingly, it was used to wipe away his sweat, causing a trace of warmth to surge out from Li Hao's heart.

"What are you standing there for? Are you thirsty? "

Just when Li Hao and Chen Xi were looking at each other, another clear voice suddenly sounded from the side. Li Hao turned his head and saw Zuo Fei Fei opening the handbag that she brought with her. She took out a thermos cup and handed it over to Li Hao.

"Ugh …"

Li Hao looked at Zuo Fei Fei Fei and felt even more flattered.

Since this cup was taken out from Zuo Fei Fei's bag, then it was definitely the cup that she used to drink.

Li Hao glanced at the thermos cup. There seemed to be a faint lip print on it, which made his heart ripple. If he drank it, would this situation turn out to be the indirect kiss Lin Wei, that wretched fatty, had mentioned before?

Chen Xi shifted her gaze from Li Hao to Zuo Fei Fei. Coincidentally, Zuo Fei Fei Fei was also looking at her. Between these two beauties, the fleeting spark seemed to have started again.

Of these two beauties, one was elegant and charming while the other was tyrannical and noble. Their auras were completely different, but they were both beauties that would bring disaster upon women.

At this moment, they were like two peacocks fighting each other in front of Li Hao.

"You all … There won't be a fight, will there? "

As the atmosphere became more and more tense, Li Hao cleared his throat and interrupted them. He crossed his arms and teased, "Then let's begin quickly. I like watching beauties fight the most."


Zuo Fei Fei and Chen Xi instantly stood in a united front again. At the same time, they turned their heads towards Li Hao and jokingly cursed.

Li Hao's words instantly shifted the two girls' attention from each other to him, melting the awkward atmosphere into ice.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead carelessly with his hand, then waved a hand at Zuo Feifei to indicate that he wasn't thirsty.

It would be hard for him to accept the kindness of a beauty. He would be miserable if he accepted both Chen Xi and Zuo Fei Fei's kind intentions. Therefore, he could only refuse them and not embarrass anyone.

"Li Hao, let's go."

Chen Xi kept her scented handkerchief and said.

"Go?" "Where to?"

Zuo Fei Fei put away the thermos, but she didn't have any intention of giving way, so she raised her eyebrows and said.

"We still have lessons to follow. That doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

Chen Xi frowned. She didn't like to talk to strangers in the first place, so she didn't want to talk to Zuo Fei Fei Fei, who was not only pretty but also seemed to have an unusual relationship with Li Hao.

"If I'm not wrong, you guys don't have any classes today, right?"

Zuo Fei Fei's lips curved up in a smile. She conjured up a printed schedule from her bag and waved to Chen Xi.

"I …"

When it came to bickering, how could Chen Xi be a match for Zuo Fei Fei? She also did not expect that she would have a schedule for their class at the Chinese Medical Academy. She was left speechless.

"Li Hao, the contract has been roughly worked out. There are still some details that I need you to take a look at. Take my car to the company."

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao and said seriously.

"Maybe another day."

Li Hao shook his head: "In a few days, I'll contact you myself."

He had yet to settle the matter of the Queen Mother asking her to release the Hundred Flowers Fairy, and the matter of the Congealed Dew production had yet to be resolved. It was still too early to sign the contract with Zuo Fei Fei Fei, and the exchange with Lu and Marquis Xia was still next week.

At the thought of this arrogant Immortal World Great Leader, Li Hao could not help but have a headache. He turned around and said, "I still have some matters to attend to, you guys can stop messing around. Let's go back."

With that, he took the lead and walked down the mountain.


Zuo Fei Fei and Chen Xi wanted to say something but hesitated. They then looked at each other and snorted at the same time before turning around and leaving the pavilion.

The wind was blowing gently at the top of the mountain. If someone had seen the scene just now, it was likely that this beautiful battle would once again become a legend in the Chinese Medical Academy …

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