After returning to the dorm, Zhang Kun and the others were still entangled by the excited crowd on the basketball court. Li Hao, who was alone in the dorm, took out his phone and opened his dark WeChat.

The request to add the Queen Mother last time had yet to be passed, but Li Hao wasn't surprised at all and sent another request.

It had been some time since he had applied for the addition of the Queen Mother, and it was now the right time.

In the morning, when he saw the WeChat name card from Chang'e, he immediately added Wang-mu as a sign of his respect and respect for this Immortal World behemoth, which was something the Wangfei wouldn't agree to. However, Li Hao didn't foolishly keep asking for additions, but similarly left the Wang-mu outside for a while before requesting more additions.

Although it seemed like there was only a slight difference in time, the actual effect was very different.

If Wang Ma ignored Li Hao for the first time, he would arrogantly and incessantly apply. Firstly, he would appear to be too impatient and lacking in shrewdness; secondly, he would lower his status that was originally lower than Wang Ma's status in Wang Ma's heart and become less valued; thirdly, frequent requests were like harassment, and it was even more likely that Wang Mu's mother would feel disgusted with him.

However, it was completely different for Li Hao. First, he appeared to be very patient and understanding of the rules; second, he hinted that he actually had his own things to do and wasn't just foolishly waiting.

With this, the result would be completely different.

Sure enough, not long after the application was sent, Li Hao's WeChat quickly received a reply from the Queen Mother confirming to add him as a friend.

"I am Li Hao, greetings to the Queen Mother."

Li Hao acted very humbly.

"What is it?"

Empress Dowager Wang lightly replied with two words.

"This one has admired your great name and dignity for a long time. My heart is like the unending torrents of the river, and it is also like the flooding of the Yellow River, unstoppable …"

As the saying goes, wear thousands of clothes, don't even try to flatter others. Li Hao first brought a high hat to the Queen Mother, and it was exactly what she wanted.

In the mortal world, only a fool would use these words to compliment their leader. After all, that year, the movie by the Star Lord was famous across the entire river. Nine out of ten people in China would be familiar with this line, and if they used it to flatter their leader, it would definitely make him unhappy.

However, the Queen Mother was a high position in the Immortal World and the deities under her command were usually all terrified when they saw her. They were all very serious, so how could they have heard such wonderful words from her?

Although she wasn't sure what kind of river the 'Yellow River' Li Hao was referring to, it didn't affect her understanding of what he meant.

"This person's words are rather pleasant to listen to."

The Queen Mother's contempt and vigilance towards Li Hao slightly lessened, and she once again asked, "What business does Fellow Daoist have with me?"

Li Hao was overjoyed. He knew that the Queen Mother had already begun accepting him. Without saying anything else, he could tell from the way she addressed him by "Fellow Daoist".

"The Queen Mother's eyes are sharp as a torch, so I'll be straightforward."

Li Hao muttered to himself for a moment, then sent a voice transmission, "I am trying to find Fairy Hundred Blossom Fairy from the Immortal World, but I heard that she made a mistake and was taken into the Boundless Black Prison. I would like to request the Queen Mother to bestow grace upon me her grace and forgive Fairy Hundred Flower."

Li Hao was very clear that for a great deity like the Queen Mother, there was no point in beating around the bush. On the contrary, it would arouse her displeasure, so he simply stated his purpose for coming here.

"You want me to release Hundred Flowers?"

The Queen Mother was slightly startled as she thought to herself, "Back then, when I lost track of a hundred flowers, one of the immortal flowers I loved withered away, causing her to die. She has spent so much time in the Boundless Dark Prison, so I've almost forgotten about this matter."

However, although she felt that it was time to release the Hundred Flowers Fairy, the Queen Mother didn't easily agree with Li Hao's request. She still wanted to give it a try and see just what was so special about this little brat who was said by the Heavenly Emperor to have the possibility of becoming another saint in the future.

"I can release a hundred flowers."

The Queen Mother calmly replied, "However, I have a condition."

"What condition?" Empress Dowager, please speak your mind. "

Li Hao was overjoyed. He was most afraid that the Queen Mother would reject him without giving a condition. As long as he was willing to give a condition, then there was still hope for this matter to be resolved.

"Very simple."

The Queen Mother replied, "No matter what you do, no matter what you do, as long as you satisfy me as long as you fulfill the conditions, I will pardon Hundred Flowers."

"Ugh …"

Li Hao looked at the reply from the Queen Mother on his phone and frowned deeply.

Without mentioning the specific conditions, that was the most difficult part.

Moreover, the Queen Mother didn't explain what her needs and troubles were like Bai Qi. This truly made Li Hao feel at a loss.

"The Queen Mother is indeed worthy to be the Queen Mother. She is indeed an old Daoist, full of tricks!"

Li Hao silently cursed in his heart, but he could not show it on the surface. He could only open his mouth and say: "Okay, please give me some time, I will do my best!"

"Three days, I'll give you three days."

To tell the truth, after replying to this sentence, the Queen Mother herself felt some anticipation. She didn't know what sort of method Li Hao would think of to move her.

Her position in the Immortal World could already be said to be above all the others. Other than the exalted Celestial Emperor, all the other deities were below her.

Something that even she could not think of, a young man in the mortal world would naturally not think of.

As she thought of this, the Queen Mother was extremely satisfied with the difficult problem she gave Li Hao. She felt that she had truly surpassed her level, exceeded it.

And since the question solver was happy, the problem solver would naturally be worried.

"What would it be to move the Queen Mother?"

Li Hao put down his cell phone, but couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

Give her jewelry?

Even the best jewelry in the mortal world would be worthless compared to the immortal jades in the Immortal World, right?

Give her skincare or cosmetics?

However, Wang Mu's mother resided in the Immortal World. With her body being surrounded by Immortal energy day and night, how could she possibly need those things to maintain her body?

Give her perfume?

However, Chang'e already gave it to her once last time.

There was a way to win without a move, and Wang Mu's question of not having a question had truly troubled Li Hao.

"You promised me that you wouldn't deliberately make things difficult for me."

In the Immortal World, the Celestial Emperor appeared beside the Queen Mother once more as he spoke with an indifferent tone.

"Your Majesty, I don't mean to make things difficult for you."

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Does Your Majesty not want to give it a try? Does this Li Hao really have the ability to transform into a saint?"

The Heavenly Emperor was silent. Then, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared from Yao Chi. It was obvious that he had tacitly consented to Empress Wang's probing.

"Li Hao, oh Li Hao, I wonder what you'll think of in the next three days?"

The Queen Mother somewhat complacently closed her phoenix eyes as she muttered to herself …

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