Li Hao tightly hugged Chen Xi's soft and moving body.

She looks like such a weak girl, but in front of love, she is as strong as a little soldier, brave, sensible and considerate.

And this strong, and it is so moving, but also distressing.

Hugging Chenxi tightly, Li Hao buried his head in her hair. The natural sage's qualification and the realm of human beings can make him clearly feel Chenxi's love from inside to outside. Although it seems weak, it is like the continuous gurgling water, which can round any hard heart.

A hundred times of steelmaking, become soft around your fingers.

Li Hao and Chen Xi hugged each other tightly on the small bridge and enjoyed the warmth of this moment. Although Qianye left Li Hao's shoulder, with the lesson that Zhuo Yanyu was robbed, it didn't fly too far. It just circled nearby and was always vigilant about everything.


After a while, the mobile phone in Li Hao's pocket rang.

Reluctantly released Chen Xi's delicate body. Li Hao took out his mobile phone and found that it was Chen Yu's father. He quickly connected the phone and said, "Hello, teacher, Chen Xi and I are walking in the community. What's the matter?"

"President Liu just called and asked me to tell you that I would like to invite you to give a lecture as a successful senior on campus. Do you have time in the afternoon? If so, they will immediately send someone to arrange the layout. The slogan and banner have been made in advance."

Old man Chen Yu's voice rang out on the phone.

After listening, Li Hao pondered a little. He understood Liu Yuanming's intention in his heart, nodded and said, "OK, please help me tell president Liu that I will go to school this afternoon."

"Well, OK."

Chen Yu nodded on the other side of the phone and hung up.

"Do you want to go back to school this afternoon?"

Chen Xi looked at Li Hao and asked.

"Well, invite me to a lecture."

Li Hao nodded.

Originally, he didn't want to promise Liu Yuanming, because he didn't have a good impression of the principal. He indulged his son and didn't pay close attention to teaching. He has always been obsessed with making friends with dignitaries and considered his promotion in the future. He is more like a businessman than a principal and teacher.

Even in order to calm his anger, Liu Yuanming sent his frustrated son Liu Yufeng abroad, but Li Hao didn't like him.

But this time, only through the small event that he invited himself to hold a symposium, Li Hao could feel his sincere attitude.

First of all, as the head of a school, although the senior students basically left the school for internship, Li Hao has not officially graduated. He is a student of Huaxia Medical College. The president asked the students to do something. According to reason, he doesn't need to call in person and ordered his teaching secretary to call Liu Laomo Liu Zheng, Li Hao's head teacher, Just let him inform himself.

However, Liu Yuanming not only made this call in person, but also skillfully called Chen Yu, a master close to Li Hao, not directly to Li Hao himself, and conveyed it to Li Hao through him.

Such a seemingly simple turning point, but in fact, it is very learned.

First of all, Liu Yuanming puts his attitude very low, even low to humble, as low as an employee who can't be spoiled under Li Hao. He doesn't even have the qualification to call Li Hao directly. If there is something, he has to say it through others.

This proves that he is a man of vision, current affairs and his word.

At that time, when he begged Li Hao to let his son Liu Yufeng go, Liu Yuanming promised that when his principal's term of office expired and there was no hope of promotion within the education bureau system, he would come to Li Hao's hands to assist him and help him revitalize traditional Chinese medicine.

Liu Yufeng's performance at the moment is quite meaningful for his subordinates to solicit the opinions of his superiors.

Secondly, he is very smart, because he obviously expected that Li Hao would go to Chen Yu at the first stop after returning to the Pearl, and it is easiest for Li Hao to agree to let Chen Yu's old man ask Li Hao.

Next, he knows how to think for his boss.

National live broadcasting and military police pick-up are all things to make Li Hao famous. As the president of Li Hao's alma mater, after this trip to Yunnan, he will help Li Hao continue to burn and pour a wave of oil, so as to make Li Hao and traditional Chinese medicine more famous. This is what Li Hao needs most now!

As the saying goes, if you want to sleep, someone will give you a pillow. This is the most comfortable.

Liu Yuanming put forward a most comfortable suggestion for Li Hao in the most appropriate way, which really made Li Hao unable to refuse.

After accepting his favor this time, Li Hao really has to reuse him in the future.

"Anyway, Jishitang has let Ning Wei start to build in Fengjing ancient town. At that time, it will expand the scale anyway. Let him and Ning Wei run things in this regard."

Li Hao pondered in his heart.

Although Ning Wei was born in yiwanggu and has medical skills, if he wants to expand Jishitang to a national scale in the future, Ning Wei can't manage such a large group enterprise. However, Liu Yuanming has experienced in this field and has accumulated contacts for so many years, which is very useful!

At the same time, Huaxia Medical College, which is having lunch, suddenly boils!!

"Li Hao is going back to school to give a lecture this afternoon!!"

"At 2:00 p.m. in the art hall of the school, I'll see you and stay with you who are also studying in Huaxia Medical College!!"

There was such a notice on the campus noon radio.

One stone aroused thousands of the waves. Originally, no one would care to listen to campus noon radio, which attracted attention of the all school students in an instant!!

Li Hao is coming back?!!

"True or false?! senior Li Hao?! is that senior Li Hao who broadcast live in Yunnan all over the country?!"

A freshman elementary school sister excitedly dropped her chopsticks to the ground, but she didn't care at all. Instead, she asked her roommate enthusiastically.

"I hope so! My God! He's my new male god!!"

"Don't eat, don't eat, go back to the dormitory to make up, and then hurry to the art hall to occupy a seat!"

The same scene also happened at the same time in all corners of the campus canteen. Many girls put down their lunch in front of them and hurried back to the dormitory to make up their makeup to see their male god.

Many boys who also worship Li Hao are more trouble-free. They wipe the oil stains on their mouths and don't even return to the dormitory, so they run directly to the art hall.

Because all the students know that this afternoon's lecture is absolutely full, and even the door will be full of people.

No one will doubt that in Huaxia Medical College, Li Hao's appeal is absolutely unmatched by any big star in the entertainment industry#### First change

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