At two o'clock in the afternoon, the art hall of Huaxia Medical College was already crowded with people, and all the seats were empty. Even the aisles on both sides were full of students desperately stretching their necks.

Li Hao changed his robe, but he was still white and arrived on time.

Now he likes the dress of Robe more and more, because it is not only loose and comfortable, but also convenient for him to carry a silver needle, which is more comfortable than before.

What's more, in this era, it's very popular to wear antique robes. Especially, Li Hao can show all the charm of the robes, which is very rare and eye-catching.

"Ah!! it's Li Hao. It's really him!!!"

As soon as Li Hao appeared on the stage of the art hall, there were bursts of ecstatic screams. Before the discussion began, the atmosphere was warmly pushed to the climax!

"Hehe, all of you here should be my younger brothers and sisters?"

Li Hao stood on the stage, looked at the double bright eyes under the stage, smiled and said, "in fact, I really don't want to come to this lecture, because standing in front of you, I immediately felt that I was getting old when I was about to graduate."


After listening to Li Hao's opening remarks of self mockery, the students in the audience immediately laughed and looked at Li Hao more warmly and cordially.

Someone once said that a successful idol is to make his admirers think you are their closest mentor and friend.

Because if there is only worship, there will be a lack of common sense of honor and disgrace between idols and fans, and being completely like friends will lead to the disadvantage of too equal status.

Therefore, it is difficult to grasp the discretion, which is why there are so many operation teams behind every popular artist star to help them pack.

However, Li Hao is a natural saint. After awakening, he naturally has a strong affinity and dignity. Therefore, things that are difficult to grasp for other idol characters are easy for him.

"Today, the school leaders asked me to share my experience. In fact, I just want to say that as long as we can learn everything the teachers teach well, it is actually enough."

Li Hao smiled and continued: "well, I'll call someone to ask questions, and then... I'll try my best to answer your questions, okay?"


Li Hao's proposal immediately triggered the unanimous consent of the students below!

"Just the girl in the first row!"

Li Hao reached out and clicked a girl with long hair in the first row in front of him.

"Hello, Li Haonan God, I like you!!"

When the girl was called, she stood up from her seat and took the microphone handed over by the staff. Her voice trembled.

"I'm not nervous. I'm not a male god. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

A warm smile hung on Li Hao's face.

"I want to ask... Do you have a girlfriend? What kind of girl do you like?"

A shy expression appeared on the girl's face.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

There was a burst of laughter at the bottom, and even many girls followed, saying that they wanted to know.

"Students, be sure to be restrained!"

The host hurriedly came out to round the stage. NIMA, if you don't bring this rhythm back quickly, a good academic symposium will first become a fan meeting and then a blind date meeting!

"Hahaha, this schoolgirl is so funny. If you didn't blush, I'm afraid I really thought you were the trust of the school to liven up the atmosphere!"

Li Hao also smiled, and then played a round again, passing the embarrassment of the host and the school.


The whole Symposium lasted more than three hours.

If the leaders or teachers held lectures at ordinary times, the students at the bottom would have been drowsy and full of complaints. However, this time, none of the students in the full house wanted to leave in a hurry. They all continued to look at Li Hao talking on the stage and listened to him one by one.

Even some people who have taught for many years and have profound medical knowledge like Liu Zheng, an old devil, listen to Li Hao's lectures and are very fascinated.

As far as TCM is concerned, Li Hao's medical skill is not the first, but it is absolutely rare in the world. Besides mysterious and mysterious five needles, he also learned the essence of Chinese medicine in the celestial realm, and the essence of Chinese medicine.

There are many wonderful things in the Millennium inheritance, submerged in the dust of history, which can not be learned by traditional Chinese medicine now!

In addition, Li Hao's method is easy to understand, which not only makes the students intoxicated, but also makes Liu Zheng and his teachers feel that they have benefited a lot.

The flash lights of the media clattered under the stage for several hours, but the media reporters did not feel tired at all.

Li Hao is so popular recently. As long as he can catch his first news in public, he will be reused when he goes back!

Of course, in addition to public places, if you can steal the private news of Li Hao's tryst with his little sister, it will definitely be more popular!

At more than five o'clock, the lecture finally ended at dinner time.

Li Hao went backstage. Liu Yuanming, President of Huaxia Medical College, had already been waiting backstage. When he saw Li Hao, he quickly welcomed him.

"It's hard today."

Liu Yuanming was so polite that he humbly lowered his head. He didn't force face because there were other school staff nearby.

"Principal Liu is too polite. This is what I should do."

Li Hao took the initiative to shake hands with him. Liu Yuanming knew current affairs. Naturally, he wouldn't be too forced.

"You're welcome. Your contribution to traditional Chinese medicine and China's medical cause is even greater than those of us who are decades old. I really admire you!"

Liu Yuanming held the glasses on the bridge of his nose, followed Li haochao out and said, "seeing what you have done, even I, an old man of nearly half a century, can't help but want to do something!"

"Liu school, I have set up a Jishi hall in Fengjing ancient town not far from the Pearl, which is intended to carry forward traditional Chinese medicine, help the world and save the people."

Li Hao smiled and said, "but the scale must be bigger in the future. If Liu school doesn't dislike it, I hope you can help me in the future."


After listening to Li Hao's words, Liu Yuanming suddenly showed a look of ecstasy on his face and said excitedly, "if you can give me a chance, I'm absolutely duty bound!!"

Although there was an agreement in advance, Liu Yuanming was still very happy after hearing Li Hao's invitation.

The bastards his son Liu Yufeng had done before were in Li Hao's hands. He had no choice, but Li Hao could give him a chance or not.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening. Let's talk about it in detail?"

Liu Yuanming smiled.

Li haogang was ready to promise, but the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Pick up the phone and have a look. It's the little swallow. As soon as Li haogang got through, the pleasant voice of the little swallow came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Hao'er, Grandpa wants to invite you to dinner at home in the evening. At seven o'clock in the evening, you must come to the old house where you came last time!" ##### the second watch

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