Pearl River Road, the suburb of Pearl River, the compound of retired officers.

All those who can live here are senior retired officers above the senior colonel level, so the military security force here is very strict and powerful, and ordinary people can't get in at all.

But Li Hao is obviously not an ordinary person.

Although he ate at the guard at the door when he first came here, now he has a relationship with the Zhuo family. Outsiders have a spectrum in their hearts.

And today, the Zhuo family also said hello in advance. Naturally, there will be no guards to stop Li Hao.

After the yellow dog sent Li Hao to the gate of the military region, Zhuo Yanyu was already waiting at the gate.

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao got out of the car and went to Zhuo Yanyu's side. Looking at her wrong face, he asked curiously, "the old man just invited me to dinner and thanked me. Is it necessary to be so nervous?"

"If it's just a simple treat, of course it's good."

Zhuo Yanyu's face was a little gloomy and whispered, "but the situation is not so simple. My second uncle, third uncle and my second grandfather all came to their family today."

"Such a big family!"

Li Hao smacked his mouth and didn't care much.

The Zhuo family has a big business. Master Zhuo Taian has three brothers. In those years, he and his third brother joined the army to fight, while the second brother ran a small business in his hometown and took care of his parents.

In the war, both Zhuo and his brother made outstanding contributions. Unfortunately, after the war of resistance against Japan, Zhuo Taian's brother died unfortunately in the war of liberation. He didn't get a wife and have children, leaving Hou Yi.

So now the Zhuo family has only two veins. The main vein is Zhuo Yishan, their children and descendants of Zhuo Laotai mountain, and the collateral is the descendants of Zhuo Laotai's second brother.

However, in terms of ability and influence, the collateral of the Zhuo family is too far from the legitimate family!

None of the Zhuo family's relatives worked in the government system or the army. They just did some small business or took the annual dividends from the family business.

Under normal circumstances, they will never come to the ancestral house, but today they all come abnormally. If they just thank Li Hao, they certainly don't need such a big battle.

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and said in his heart, "it seems that today's meal is not so easy to eat."

"For me?"

Li Hao said with a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"To be exact, it's for our house."

Zhuo Yanyu's pretty face showed a touch of apology and whispered, "it's just that you should be the reason for them to take the opportunity to make trouble."

"I see."

Li Hao nodded and said, "ha ha, it seems that someone doesn't want me to cure your father. It seems that I made this credit, but destroyed some people's wishful thinking."

"It's a drag on you this time."

Zhuo Yanyu sighed and apologized more.

"What are you talking about?"

Li Hao gently rubbed Zhuo Yanyu's head and said, "since I saved uncle Zhuo, some people have been dissatisfied, do you think they won't do it to me after today?"

Li Hao's eyes twinkled with wisdom and murmured, "it seems that the old man also found this sign. Instead of letting these people trip me secretly in the future, it's better to shake them all to the open today. Lao Taishan has made good intentions..."

"Soldiers come to block, water and earth cover up. Let's go. There's Laotai mountain. Zhuo's house is not a tiger's den!"

With that, Li Hao pulled Zhuo Yanyu over and walked quickly towards the old house at No. 99 Zhujiang Road.

Zhuo Yanyu's eyes are bright and bright. Li Hao holds her hand. Her originally angry and nervous mood has calmed down. It seems that as long as there is this man in front of her, there is nothing uncertain in the world.

With Zhuo Yanyu on his side, no one will stop them in the Zhuo family courtyard.

After walking into Zhuo's house, Li Hao obviously felt a trace of strangeness in the atmosphere.

"The food has been set on the table. Come in quickly."

Liu Haoran, the Secretary of laotaishan, stood outside the room, his face was a little unnatural, and seemed to leave Li Hao with a look of "good luck".

Li Hao nodded to him without flinching.

Into the main room, the huge room and the huge mahogany round table have been filled with all kinds of delicious dishes.

That's the main table. There are several smaller tables next to it. There are some collateral people and young people sitting.

The Zhuo family has strict rules. At least in front of Lao Taishan, everyone should obey the rules.

As soon as Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu entered the room, more than a dozen pairs of eyes, large and small, on several tables looked at them together.

Originally, there were whispers of laughter and discussion, but when Li Hao and them appeared, the whole room was suddenly quiet.

Even if Zhuo Yanyu's psychological quality is watched by so many people, especially many elders, she can't help feeling a little tight breathing.

"Hehe, this is doctor Li Hao, the master of traditional Chinese medicine at the height of the sun recently!"

Suddenly, a bright voice rang from a table next to the main table.

A man who looked honest and honest stood up and said with a smile: "you are here at last. The old man said that today is mainly to celebrate brother Yishan's recovery. By the way, thank you for your wonderful rejuvenation. If you don't enter the door, all of us haven't even moved our chopsticks!"

Looking at him, Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhuo Yanyu's face also changed slightly. He was almost angry on the spot!

Although the man's words seem polite, they are actually thorny, and every sentence is a speech to kill the heart!

Although the man didn't say a word of blame, he hinted that all the Zhuo family present, whether directly or indirectly, even the most respected Zhuo laotaishan, were waiting for Li Hao, a hairy boy.

Such a thing is like rat shit in porridge. Although it's not a big problem, it's disgusting.

If Li Hao can't resolve it, his sentence will disgust some people who were not hostile to Li Hao.

And this bad situation is not easy to resolve. If Li Hao explained that it was a traffic jam, he fell off the bus instead.

At that time, someone will say, master Zhuo invited you to dinner. Won't you start in advance and take into account the traffic jam on the road? Don't you respect the Zhuo family too much?

But Li Hao smiled and said without panic: "the medical book says that it is appropriate to eat slowly. In other words, it is best for the spleen and stomach to have dinner after 7 p.m."

Listening to his words, except for a few faces showing a trace of appreciation, most of the others were confused.

I'm blaming you for being late. What are you talking about in the medical book?

But Li Hao then said, "for the sake of everyone's health, I can only come late so that you can all have dinner after Xu Shi!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people who had been waiting to see Li Hao's jokes were completely stunned.

Li Hao used his professional advantages as a doctor to make him say that he deliberately came late for everyone's health.

Turn the unjustifiable thing of being late into their good in an instant.

Those who had been aggressive and wanted to blame him froze.

According to this rhythm, they should not only blame Li Hao, but also thank him for his good intentions ##### first, they sent it togethe

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