"Ha ha, ha ha!"

Because of Li haogang's words, the Zhuo family collateral, who was frozen on the table, suddenly burst out a burst of laughter, pointed to Li Hao and said, "what do you mean? Ah? Deliberately let us wait until this time to eat? Do you want so many of us, including Lao Taishan, to wait, do we still have to thank you?"

"Lao Taishan hasn't spoken until now. What's your name?"

Li Hao glanced at him lightly, and then ignored him. He turned to Zhuo Laotai mountain on the main table and said, "master Zhuo, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your master's look is getting better and better."

"Hehe, just come and sit down."

Zhuo Laotai Shan and Zhuo Taian smiled, picked up the chopsticks in his hand and said, "if I don't eat again, my old bone will be hungry."

"Hehe, Confucius said," you can't get tired of eating fine food and eating fine food. It's a great pleasure in life to enjoy the delicious food of Zhuo family today. "

Li Hao smiled and walked with Zhuo Yanyu to the table next to the young people.

"Wait a minute!!"

Zhuo laotaishan picked up the chopsticks and suddenly gave a meal. As soon as he spoke, all the people who were just about to move the chopsticks couldn't help stopping again, and all their eyes looked at him.

When the Zhuo family moved, the south of China shook three times.

As long as master Zhuo said a word, the whole Zhuo family didn't even dare to shake!!

"You hairy boy has no rules. You talk nonsense here and annoy the old man. Don't kneel down and admit your mistake!!"

Just now, the first member of the Zhuo family who stood up against Li Hao immediately stood up, angrily pointed to Li Hao, and his face was full of righteous words!

"Come and sit here."

But Mr. Zhuo didn't get angry, but ordered his own side, and then slowly said, "the table is still spacious. You all squeeze and move and make room for them to sit next to me. I like these two children."


After hearing this, except Zhuo Yanyu's parents Zhuo Yishan and Yang Yun, all the people present changed their faces, as if they couldn't believe their ears!!

On the main table?!

No matter the Zhuo family on the main table, or the collateral and younger generation on the other secondary tables, they stared at each other strangely, and all of them were petrified into puppets!

Even Zhuo Yanyu himself is full of incredible, just like looking at his grandfather like a stranger.

Like all rich families, Zhuo family has strict family rules.

No matter how rampant and arrogant these people are in the company or enterprise on weekdays, and no matter how romantic and domineering these third-generation young people are in schools and clubs, as long as they return to their ancestral home and face the old man who established this huge family, everyone will converge into good sons and good girls, with orderly dignity and inferiority, No one dares to be presumptuous.

Even the seats for dinner are the same!

The main table, which is nearest to the old man, can only be the lineage of the old man Zhuo Taian of the Zhuo family, but also his eldest son Zhuo Yishan couple, the remaining second son Zhuo Erliang couple and the third son Zhuo Sancai couple, who have been married and have a certain status.

Like Zhuo Yanyu and Zhuo Erliang, their children and the descendants of Zhuo Sancai all sit at the table of the younger generation and eat at the same table with the younger generation brought by the collateral. Of course, although they share the same table, their lineal status is naturally higher than that of the collateral generation.

But today, Zhuo Yanyu and Li Hao, who should have sat at the younger generation's table, were exceptionally told by the old man to arrange seats for them on the main table.

This is the unprecedented favor!!

For a time, everyone's thoughts turned several times.

Among the younger generation of the Zhuo family, why can Zhuo Yanyu make an exception to sit at the main table?

Is the old man ready to appoint her as the next successor?

But as a girl, she is going to get married after all. Will the old man give up his hard-built Zhuo family to others at that time?

To whom?

Is it the hairy boy named Li Hao around her?

For what?

After a few breaths, finally, the words "why" came out of the hearts of many people present.

We're just Zhuo, okay?

Why can a hairy boy with a different surname sit at the main table?!

"Dad, you have a good meal. Why do you have to squeeze everyone?"

Zhuo Erliang, the second son of master Zhuo, put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "there are still vacant seats at the table of the younger generation. You like the children. Just talk to them after eating. Why let them squeeze with us? Even the younger generation sit here, don't you feel constrained?"

Although he said it gently, he still showed his attitude. He also wanted to prevent Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu from sitting at the main table.

Sitting at the main table is more than just eating. All Zhuo family members understand the significance of this.

The No. 2 figure of the backbone of the Zhuo family spoke, and those younger generation and collateral families were relieved. Among the second generation of Zhuo family, except Zhuo Yishan, who climbed the highest, is Zhuo Erliang. Now he also holds an important administrative position in Suzhou. If Zhuo Yishan didn't come back alive, he would certainly replace Zhuo Yishan as the new owner, So his speech is still very heavy.

But Li Hao seemed not to recognize the meaning of his words. He smiled and said to Zhuo Yanyu, who was dazed: "Yanyan, since the old man has spoken, can't my guest refute the old man's face?"


Zhuo Yanyu came back to his senses. Looking at Li Hao's expression, he knew that he was following the old man's words to help him gain a firm foothold in the family. He immediately nodded and said along Li Hao's words: "yes, Grandpa thinks you are a distinguished guest to give you this honor. Otherwise, it will not be spread that people will laugh at our Zhuo family's poor reception of life-saving benefactors and loss of courtesy?"

Zhuo Yanyu is a kind of orchid heart. After the reaction, he is also sharp in words. He smiled and said, "brother Hao, if you refuse grandpa's kindness, you don't understand etiquette!"

The two of them sang in unison and immediately suppressed Zhuo Erliang's euphemistic opposition.

"Bring two more chairs."

Zhuo Yishan, who had almost recovered, finally opened his mouth and ordered the servant.

Zhuo Yishan also spoke. The servant quickly turned around and brought two more chairs next to him. He put them next to Zhuo Taishan according to master Zhuo Taian's previous orders.

Li Hao took Zhuo Yanyu to the main table step by step, and then sat down steadily under everyone's attention!


Just as Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu sat firmly on the chair, the other Zhuo family sitting on the second table seemed to hear the violent tremor #### in their hearts, asking for a wave of reward and subscription, brothers!!

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