Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu sat firmly on both sides of Zhuo Laotai mountain, so that everyone had something to say.

If you continue to pester and obstruct him, it means disobeying Lao Taishan. It will be a great sin. Even if Zhuo Erliang is the father's own son, he will never dare to do so.

Li Hao felt the atmosphere in the room and knew clearly that he had understood the absolute authority of the old man in the family. Even if others wanted to object, they could only say it by side. Once it became an established fact, no one dared to force more.


Lao Taishan picked up his chopsticks, and everyone soon converged to embarrassment. One by one, he pushed cups and changed lamps, drinking and preparing, and the happy family banquet atmosphere became strong in an instant.

"Li Hao, thanks to you this time, we can save our family. A mountain is my life. If you save him, you also save me. Aunt must give you a toast."

Zhuo Yanyu's mother Yang Yun looked at Li Hao with gratitude, picked up her glass and stood up to face Li haodao.

"Aunt, sit down quickly. You are an elder. I should stand."

Li Hao hurriedly got up, picked up the cup in front of him and drank with Yang Yun.

"Xiao Hao, I'm hurt. Now you say you can't drink. Today my uncle will honor you with tea instead of wine!"

Zhuo Yishan also smiled. Originally, he stroked Li Hao because of Liu Yuying's face and his daughter Zhuo Yanyu's plea, but now, he also thinks how pleasing Li Hao is to his eyes. This young man, when he should be publicity, when he should be modest, he knows how to keep a low profile. He can not only be a man, but also has excellent medical skills and business. He can hardly find any problems!

"Uncle Zhuo, I will do what I should do."

Li haogang just finished drinking with Yang Yun and immediately touched his glasses with Zhuo Yishan.

"Hee hee, brother Hao'er, you saved my father, saved me, and touched your light, so that I can sit at the main table to eat with Grandpa. I have to give you a toast!"

Zhuo Yanyu smiled at Li Hao, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Don't you. I've had several drinks without eating a mouthful of food. Later, give me something to eat first."

Li Hao shook his head with a bitter smile. Three members of Zhuo Yishan's family took turns to toast him. How can they stand it?

"Hee hee, I don't care. I'll do it. You can do it!"

Zhuo Yanyu smiled, raised his slender white jade neck and drank the red wine in the cup.

Li Hao had no choice but to smile bitterly, so he had to pour another cup of drink. Then he immediately took a chopstick dish on the table with chopsticks, put it into the old man's bowl and said, "Laotai mountain, this yam can warm the stomach and is especially good for the absorption function of the elderly. You can eat more of this."

Seeing his move, the people on the main table were slightly stunned. Zhuo Sancai, who was independent of the world, was very surprised, while Zhuo Erliang showed a look of schadenfreude in his eyes after being stunned, and the faces of Zhuo Yishan and his family showed a touch of sadness.

Although Zhuo laotaishan was born in poverty, he has a serious habit of cleanliness. Not only does his family have to clean up, but even if he eats, he will never eat what others put in him except his dead wife.

So even if his sons and daughters-in-law want to show filial piety and please Lao Taishan, they will not help him with dishes, because it will only arouse his disgust.

But Li Hao didn't know it. Seeing his move, Zhuo Yanyu immediately felt his heart lifted up.

A bad, maybe all the good impressions left by Li Hao to Zhuo Laotai mountain will be destroyed by this unintentional little move!

Feeling that the atmosphere was not quite right, Li Hao immediately responded. I'm afraid Zhuo laotaishan didn't like others to clip vegetables for him with chopsticks. Although he was surprised, he didn't panic on the surface.

The dishes have been put into the bowl of Zhuo Laotai mountain. It is naturally impossible to take them out.

But as soon as Li Hao's brain turned, he quickly came up with a round saying and said, "another thing is that although our Chinese traditional food culture is broad and profound, it is only with chopsticks that saliva is contaminated, which is easy to spread diseases invisibly."

With that, Li Hao put his chopsticks on the table and then said, "so I want to put this pair of chopsticks I haven't eaten on the table as public chopsticks. Everyone will use this pair of chopsticks to hold vegetables, put them in their own bowl, and then eat them with their own chopsticks, which is much more hygienic."

"Hehe, I have this deep meaning!"

Zhuo Yishan immediately reacted and said with a smile, "ha ha, Xiaohao, chat with you, a master of traditional Chinese medicine. We have learned a lot of medical common sense!"

With that, he waved to the next servant and said, "go and get a pair of chopsticks for Li Hao."

"Hehe, I'll listen to Xiao Hao for what I eat tonight."

Zhuo laotaishan looked at Li Hao, his face relaxed more and more, smiled and nodded: "then he didn't have any dislike. He stretched out his hand and put the silk yam that Li Hao had just put in his bowl into his mouth.

Until they saw master Zhuo like this, Zhuo Yishan was finally relieved.

Fortunately, Li Hao is smart. Otherwise, it's really hard to resolve this wave. If Li Hao didn't come round when Zhuo Erliang didn't speak, otherwise, Zhuo Erliang would seize the opportunity and it must be another wave of attack.

Three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes.

"Li Hao, if you save your brother's life, I'll toast you too."

Zhuo Erliang, who remained silent during the dinner, finally spoke again.

Looking at the smiling man in front of him, Li Hao also showed a bright smile on his face.

In his heart, he knew that the collateral who just opened his mouth to attack him as soon as he entered the door must have been instructed by Zhuo Erliang. Otherwise, he was a collateral. What confidence and courage did he have to talk nonsense in his ancestral house?

After he came in, he resolved the crisis and offensive one after another, and sat steadily on the main table, which made Zhuo Erliang really pay attention to himself. He quieted down for a meal and must be looking for an opportunity to brew a big move.

Li Hao knows very well that now he gets up to propose a toast to himself. He must make a move!

"Uncle Zhuo, you're welcome."

However, although his heart was clear, Li Hao was still talking and laughing on the surface, and politely stood up and raised his glass.

"Hehe, you open your mouth and call me second uncle. It seems that you and our little princess Yanyan are close to a good thing?"

Zhuo Erliang smiled at Li Hao, then glanced at him and Zhuo Yanyu, suddenly raised his voice and said.

Li Hao took the wine cup, and the corners of his eyes suddenly jumped slightly. A bad feeling rose in his heart, as if he felt what he was going to say next.

"But I heard that you seem to have an unclear relationship with a girl named Chen Xi!"

Sure enough, Zhuo Erliang's next words suddenly became louder and directly attracted the attention of other people on the next table!

For a moment, a dozen pairs of large and small eyes in the whole room once again looked at Li Hao ##### in a white robe. There was another watch late

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