"You want to demonize me? You have a big voice..."

Li Hao sneered.

Although I don't know who Liu Yuying is now, Li Hao still has a spiritual will to bend rather than bend and die rather than surrender.

Kong Sheng said: kill yourself into benevolence!

Meng Sheng said: sacrifice your life for righteousness!

Compared with being demonized, Li Haoning is willing to use the wood attribute Zhenyuan in his body as the material to ignite and detonate the fire attribute Zhenyuan and thunder attribute Zhenyuan in his body, and die with this crazy Liu Yuying!!

Although he is still unwilling to die generously now, he will not hesitate if he has no choice.

Although the demonized Liu Yuying's voice is breaking the sky. Li Hao doesn't believe that she is as powerful as she said, but he also feels that the existence in front of him now seems very extraordinary. If she really goes crazy, there will be great hidden dangers in the world.

Because Li Hao used to be an ordinary person, and most of his beloved relatives and friends are ordinary mortals, he is particularly concerned about the rise and fall of all sentient beings.

"Li Hao, what are you insisting on? You have been an abandoned son who no one wants since childhood. Your family can abandon you. Why do you care about so many other people's lives?"

When the purple light in Liu Yuying's eyes poured into Li Hao's eyes, a voice suddenly appeared in Li Hao's mind, and then it began to grow and grow crazily like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, trying to become deep-rooted.

"Ridiculous, break it for me!"

Li Hao was just a little stunned, and then soon woke up from the magic sound. He held yuan Shouyi in his heart and stuck to the Lingtai. He roared in his heart, pressed down the demagogic voice, and then completely broke!!

Once, when Li Hao took Ziyun Taixu pill and backtracked along the long river of time, he once had his soul out of the body, felt such similar invasion of external demons, and was almost hit by the Tao, but he survived. From then on, the imperial spirit of Dongji Ziyun forged his own soul.

"East pole purple rhyme imperial spirit? You still have this treasure into your body?!"

Liu Yuying's face changed again and said, "it's a pity, it's a pity!"

"What the hell are you?"

Li Hao looked at Liu Yuying and asked with his teeth.


Liu Yuying picked her eyebrows and said, "ha ha, since you are a dying natural saint, you are indeed qualified to know how I exist."

After that, Liu Yuying said, "I am the original heart devil, the existence of all the heart demons of all living beings in the world. Do you think I am all things? Is it eternal?"

"Original heart demon?!"

Li Hao trembled in his heart and said, "you're a great liar in the world! The original mind devil is also called the mind devil of all living beings, which is the general name of any evil thoughts in the hearts of people all over the world. How can you condense consciousness? Since it's the evil thoughts in the hearts of all living beings, how can it condense on sister Yu Ying?!"

"You know a lot, boy!"

Liu Yuying smiled proudly and said: "How can you understand? I came into being. Heaven and earth will change greatly. I am the real owner of the Ruyi building. Liu Yuying is just a flower leader. If Li Jiaqi didn't hurt me with a sword when I was still very weak, how could she build such a huge force and have such loyal subordinates "We can't afford our corporate charm and dense and detailed intelligence network?"

"Heaven and earth will change greatly..."

Li Hao's heart trembled.

"Hey, I just gathered my consciousness and built the Ruyi building more than ten years ago. That day, Liu Yuying came out of the cabinet as the leader of the flower. I don't know how a young disciple of the Taoist school came out. He pulled out his sword in anger and carried a noble and righteous thunder. He directly injured me who was still very young at that time!"

Referring to the past, the primitive demon's face showed a trace of resentment and said with gnashing teeth: "I dissipated at that time, leaving only a wisp of residual thoughts lurking in Liu Yuying's body. Fortunately, I cheated Li Jiaqi and was proud of the opportunity to make a comeback today!!"

"Was it in Shennongjia?"

Li Hao felt that his breathing was becoming more and more difficult, but the natural sage's intelligence worked more and more briskly.

"That's right."

The original demon nodded: "On that day, the poison bird's anger for revenge, the hatred of gluttonous snake on the verge of death, Liu Yuying's sadness at seeing her bitter lover, and Li Jiaqi had to leave her own brother and loved ones. All these negative emotions are the nutrients for my recovery and growth. Coupled with the energy released from the inheritance of Shennong emperor, I finally woke up again!"

After listening to the words of the original heart devil, Li Hao felt bitter. The original heart devil is worthy of the existence condensed from the depths of the people's heart. He knows well the loopholes of human nature and knows how to bear it. Before today's accumulation, Li Hao really didn't find Liu Yuying's abnormality at all!

"Sister! Sister Yuying!"

Li Hao suddenly summoned up all his strength and shouted to Liu Yuying: "I know your consciousness must still be in your body. You have to fight, sister Yuying, you must not give up and be enslaved by the heart demon!"

"Wake up, are you going to kill me?! I'm your brother and Li Jiaqi's brother. Wake up, think about me, think about my brother, and defeat the demons with love!!"

Li Hao mobilized all the thunder Qi Zhenyuan all over his body and rushed frantically towards Liu Yuying!

When the original mind devil said something more than ten years ago, he gave Li Hao a reminder. At that time, Li Jiaqi directly injured the original mind devil at that time by virtue of his natural thunder pulse and the power of divine sword and Taoism, which proves that Lei Qi has a certain ability to restrain the mind devil.

Sure enough, after being impacted by Li Haolei's Qi Zhenyuan, Liu Yuying's delicate body trembled, and her hand pinching Li Hao's neck could not help but loosen a little.

Li Hao seized the opportunity, bounced up his legs, kicked Liu Yuying hard, and took the opportunity to break free.

"You want to die!"

Liu Yuying's body fell to the ground and then suddenly bounced up. With a sharp flash on her face, she turned into a Black Whirlwind and rushed towards Li Hao!

"There is no escape!!"

Li Hao's whole body is tight. Although he is now a real person in the realm of cave and micro, the gap between Zhenyuan's accomplishments is too big to avoid.

Death came again, but at this time, Li Hao only felt a vigorous force suddenly burst out in his body!

"Who hurt my brother?"

The endless killing intention emerged in the room like a sea of corpses. A general wearing the armor of the pre-Qin general appeared in front of Li Hao in the rich blood energy!

Killing God starts in vain.

Come to the world again#### Someone wants to kill God!!

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